A (Somewhat) Short But Sweet Story

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A (Somewhat) Short But Sweet Story

Postby DJlurker » Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:52 am

It's been a while since I wrote anything here... partially because I bleached my underpants and am currently writing a multi-part fan fiction with no erotic or QS elements whatsoever... However, when this idea popped into my head, I just had to get it on paper, figuratively speaking. Thus, I hereby present:

A (Somewhat) Short But Sweet Story
by DJlurker

She walked outside, into the forest, away from the stuffy gala and the stuck-up overly polite (but not really) people within.

Running a hand through her brown ponytail, she takes in a breath of cool night air, not regretting her decision one bit. Dressed in a form fitting, dark blue evening gown with thin shoulder straps and cut to show some slight cleavage from her C-cup size breasts, along with matching full-length opera gloves, she had turned quite a few heads, not all of them desirable- another reason for her to escape outside.

Her pace slowly increases as her blue eyes adjust to the dim moonlight, allowing her to see the path more clearly. Looking up through the the trees, she can see the night sky- perfectly clear, no clouds, the stars and constellations plainly visible alongside a crescent moon.

Unfortunately, taking her attention away from the path in front of her costs her dearly, as her high-heeled foot suddenly sinks into the ground, causing her to stumble and fall to her knees in what appears to be a large mud puddle.

“Oh, eww…” she mutters in disgust as she feels her knees press into the mud. She puts her weight on her knees in order to try and stand up quickly, only for them to press deeper into the mud, which is clearly deeper than first appeared.

She gasps in shock as she feels herself sinking down… immediately calling to mind those old movies where the damsel sinks deep in bottomless quicksand… However, her knees and legs soon hit a solid bottom, the mud swirling around her waist.

She lets her breath out in a rush as her paranoia is proven unfounded… had she been standing, the mud would have only come up to her knees, if that.

“That’s what I get for not paying attention…” she muttered to herself. If she’d been more careful, she could have escaped with only bottom of her dress dirtied, and maybe the loss of her high-heels. As it stood now, though, her gown was a complete write-off.

Her hips push forward as she attempts to stand straight on her knees… but this causes the soft mud to bulge against her groin, which causes a strange sensation to course through her, causing her to drop back into her previous position.

“What the…” She repeats her previous action, and is met with the same result, only slightly more intense… she realizes that her nipples have suddenly grown hard, almost as if she is aroused by her impromptu mud bath.

Surprisingly, as she feels the surface of the mud around her with her gloved hands, she can’t find any stones or twigs, just smooth, wet mud. It presses against her lower body, rubbing against the fabric of her dress, which rubs against her skin, causing a not-too-unpleasant sensation…

“Hmmm…” she ponders. Looking ahead, she can see the moon light reflecting off more mud in front of her, as smooth and moist as the stuff she is currently encased in…

“Oh, what the hell,” she sighs as she begins to push herself forward. Seeing as her dress is already trashed, she figures she might as well take advantage of this shallow mud pit… She pushes her gloved arms in to the elbows as leans down and forward, slowly lowering her bosom towards the mud’s surface…

She feels the moisture first, then the mud itself pressing on her ample bust, causing her to shiver with delight… she can’t help but shift her body from side to side, rubbing her nipples against the mud’s smooth texture…

Realizing her arms are sinking in a bit deep, and not wanting to face-plant in the bog, she begins to straighten up, shifting her lower body forward to provide the leverage necessary to lift her upper body away from the surface of the mire…

But suddenly, her knees can no longer find purchase, instead pressing deeper and deeper into more soft mud…

Another shocked gasp escapes her as she tries to press her feet down instead… the toes of her high-heels briefly catch on something solid, only to slip off into the deeper mud… trying her best not to panic, she shifts her weight backwards, getting her legs and feet back underneath her, which push ever deeper into the sucking bog, hoping against hope she finds bottom…

Which she does.

Surprise and relief course through her as her high-heels press into solid ground. She is now in a standing position with her knees bent, her arms still sunk in past her elbows, her bosom pressing into the mud, just beneath her nipples… Were she to stand straight, her breasts would actually lift free of the bog.

She remains in that position as she draws deep breaths, trying to get her heart rate to calm down… Once that is done, she experimentally tugs at her arms, feeling a gentle, but firm suction on them. Attempting to lift up her feet, on the other hand, cause a much more powerful suction to clamp down on them, only allowing to move them up an inch, at best.

She grunts in frustration as she tries to twist her body back and forth, to try and loosen the mire’s grip… the skirt of her evening gown remains around her legs, due to the unique way she sank in, only bunching up slightly… due to this, she once again feels the silky fabric shifting against her body as the wet muck presses in on her…

She gasps a wave of sensation courses though her whole body, causing her to shiver… it dawns on her that her struggles against the bog have caused her to become sexually aroused, despite the lower temperature of the mud compared to the warm night air… or was that part of the reason she felt so aroused? Regardless, it’s clear she’s not escaping on her own anytime soon…

“Help…” she gasps out. “Someone help, I’m in quicksand…” Unfortunately, she can’t seem to muster enough volume to be heard by anyone within a reasonable distance. She locks her knees straight, pulling her breasts clear, hoping it will give her enough lung capacity to be heard…

“Help!” she calls out again. “I’m stuck in deep mud! It’s sucking me in…” For some reason, hearing herself say that causes another wave of sensation to pulse through her, her knees buckling, her C-cup breasts becoming cradled by the soft goo once more…

“Ugh!” she grunts as her body quivers with pleasure. “This can’t be… happening… I’m getting off… on freaking quicksand!” Her hips buck at this, spiking her arousal higher as a result… trying to regain some control, she pull her arms back towards her, until her elbows are even with her body… she manages to move her right foot forward slightly, to try and stabilize her position…

Her hips thrust forward again, against her will. Getting a positive result, she bucks again, sending ripples through the bog, the mud lapping at her nipples, while sucking at the rest of her submerged body, causing more waves of pleasure to surge through her…

“Oh yes…” she moans. She has completely lost control now, her rational mind drowned out by her intense arousal, as she continues to thrust against the mud, as if she were making love to it. Her hands slowly close, then uncurl, feeling the texture of the muck flowing between and around her gloved fingers… her nipples pressing into the surface, being consumed, then pulling free again… her gown shifting against her bare skin as the mud moves against it, seemingly with a mind of its own…

And yet… it isn’t enough.

Slowly, her right hand begins to move, pushing deeper into the quick-mud… down, down, and further down, until it finds her g-spot between her legs, before beginning to gently rub…

The effect is immediate. “YES!” she gasps, her hips bucking harder, her knees giving out completely, her hard nipples finally being consumed for good… She looks down just in time to see the smooth mud crest the hem of her dress, slowly flowing thickly into her cleavage…

“UUUHHHH!” she moans loudly, as she throws her head back from the sensation of the soft muck sliding against the bare skin of her breasts… As the quick-mud sucks in her bare shoulders, gently massaging them, it proves to be the last straw.

She lets loose with a feral cry as she climaxes, hard, wave after wave after wave of pure, unadulterated ecstasy surging through her, seeing stars in her vision, different from the stars of the night sky, as her eyes are tightly shut…

When the intense sensation finally ebbs away and subsides, she realizes she has sunk to her chin in the moist muck, her head tilted back slightly, her ponytail floating on the surface, coiling around her head to her right. She is once again kneeling on solid ground underneath the surface, but this time much deeper…

“Oh wow…” she sighed, “That was… intense…” She was still slowly undulating and writhing in her entrapment, feeling the cool, wet mud sliming against every inch of her body… Her rational mind attempted to reassert control, screaming at her for being so stupid… but the feel of the quick-mud overrode that logic. In fact, she wanted to feel it even more.

But there was only one way to do that… Taking a deep breath, she tilts her head forward, letting the mud slowly flow between her lips… as expected, it tastes like dirt, but it’s moisture and texture offset her taste buds’ disgust, as she lets her upper lip sink under, her nostrils still just barely clearing the surface…

Her body quakes again with pleasure as she continues to french-kiss the quick-mud… it certainly seems to make a better lover than any of those perverts back at the gala… But even this is not enough for her. There was only one way left to go… down.

She tilts her head back again, spitting the mud out, before taking another deep breath and holding it. She leans her body back, causing her head to slowly be engulfed by the goo… feeling her lips submerge again… her nose… closing her eyes before the mud spills into them, feeling it slide up her forehead and soak into her brown hair… her ponytail is the last to go under, dragged beneath the surface, leaving no trace behind…

She feels a sense of accomplishment at having managed to completely immerse herself in this wonderful, moist, wet mass… Another intense wave of pleasure surging through her, almost as if she is having another orgasm… she moans in delight, slowly writhing in the thick muck’s encasement… She could have gone on like this forever, save one crucial fact:

The human body needs oxygen to survive.

As her lungs begin to burn, her eyes open under the mud as her survival instinct finally kicks in, causing her to push her head back up and out of the quick-mud, feeling it cascade down her face before finally expelling the stale air from her lungs and drawing in fresh oxygen, gasping and coughing slightly.

Once she regains control of her breathing, she slowly lifts her left hand to the surface, shaking the muck off it as best she can before wiping her face off, allowing her to see again. She rests for a minute, before slowly beginning to push up with her legs, her neck and shoulders re-emerging, before pulling one foot, then the other back underneath, before slowly standing straight again, her bosom pulling free, mud flowing out of her cleavage.

She then pulls her right hand away from between her legs, in order to not be tempted again. She rests again, her tired body only remaining upright due to being supported by the thick mire, though her knees give slightly, causing her bust to once again float on the surface, though it no longer arouses her due to fatigue.

After a few more minutes, she straightens up again, pulling her right arm upward and succeeding in extracting it from the mud’s suction. She then begins to half-walk, half-backstroke to where she knows the shallower mud is, her hands eventually finding purchase on the elevated bottom.

Using the natural buoyancy of the quick-mud to her advantage, she lays back, slowly lifting her feet up, though her high heels come off in the process. She slowly pulls herself backward with her arms, until she feels her butt scraping the shallow bottom, pulling herself into a sitting position so she can rest again…

Once she has caught her breath, she pulls herself back a little farther, before turning her self over and half-crawling, half-swimming through the shallow muck, until she finally, finally succeeds in dragging herself back on to dry land.

She remains on her hands and knees, panting hard, but again feeling a sense of triumph in managing to extricate herself from the bog with no outside help. Eventually, she sits up on her knees, half-heartedly wiping whatever mud she can from her dress…

She’ll be quite a sight when she gets back to the gala. She can already predict the crowd’s reaction… feigning mock sympathy while inwardly calling her an idiot… the women putting their hands over their mouths in feigned shock, while the men look over her (read: ogle her) in order to ‘make sure she is okay’. Despite this, only one thought crosses her mind:

“Totally worth it,” she whispers to herself, a small grin on her face.


Comments are always welcome! :)
Last edited by DJlurker on Mon May 01, 2017 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A (Somewhat) Short But Sweet Story

Postby Stephymink » Wed Aug 10, 2016 4:00 am

"Totally worth it."

Yes, it was. Thank you for writing this!

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Re: A (Somewhat) Short But Sweet Story

Postby PM2K » Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:41 am

Pretty cool! :D

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Re: A (Somewhat) Short But Sweet Story

Postby quagmire_uk » Thu Sep 01, 2016 3:07 am

I hugely enjoyed that! Very well done.

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Re: A (Somewhat) Short But Sweet Story

Postby DJlurker » Sun Sep 04, 2016 2:22 am

Thanks for the compliments. I came up with this story literally while I was sitting on the toilet at work. (Just so we're clear, I was using said toilet for its proper intended function. :? ) It's basically my fave QS fantasy in its simplest, purest form.
Also, while the lady in the story goes unnamed, my personal head-canon is that her name is Heather, and that she's a direct descendant of Thomas and Rachel from 'The Duchess and The Peasant'. Which also explains why she was invited to the gala in the first place- she has noble blood, both literally (Rachel) and figuratively (Thomas). ;)

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