Confined Disposal Facilities

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Re: Confined Disposal Facilities

Postby Slugjaba1922 » Fri Jul 28, 2023 6:32 pm

Drum Island is one that I'm probably gonna check out next month. You need a boat. You definitely can't swim to it. But in the center of the island from google maps it looks promising and someone on reddit said they suck waist deep and had to quote "belly crawl out of it" and said that it was the "muddy area". It wasn't their cup of tea. Apparently on the shores of the island you can find shark teeth too. It's a dredged area that the army core of engineers splattered a bunch of goop from the river.
I might as well see if it exist before it turns into a salt marsh like with what their planning now. For years though it's been like that for like 30+ years.

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Re: Confined Disposal Facilities

Postby goo_lagoon » Sun Jul 30, 2023 6:27 am

Slugjaba1922 wrote:Drum Island is one that I'm probably gonna check out next month. You need a boat. You definitely can't swim to it. But in the center of the island from google maps it looks promising and someone on reddit said they suck waist deep and had to quote "belly crawl out of it" and said that it was the "muddy area". It wasn't their cup of tea. Apparently on the shores of the island you can find shark teeth too. It's a dredged area that the army core of engineers splattered a bunch of goop from the river.
I might as well see if it exist before it turns into a salt marsh like with what their planning now. For years though it's been like that for like 30+ years.

Wow that place is huge! It looks about as big as another massive one I posted on the map near Pennsville NJ. I’d be a little worried about the highway being there as people passing by have a clear view of you! I tried to explore the Pennsville NJ one about 2 years ago but there were workers and vehicles driving around and I almost got caught! It seems like the massive ones always have workers there doing something every day

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Re: Confined Disposal Facilities

Postby Bird320 » Mon Jul 31, 2023 4:30 pm

CreamyClayK wrote:how do you find CDF like this? whenever i search them up all i find is junkyards and garbage dumps

You have to look on the aerial/satellite maps (like google maps etc) they stick out like a sore thumb. At least the ones on large bodies of water do.

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Re: Confined Disposal Facilities

Postby Sinkman61 » Fri Sep 01, 2023 7:39 am

I wouldn’t worry about trespassing unless there’s signs posted saying as much. Otherwise you’re probably going to be just fine. The worst they’re probably going to do is tell you is to keep out. TRESPASSING SIGNS are generally required to keep people out. I would most definitely be spending time in there. Good grief…you could set up a tollbooth and charge an entry fee for that place. But if there’s a ferry terminal nearby, doesn’t that also mean that there’s water? That place looks AMAZING.

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Re: Confined Disposal Facilities

Postby Sinkman61 » Tue Sep 05, 2023 12:05 pm

I had no idea that these places existed until reading these posts. It certainly makes sense. They’ve got to dump to dredging material somewhere. So after an internet search of such places near me, sure enough, I found…not one, but two…within just a couple of miles of my house, on the Intercoastal waterway. Incidentally, the backside of my neighborhood sits along the eastern shore of the Intercoastal waterway, just a few blocks from ocean. There’s a boat ramp a quarter mile south of the entrance where I can launch my jet ski. I had hoped to go and explore the area over the three day weekend, but inadvertently, I think all I managed to do was to terminate my sinking activities until next year.

I took my jet ski out on Friday afternoon to go and explore for more sinking spots that would be closer to my home (yes, I found one that I can easily walk to from my house, although I’ve been there before, just not in this particular spot. Anyhow, I went to cross over the waterway to the western side when I found myself running hard aground in the middle of the waterway. On a jet ski. And it’s not as if I draw feet of depth, as it draw’s about 6 -9 inches when just putting along, and about an inch when on plane. I was just putting along. So I waved the first boat I saw down to get pulled off the sandbar. Despite his 150 hp outboard, he was having a really tough time pulling my ski off. So I got behind and started pushing as well. But despite my pushing and his pulling, the jet ski was hell bent on staying put. So I pushed harder. MUCH HARDER. The jet ski barely started to move, when “KAPOW!!!”, there was a loud crack, or POP, followed by intense searing pain, as my right elbow completely let loose as if to say “I’m done. You’re pushing has surpassed my maximum limits.” Despite the pain, I tried to hide it from the occupants of the helping boat so they wouldn’t just leave my jet ski sitting in the middle of the Intercoastal (as the tide would have come back up, refloated it, and the currents would have carried it away to who knows where, and it’s going to take a lot more than a busted up elbow to abandon my jet ski. Anyhow, he tugged on the jet ski a few more times, going in different directions trying to shake it free from the sandbar. And he succeeded. As I was thanking him, he took noticed that I was holding my right arm up against my chest, because he immediately inquired as to what had happened. He immediately responded with “get to the emergency room.” So off I went, back to the boat ramp, loading it back on my trailer, and getting it back into my garage. After a shower I debated if I should go to the emergency room or not. So as usual, I decided to hold off as long as possible, as it might not actually be necessary. And I managed to hold out until about 1 in the morning, when it became too much to deal with. Long story short, it’s not broken. But something most definitely popped in the joint. So more films are going to have to be taken this week. My gut tells me that either the cartridge or a tendon is torn.

So sinking season for me has been cut back, way short. I have no plans to go sinking (especially as deep as I typically sink down to) with only one functional arm to aid in my escape. My escapes often require me to dig myself back out, as it usually takes a lot of effort just to get my chin back above the surface. I typically sink down until the mud surrounds my head with my head being tilted back so I can still breathe…barely. I don’t sink any deeper for the simple fear that getting back to the surface might prove to be impossible. One armed escapes just aren’t going to be fast enough to escape the incoming tide.

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Re: Confined Disposal Facilities

Postby Boggy Man » Wed Sep 06, 2023 6:27 am

I am really sorry to hear about your injury, Sinkman61. :( I understand the frustration that results from something like that. It is like having the rug being pulled out from under you, like being restrained by your own body, held back from doing what you love to do! :x I have had numerous injuries over the years that have either halted my adventures for the season, forced me to skip an entire season, put the outings on hold for much of a season, or just slowed down the rate of my outings. Foot injuries, knee pain (fibular head pain is the worse for cycling to and from the area), hip pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, abdominal muscle pain, elbow pain (tennis and golfer's elbow) are most of the injuries I have had over the years, which periodically come back to haunt me again and again. :(

I wish you the best in recovery, and hope that you will be fully functional for next season!
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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