Caught by parents - really embarrassed

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Black Clay Lord
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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby Black Clay Lord » Wed Jul 24, 2019 3:45 am

I can barely opening the fact up to my own parents. I've HINTED it, but never full-blown said anything beyond hoping and such.
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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby Thearbiter2 » Thu Jul 25, 2019 9:36 pm

My parents found out after going through my first computers browser history about 10 years ago and then my dad asked me about it in front of my cousins while we were re shingling my aunts roof.

Dad: So boy anything you'd like to tell us about this website you've been visiting called "Muddy women"?
Me: I wonder if a one story fall is enough to kill me.

It was awkward as hell and he still brings it up everytime anything on tv has a woman and mud involved and it HASN'T GOTTEN OLD AT ALL! lol
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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby lonesinker » Fri Jul 26, 2019 5:30 pm

Hmmmm…that's something I was always careful about. I never did any major sinks when I was a lot younger but did think about them,although I would walk into the woods,thru mud and such,I was always careful to wash up after. My parents were never curious about my alone time as I wasn't about too concerned about what they did :lol:

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby mud_dreamer » Sat Jul 27, 2019 3:06 am

I have often wondered if my parents knew that I was playing in the mud after dark.

I am not sure how old I was at the time, maybe 10. I lived near a lot of housing construction and the ground there was mainly clay. There were piles of clay everywhere and holes filled with mud and water. On the weekend when no workers were around, the neighbor kids all played at these places. We had mudball fights that lasted for hours.

I frequently went to the construction sites after everyone in my family went to bed. I would find muddy areas and sink to my knees until I could not move. I liked how it felt. I must have had a bondage kink too because I would also lock myself in chains behind a boat kept in our garage.

Anyway, I used to come home very muddy. I would run the outside water hose on the side of the house to clean off the mud off my legs and feet. I still cannot imagine how my father would not have heard the water meter running in the basement and not get up to check.

Something tells me that my dad had probably followed me out there at least once to check on me. He probably decided that what I was doing was nothing to worry about. Who knows, maybe he did it too when he was a kid.

My dad was in the Army and I am sure that he could conceal his presence without me having the slightest idea. He might not have told my mother. She would be more concerned that I would get caught by the cops.

With your parents, the best response is to tell the truth. Just say that you enjoy playing in the mud. If they ask why? Just say that you don't know. I doubt that they will take it any further.

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby Solrex » Mon Aug 12, 2019 4:00 am

I remember one time I got caught by some other kids who asked if I had a mud fetish. I said no, because deep down, I have a quicksand fetish but, not a mud fetish, and it was irritating that they mistook it for that. I never said I had a quicksand fetish, just denied having a mud one.

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby ImpracticalFetish » Wed Aug 14, 2019 1:51 am

The main reason i don't want people/parents/relatives to find out about my fetish is that they will misinterpret it because quicksand is so embedded in human culture as a mythical-dangeous-man-swallowing-non-escapable death trap.
Just the other week i met a furry girl whom i opened up my fetish for and she was very anxious that i was going alone and mud dipping. Allthough i reassured her that i can escape in less than 5 -10seconds from being neck deep in a bog mud hole with a little wiggle technique and a pole.
Her safety wishes is appreciated but she was dead akin that i should NEVER go alone.

I respect quicksand/mud and i would never get myself into a situationen where i can't escape(if that is even possible, non escapable bog mud feels like a myth for me).
I got almost irritated because i view myself as a professional in my fetish and i am experienced.

I mean most bdsm people you meet(she was into that) will have a understanding of quicksand fetish. But many people are still deadly scared of the mythical quicksand/man swallowing bog.

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby maria » Wed Aug 14, 2019 7:02 am

I was asked many times by my mother why I was covered in mud when I arrived home late in my early to mid teens. I then worked out that having a change of clothes was a good idea!

I was caught stuck to my thighs in rubber hip waders twice, but at different places. The first time, in front of a middle-aged woman wearing hunter wellies and jodhpurs, I think I blushed my way out of the situation - I was trying to secretly sink on her large property, but her hunting dog literally sniffed me out and pointed to me - I couldn't believe it, specially when I actually couldn't get out of the mud because it was so thick.

I ended up flooding the waders and sank deeper in my panic as I watched her walk away after she told me to leave her property! She'll never know what a good sight her backside was in her jodhpurs though :D

The second time I was better equipped with an excuse and carried a camera around my neck. A guy came out of nowhere and stood at the edge of the nearly dried up pond I was mired in to the rims of my waders. After being asked what I was doing trespassing, I said I was trying to take photos of ducks. I think it partially worked.

There have been many close calls as well, but I've managed to stayed undetected on those occasions. One was only a couple of yards away and I'd sunk chest deep, again wearing rubber waders. It was nearly dark and I had got pretty stuck and the mud was making all sorts of gloopy noises as I was trying to get myself out, when a young lady walked by on the nearby track. She must have heard the mud noises and stopped and looked into the bushes which were concealing me. She was wearing wellies and a nice summery dress and made a step towards me to get closer, but her boot sank in the mud to her calf and then she backed away (with a bit of difficulty). Her boot let out the biggest slurp, which was loud enough to cover up the sound of my heartbeat!!

It took me ages to get out and my waders ended up filling with mud, but when I finally crawled out and into the open, with the intention of crossing the path to a river to clean up, I saw the same lady walking back towards me on the track. It was a bit darker now and I think she didn't see me running and stumbling towards my car to escape being seen! The car was absolutely filthy inside afterwards, and then I had the whole drama of trying to get into the house unseen. :oops:

And then there's the more recent one when I was hovered over by a helicopter ... there was only me and the quickmud I'd accidentally fallen victim to ... but that's another story!

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby lonesinker » Wed Aug 14, 2019 5:37 pm those are quite the encounters you have had being discovered. I agree the thought of seeing a woman in tight jodhpurs would be a lovely sight,but I can,t believe that she would just walk away leaving you stranded there in the mud. I am sure most people would have wondered about what you were up to but would have at least offered to help you out of that mess even if you were on their property, I mean she doesn't know that you could have been lost or something :roll: . I do love the idea where a woman in sexy jodhpurs would find me in a stuck situation like that, and she offered to help and maybe fell in :lol: sounds great to me

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby maria » Thu Aug 15, 2019 7:57 am

lonesinker those are quite the encounters you have had being discovered. I agree the thought of seeing a woman in tight jodhpurs would be a lovely sight,but I can,t believe that she would just walk away leaving you stranded there in the mud. I am sure most people would have wondered about what you were up to but would have at least offered to help you out of that mess even if you were on their property, I mean she doesn't know that you could have been lost or something :roll: . I do love the idea where a woman in sexy jodhpurs would find me in a stuck situation like that, and she offered to help and maybe fell in :lol: sounds great to me

At the time I was just discovering the thrill of sinking and was quite naïve. I didn't know why I liked it, but I did like it to the point where I would go exploring" looking for places to get into muddy trouble!. On this day, I'd just found a new spot and could kind of say I was taking a shortcut back from fishing - that's why I was wearing waders.

There I was happily pumping my boots up and down and getting to the stage where I was thigh deep and only an inch of wader was above the mud. I was oblivious to what was going on and was in my own world and getting deeper into it too! Then I heard a dog panting close by and sure enough it was a pointer - one of those hunting retrieving dogs. It stood there right in front of me wagging its tale. And then I heard the owner walking through the woods in my direction. The leaves and sticks were crunching and I just froze - me and the dog. I was desperately hoping not to be seen, but then it happened.

The woman, maybe 40 years old or so, appeared through the undergrowth and saw me. I was speechless and stuck. She stood in front of me with her hands on her hips and asked what I was doing on her property ... that's when I bumbled out the fishing shortcut story, even though I didn't even have a fishing rod with me. She obviously didn't believe me, and then told me not to trespass again, but to call in at the house and ask permission. I nervously said okay and she simply turned around and walked away with her head up and if to say without words, that'll teach you!. By this time I was trembling with fear (of what I don't know), but in my struggle to get out I kept sinking and got muddier and muddier!

I will never know what the woman thought when she saw me stuck thigh deep in mud, but a month or so later I did call in at the house and met her husband and asked if I could go exploring for rabbits on their property. He gave me permission, and I never saw the woman again.

The joys of sinking :oops:

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby bogbud » Fri Aug 16, 2019 7:01 pm

maria wrote:
And then there's the more recent one when I was hovered over by a helicopter ... there was only me and the quickmud I'd accidentally fallen victim to ... but that's another story!

I hope we get to hear that story too some time in the future... :D

Myself: Have never been caught so far. Sometimes i did notice hikers or dogwalkers or some farmer and the like walking along the path at the edge of my mud-bog but there is a fence and a very muddy ditch to be crossed before they could reach the area, so no problems so far. I'm more concerned of being caught by wild-boars :lol: :oops:
I'm already chindeep in this mudbog and every desperate attempt to move my stuck legs only drives me deeper in. The thick mud slowly swamps my waders and my arms have nothing to hold onto.
I'm feeling home.

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