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Re: Quicksand Interest

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 12:39 am
by Fred588
redjak6t4 wrote:
Fred588 wrote:
You have done a fair job of describing what the psychologists call Pavlovian association. You even used the word "association."

Hey Fred,

Perhaps I was overthinking the matter or maybe I was too close to the problem to see the bigger picture. Anyway, on the back of what you said, I went here. ... oning.html

Applying what's described, it would seem that when I was young my UCS (unconditioned stimulus) was the nude girl and my UCR (unconditioned response) was the resulting erection. So far, so good. But then seeing Lois Nettleton made me attach the NS (neutral stimulus) of quicksand to my UCS and from then on I associated sexual arousal with quicksand. That seems to fit. Quicksand on it's own is neutral and has no sexual or erotic significance, but thanks to those two events, I've associated it with sex. Thank you for the insight.

The next question that pops into my mind is this. Given that this seems to be how I became a quicksand fetishist, does the same process apply to other people, here in this forum? If they could recall and identify the similar events from their sexually formative years, then perhaps so.

Anyone else?


I am not an expert on psychology (although I did frequently have lunch with some who were) so don't assume what I said was definitive.

Re: Quicksand Interest

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 1:57 am
by QuickUser
I'm not sure of myself but I think I was 8 on YT looking for whatever. But I found shitty pleasure about playing in deep mud. Hopefully one day I can go out and submerge.

Re: Quicksand Interest

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 8:29 pm
by 06_Sonic
I am so confused why this interests me too! Maybe it's the noises and atmosphere? Or it could be the sudden escape from reality we've always been wanting... ;)

Re: Quicksand Interest

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 11:05 pm
by Bill
I also get those feelings when I watch Quicksand videos, which is why I'm still trying to find any women weather she lives in Ontario or not to help me make my videos

Re: Quicksand Interest

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 7:06 am
by Theo
I was thinking about starting a topic like this myself. Like everyone else, I also often think to myself, why? Why have I always been so fascinated by women in mud and quicksand? But for that matter, why am I so interested in other off topic things that interest me? So often it seems I’m more inclined to like unusual and weird things.

Some things I can only attribute to being a childhood fascination that I simply never grew out of. Like most kids, I liked playing in the mud, and I was always curious about quicksand from watching cartoons and movies. I remember even before my teens, seeing the quicksand scenes in Bare Essentials and Merlin and being unexplainably fascinated by it. I think I used to think it was somehow alive, and pulling people into the ground uncontrollably (still a tantalizing thought). But when I asked my Dad about it, he explained, “it’s just gravity” or something like that :lol:

Of course, as others have said, there was nothing sexual about it at first. It wasn’t until I was maybe 14-ish, and happened to be scrolling through the movies channels by myself and saw a nude scene that I first felt “something.” I was quite naïve at the time (probably still in some ways) so I didn’t really understand what I was feeling. All I was knew was I enjoyed the sight of a naked women, particularly in the chest area. About six months later, I finally garnered the courage to sneak out one night and turn on HBO and “Skinamax” to see what more I could find, and of course, it didn’t take long to find something.

I don’t quite remember where or when it was after that, maybe I saw the mud scene on HBO’s Real Sex or something else with messy naked women, but at some point, I started fantasizing about naked women covered in mud, and shortly after that, sinking in quicksand. But lacking internet access until my late teens, as with others, I thought I was pretty weird for thinking about such things.

When we eventually got internet access, I soon started searching YouTube, and it wasn’t long before I found videos with woman sinking and drowning in quicksand. Again, in my naïve, dumb teenager mind that had little to no experience with the internet I was like, “wait, did they actually just die... like for real?” I was taken aback at first, but still, I kept looking around, and when I started seeing the same actress’s appearing in multiple submersion videos and found sites like MPV, Studio588 and QSF, I finally realized I wasn’t alone, and it was all just fictional characters acting out fantasies.

Even after that, I went through several phases of on/off interest in mud and quicksand. But I my strange fetish just kept coming back stronger than ever, and continued to evolve over time, until I finally to started writing stories and joined QSF, and it’s been a blast ever since. I just wish I would’ve signed up years ago.

I tend to think the vast majority of people have some sort of sexual fantasy/fetish whether they would admit it or not, even if it’s just something as simple as getting it on with some celebrity or whatever. I’ve also heard that sexual arousal is mostly in the mind, and can be stimulated by just about anything, which might explain the story I once heard about a woman who’s attracted to a building :?

So as far as why am I so fascinated by mud and quicksand—it’s still hard for me to really understand. All I know for sure, is that I like it. I know some are mainly interested in either the pleasure or the peril—a naughty woman willingly sinking and pleasuring herself in quicksand, or the hapless damsel in distress that was fortunate to be rescued, or perhaps find a way to escape on her own, or sometimes, never escape at all. Some just like the playful covered and sometimes stuck in mud genre. Some just like to sink themselves, while others just like to watch others sink. But for me, I’d say it’s all of the above :)

Asking help from A MODEL

Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 9:25 pm
by Bill
HI my name is Richard & I’m looking to hire a model from studio 588 or has worked for other Quicksand video making companies that us this sight to star in some videos that I’m making between the days of July 23rd to August 5th. We would do these videos at a professional studio that you may or may not have been to before or have heard of. If your interested your welcome to reach me at I hope you’ll consider reaching out so we can discuss on what you would charge for a days shoot & If you’d expect me to cover other charges like for travel, sleeping arrangements & food. I hope to hear from you soon & have a good day, Richard.

Re: Asking help from A MODEL

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 8:20 pm
by cabeca
Bill wrote:HI my name is Richard & I’m looking to hire a model from studio 588 or has worked for other Quicksand video making companies that us this sight to star in some videos that I’m making between the days of July 23rd to August 5th. We would do these videos at a professional studio that you may or may not have been to before or have heard of. If your interested your welcome to reach me at I hope you’ll consider reaching out so we can discuss on what you would charge for a days shoot & If you’d expect me to cover other charges like for travel, sleeping arrangements & food. I hope to hear from you soon & have a good day, Richard.


Hire Summer! IG @iphelium
She does quicksand videos easily! She is incredible!