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Re: Favorite Scene and Why

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:40 am
by quicksand vincent
i taped that scene from bare essentials too ... years ago . anyone remember barbara eden swimming in quicksand on her series HARPER VALLEY PTA and
the car sink scene in the movie GUNS OF DARKNESS .

Re: Favorite Scene and Why

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 7:29 pm
by jack c
The Bare Essential scene missed my list because it was too short, although I agree it is one of the sexiest scenes ever filmed. Lisa Hartman in the shirt was pretty hot. I have the Barbara Eden scene on VHS - perhaps the most beautiful actress ever to do a sinking scene - too bad it was so comical and not melodramatic - I kept wishing she could have donned her Jeannie costume and then plunge in! " Help me, Master (Major Nelson)."

Re: Favorite Scene and Why

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:16 am
by Tim Kelly
It's goota be Imogen Hassall in "When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth": cavegirl, fur bikini, screaming, the works! Gives me a boner every time. It's on YouTube as "Quicksand 14" posted by "Jaspersquid".