Sank over the weekend.

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Sank over the weekend.

Postby maps » Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:36 am

I finally got another chance to go down to the hills of eastern MO. While wade fishing at ST. Joe st. park, I snagged. IT was a favortie lure, so I walked over to get it. About 3 feet away from the snag, I was at my Ankles in water, with a tad bit of mud.

But the next step, I sank a bit, I put my other leg in, and sank up to my chest in mud, with the tad bit of water! It was crazy as hell, I easily was able to get out, and get the snag. But for some reason I wanted to do that again, and try deeper. I walked back over, went through the first hole, and my next step i only went to my knees in mud, but when I tried to ppull out, the harder mud below broke. I was back to where I was before. I kept kicking my feet to go deeper, I got to my ears with the water, and neck in mud. It was freaking amazing.

I then found a tree, and kinda hopped off of it into the deeper mud, briefly I went under. I played there for an hour and a half. Then My luck turned, when I went to go to the showers, the mens one was closed, I couldnt leave in my care looking like this, so, I might have used the womens showers.
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Re: Sank over the weekend.

Postby nachtjaeger » Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:53 am

Awesome! And you had the perfect excuse- everybody thinks fishermen are crazy, so going into the mud after a favorite lure seems perfectly reasonable.

Sounds like a great spot! Wish I'd been there.
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Re: Sank over the weekend.

Postby maps » Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:39 am

Then after dealing with the whole shower thing, at another spot, I noticed the mud looked good, so I gave it a shot, this time was only chest deep, and a bit colder. When I got done, I washed down in the river, to the best I could, and went and asked the campsite attendant where the showers here are.(This being a completely different place.) Due to my rather long here, she took me again to a women's shower house, which, I used again. So, thoughout the rest of my fishing tour, when I need a shower or rest room, I just used the women's
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Re: Sank over the weekend.

Postby Nessie » Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:17 am

Awww, man, you found a nice sinking spot by accident! Jealousy.

Accidental quicksand only happened to me once and it wasn't in a place where I could enjoy it. So I had to get out of it right away and leave. You lucky guy.

But those people who run that place you're at need to do better at keeping the men's facilities open. I wonder what's up with that! At least you ARE getting to use the shower, but it must be kind of awkward.


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Re: Sank over the weekend.

Postby maps » Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:16 pm

It was a bit awkward, because after I was all done, and dressed, a group of women walked in. At least I was a long way from home, so nobody recgonized me. It was extreamely crazy though, because they wouldnt let me leave for a few minutes until I explained why I was there. I really want to go sink there again though
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