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Ha...check this

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:56 am
by qs_sinker
Okay, so goofing off, surfing YouTube...and found thsi rando video. When you hit the 9 second spot in the intro...take a look at the grid. Right side, middle row. I don't recall the individuals handle, but he used to be quite a posting regular on the old forums.

Re: Ha...check this

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 7:45 am
by Boggy Man
That would be me! 8-) I am still active here, with my adventures and videos threads, with lots of photos and videos. 8-) I also have some separate standalone adventure posts that pre-date the beginning of my adventures thread, but some photos are missing. I also have some standalone posts of sinking that pre-date my videos thread, but while there may be pictures, the videos linked to in those old standalone posts went down with the website Megaupload (I now use YouTube).