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Contributor Rewards? Kudos?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 5:44 pm
by Jinn
Is this forum going to be implementing a kudo and/or title-ranking-points system or anything of the sorts?

Re: Contributor Rewards? Kudos?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 7:18 pm
by mudxdresser
Before implementing such, I suggest consideration of the possibility that kudo systems, at least on Deep Sinking, tended to encourage a lot of meaningless affirmational chatter that added little to content and created competition for kudos, again, taking away from content. But then, my personal bias is mud content over popularity contest content...

Not a big deal one way or the other, just something worth thinking about...

Re: Contributor Rewards? Kudos?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 7:58 pm
by Duncan Edwards
I don't think we're going to do anything like that here. Mudxdresser is right about some of it and there are other reasons as well. I'd like to think that if you see something that really works for you just say so. If you don't want to that's fine but don't be surprised if the stuff you like stops appearing. While a simple "good job" or whatever is always appreciated it would be even better to get some substantial feedback. Kudos was a cool idea but it struck me as a little too...I don't know...competitive, for lack of a better word. Possibly time will teach us otherwise but for now, no. 8-)

Re: Contributor Rewards? Kudos?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 8:09 pm
by Nessie
I give a thumbs-down rating to the idea of ratings. A big one.

I find the idea of my personal mud stuff being "rated" if I post it here to be uncomfortable. On YouTube, I disabled that option right away...both times I opened a channel.

Kudos were kinda nice, although there were times when yes, the drive to accumulate kudos did get silly.

Kudos are a bit like preprinted greeting cards...they are nice when you can't think of something to say otherwise, or for the gazillionth time, you're saying the same thing.

But I still don't think they're as good as giving the positive feedback in your own words.


Re: Contributor Rewards? Kudos?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 8:12 pm
by Fred588
I rather liked the kudoes system, although I also agree that it did encourage some foolishness.

Re: Contributor Rewards? Kudos?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 10:24 pm
by Robert
mudxdresser wrote:Before implementing such, I suggest consideration of the possibility that kudo systems, at least on Deep Sinking, tended to encourage a lot of meaningless affirmational chatter that added little to content and created competition for kudos, again, taking away from content. But then, my personal bias is mud content over popularity contest content...

Not a big deal one way or the other, just something worth thinking about...

I agree with Mudxdresser, Nessie, and Duncan.. many times I saw the post "I would give kudos if I had any to give" when they just gave out all five at once to another contribution. I think if the contribution pushes a button for you or you just plain like it, a quick post saying so is enough.

Re: Contributor Rewards? Kudos?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 10:27 pm
by Aiko
I like giving kudos and I think it would be nice to one day have something similar here. With kudos you can get a feel on how popular contributions are, which is harder to tell with individual comments. So, to me such a rating system is a nice-to-have feature. I'll manage without it though. ;)

Re: Contributor Rewards? Kudos?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 12:22 am
by UberGaijin
mudxdresser wrote:I suggest consideration of the possibility that kudo systems, at least on Deep Sinking, tended to encourage a lot of meaningless affirmational chatter that added little to content

I concur.

Re: Contributor Rewards? Kudos?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 2:23 am
by jack c
I agree with the general comments preceding. Kudos was a nice idea = positive feedback. I think a better way is as has been suggested, a personal note to the poster. This is a forum; a complete message is the most positive form of feedback. And, indeed, if someone has positive suggestions or even a respectful disagreement, posting a message is the best way to convey it.

Re: Contributor Rewards? Kudos?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 5:38 am
by RonRico
Thanks, that was cool > anonymous kudos. It was nice to get kudos but I won't miss them too much. Most of the other boards I visit don't have them. A quick note tells me not only that you liked my post, but who liked my post. I prefer it that way. :)
