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Are We Doomed To Extinction?

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 9:36 pm
by Mynock
Note: Thread inspired by a conversation I observed in another thread).

I feel like there's been a slow but steady drop off in general community participation going on for a while. Some regulars who I remember from all the way back in the DS days have just disappeared. Others, even more sadly, have passed on (RIP Kham and PM2K. :( ).

I was 16 when I started out posting on the old DS site (sorry not sorry) and the big names there were roughly middle aged. Now here I sit about to hit the big 4-0 myself, those big names are ready to ride off into the sunset, and there doesn't seem to be as many new guys stepping up to replace them (this is not a bash at said new guys, the content quality in this community has increased tremendously over the course of my time here and continues to do so).

The "golden age" of quicksand scenes in movies came and went. In mass media it's now a nearly dead art form (say sorry). It's my understanding that most of our community members were inspired / triggered by scenes we saw or read in movies, comics, books, etc.

Without that mass media to spawn new interest, are we destined for extinction? :?

Re: Are We Doomed To Extinction?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 4:56 am
by SinkerCutie
No, we are not.

Re: Are We Doomed To Extinction?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 8:40 am
by Aiko
The community has changed over the years, sure. Members come and go all the time. But I don't see us anywhere near extinction.

I also doubt that we depend on the media to spark our (or rather potential future member's) interest in quicksand. If sinking turns you on, sooner or later you will find your way here. 8-)

Re: Are We Doomed To Extinction?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 10:42 am
by Raptor90
If anything I feel that forums are becoming less of a common way of communication.

Re: Are We Doomed To Extinction?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 5:22 pm
by bogbud
Raptor90 wrote:If anything I feel that forums are becoming less of a common way of communication.

I'm with you here! A forum is a relic from the 90ies.

Still i don't see much sinking or even muddy activity on Twitter, Instagram or TikTok. It gets probably blocked very soon anyway.
At least there is a lot of boot-content there (i have seen boot-forums and lots of yahoo-groups die, too)

Re: Are We Doomed To Extinction?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 7:00 pm
by Black Clay Lord
I believe extinction is too strong a word.

Re: Are We Doomed To Extinction?

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 3:24 am
by cj125
bogbud wrote:
Still i don't see much sinking or even muddy activity on Twitter, Instagram or TikTok.

On the contrary, there’s actually a pretty decent amount all things considered. Especially Twitter. You definitely have to put in some effort to find pages to follow but especially for the next generation of content creators, that’s where they are coming together.

@ssxxxs4 on Twitter, and of course our own Jumpoff Joe are all pretty actively putting out new videos and advertising it on twitter. Many of the models are active on twitter as well. Tons of QS artist new and old are all over twitter and it’s very easy to fall down a rabbit hole thanks to retweets and discover treasure troves of new artists each with their own backlogs.

Of course tons of people (mostly men) are following in Boggy Man’s footsteps and uploading their own full length sinking escapades straight to YouTube. There’s a bit of digging involved but they can be found and there is a sizable amount of them.

As far as casual conversation and image sharing /r/quicksand and /r/sinking sweeties on Reddit are great places for that. /r/wetandmessy also has some related content and is fairly active.

I don’t think the fetish is going anywhere anytime soon but the fact of the matter is specialized forums aren’t really a thing anymore now that the internet has been around for a while and social media has figured out what it wants to be. I still visit this forum near daily but old users may not have the time to be as active as they once were and new users are going to have a harder time finding this place because it’s going to show up lower and lower in the search results.

People don’t really search for websites anymore. They search for images, videos, storefronts, user profiles, all of which have their own established websites that are going to take traffic away from a smaller community like this.

Unfortunately, technology moves ever forward and you cannot stop it’s evolution once the majority have latched onto an idea and decided that’s how it is now. The fetish we love here will always be present in some way shape or form as long as quicksand and deep mud exist, but unfortunately this forum by its very nature will not.

I love it here and I really hate to say it but it is dated and people have gone elsewhere.

Re: Are We Doomed To Extinction?

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 4:33 am
by Moderator
The post above was edited to remove references to a pirate (with attitude) turned producer.

Re: Are We Doomed To Extinction?

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 4:49 am
by dlodoski
cj125 wrote: ....The fetish we love here will always be present in some way shape or form as long as quicksand and deep mud exist, but unfortunately this forum by its very nature will not.

I love it here and I really hate to say it but it is dated and people have gone elsewhere.

Ummm, people are still here. Obviously.

This forum will cease to exist someday, but not because of it's nature. For the foreseeable future, I will continue to pay the bills. And QSF will still be my preferred way to communicate with my customers. Control of the hosting account and the forum system itself is shared. So it will be up to others to keep it going once I'm dead. I don't think I'll be terribly concerned about it at that point. ;)

The topic of production is too nuanced to discuss in general terms - except to say that it is obviously in a state of decline, which was always to be expected. My own wiring allows me to enjoy older, undiscovered and/or re-discovered content (and not just quicksand/mud). So while I understand why some folks just throw up their hands when things go into decline, I head back to the buffet. 8-)

Re: Are We Doomed To Extinction?

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:01 am
by bogbud
cj125 wrote:
@ssxxxs4 on Twitter, and of course our own Jumpoff Joe are all pretty actively putting out new videos and advertising it on twitter. Many of the models are active on twitter as well. Tons of QS artist new and old are all over twitter and it’s very easy to fall down a rabbit hole thanks to retweets and discover treasure troves of new artists each with their own backlogs.


As far as casual conversation and image sharing /r/quicksand and /r/sinking sweeties on Reddit are great places for that. /r/wetandmessy also has some related content and is fairly active.

Thanks for these two hints. Will check out.

Youtube is off for me. Almost all content that vaguely could be fetish becomes "adult content" immediately and i will never give them my credit-card-number or upload my ID-Card to them. Workarounds exist (like downloaders) but i'm too lazy to do that all the time.