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We got mentioned on The Chase UK!

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 12:03 pm
by Kipcicles2
I was watching The Chase on Wednesday evening (UK) eating KFC. A question with one very familiar answer popped up:

"Enthusiasts of what natural phenomena are known as 'Sinkers'?"

A. Whirlpools
B. Quicksand
C. Sinkholes

The contestant answered wrong, she went with 'whirlpools'. During the 30-40 seconds of this question appearing on-screen, was about the most awkward moment of my entire life. You see, my parents know about my fetish and therefore the biggest awkward silence ensued, and just one look in my mothers direction sent daggers through my skull-

Yeah, that's about all I had to say. It's quite interesting to get a mention on UK television, hehe.

Re: We got mentioned on The Chase UK!

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 11:04 pm
by Bill
That sounds rough I felt almost the same way when my parents found out about my Quicksand fetish

Re: We got mentioned on The Chase UK!

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 6:52 pm
by TheSacredCow
Oh boy that's rough, enough to put you off your gravy! Or at least enough to make you want to jump into it! UK here too. My parents never found out when I still lived at home thankfully, (they never will) but my other half would have spent the evening winding me up about it! (Could be much worse for some fellas).

My Mrs also always takes great pleasure in winding me up whenever there's a great Hosiery/Tights scene on a film or TV. I see it, and I know what's coming. A quick glance to my right and there's a big grin smiling back at me followed by a witty remark. Again, not a bad situation by all accounts as it's soon attended to but that's another story.

I hope you managed to enjoy the rest of your KFC without too much grimacing!

Re: We got mentioned on The Chase UK!

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 6:21 pm
by Sinkman61
So Mother Dear doesn’t approve of your Quicksand fetish? Funny how parents always act as though they have no fetishes, etc… . They want you to think the only time they had sex was in order to reproduce, and even then, it was in the Missionary Position. My parents most certainly played that part. Unknown to them, my siblings and I all knew where my parents hid their collection of smut books. Maybe you should invite your parents along for a trip to the quicksand. Just tell them “Don’t knock something until you’ve tried it.”

When people ask me what I find so appealing about quicksand, I remind them that there’s a lot of people that pay really good money to take a mud bath at a spa. I’m just saving all that money by finding a spot that’s even better out in nature. I get an even better experience for free.