How did your fetish begin?

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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby Theo » Sat May 27, 2023 8:33 pm

I’ve probably posted something like this before, but I had a similar experience. Watching quicksand scenes in cartoons when I was in my mid-single digits I was freaked about quicksand, thinking it was like some sort of “monster” or supernatural being that sucked you into the ground — until I asked my Dad and he told me “it’s just gravity” or something like that.

Years later, probably circa 10 y/o, I remember watching the scenes from Merlin and Bare Essentials, and for some weird reason, instead of being scared, I was strangely fascinated, and wanting to see more. I don’t think I was old enough yet to have any sexual interest in it; it would be a few more years before I first felt something watching a nude woman walk across the screen in a movie. Then at some point after that, I guess I started to connect the two and began desiring to see women covered in and sinking in mud.

I thought I was soooo weird for being interested in something like this at first (and still do from time to time lol), until in my later teens I finally got unfettered access to the internet and was shocked to discover I wasn’t the only one.
Finally broke down and went to see a psychologist. She told me I just have an overactive imagination—and it really excited her. We're going sinking next weekend. Theo's AI Quicksandbox New stuff every weekend (unless life gets in the way)

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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby cbqdbq » Wed May 31, 2023 4:39 am

not sure how my interest started. when i was a kid there was a sort of sience colum in the newspaper called uncle rays corner. it had an article one week about quicksand and it made quicksand ominus. it said the person sinks a few feet and unless something is done the person may go out of sight! that had me hooked to the idea of knowing more about it and liking quicksand scenes on TV.

i looked up quicksand in every different set of encycloppedia at libraries to see what they said about it and they seemed to all say we wouldn't sink out of sight like Uncle Ray said we would.

i also liked sinking in mud as a kid (who doesnt) and wishing I could find something more than ankle deep! i did once see two boys in a quarry sinking waist deep or deeper but I was afraid of being seen if I went later, and coming home with muddy clothes.

i dont like it when quicksand on TV is shown as sawdust on the surface of water, because water wont trap you even with a layer of sawdust on top. The Bionic Man had a quicksand scene in the everglades that was done well, but then a terrible one in one of the last seasons where Rudy Welles was in it.

as a grown up I did some looking for quicksand but I didn't think to look for deep mud. i wish i had because I always wanted to go in naked and sink way deep... armpits, and if I could figure out how to move upward, work my way deeper - cover shoulder, chin, to where my nose is just above it, or even tilt my head back and have it rising around my face with walls, just before the point it would close up on me! if I really got good at it, go all the way under for a few seconds. maybe even let it into my mouth and taste it. I fantasize about giving in to it and letting it swallow me and loose my life to it, and wonder what it would feel like to have it filling me.
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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby somebodyelse » Wed Aug 09, 2023 12:45 pm

Stuck_Cat wrote:Ever since I first joined this site, I've had several questions. Many of these questions have been answered, but I have a few left to ask. Today, I want to know how your fetish for quicksand began. I will begin this topic by answering how it began for me.

When I was 3 years old, my mom was watching a movie on TV and I saw one of the characters get stuck in quicksand. I ran into my room horrified because at the time I didn't know what I just witnessed. About 1 or 2 years later, our family got a wireless internet router. I was watching some YouTube and found these clips of quicksand scenes. What was one horrifying to me was now fascinating and I had no idea why. I just couldn't stop watching these videos. When I became a teenager, puberty hit and now these videos turned me on much more than what I thought was normal for a teenager. I never mentioned it to anyone because I thought mentioning it would make me lose friends. Fast forward to my adult years and I found Reddit had a link to this exact forum. I joined as soon as I could and now we're at this exact moment of time.

This has been Stuck_Cat. I'll see y'all real soon.

A double whammy of Get Smart and The Rifleman (“Old Tony?”). I was about 6 or 7, and it scared the crap out of me. It also peaked my interest, and anytime after that, I’d try to be near the TV anytime there was a remote possibility of a quicksand scene in a show.

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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby QuicksandMania » Wed Aug 09, 2023 3:00 pm

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma informs this thread.

The author explains how the forming pre-conscious mind ages 0 to 7 develops coping mechanisms for trauma. He also delves into post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the high success rate of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in treating PTSD.

I visited an EMDR therapist and explained this fetish and asked if EMDR could treat it. She said possibly. I tested EMDR with her on a much less traumatic bullying incident from my young adulthood. Results were mixed.

I am also not all that motivated to diminish my fetish.

What would I do for fun without it?

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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby silkleotard » Sat Aug 12, 2023 8:03 pm

So many things Electrawoman in the hour glass
Batman and Robin in Quicksand Cake
Batgirl in Cavier like quicksand
Valley of Mystery
Some Spanish movie with a girl who sinks first
Then traps others think it was en pellegro des
But never found it again

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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby doltonutani » Fri Aug 18, 2023 1:57 pm

QuicksandMania wrote:The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma informs this thread.

The author explains how the forming pre-conscious mind ages 0 to 7 develops coping mechanisms for trauma. He also delves into post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the high success rate of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in treating PTSD.

I visited an EMDR therapist and explained this fetish and asked if EMDR could treat it. She said possibly. I tested EMDR with her on a much less traumatic bullying incident from my young adulthood. Results were mixed.

I am also not all that motivated to diminish my fetish.

What would I do for fun without it?

That an interesting one and something I'd thought was probably the case for a while, that fetishes like this tend to result from a childhood trauma. Although trauma is probably a bit of a strong word in this case, I definitely did get mine from being disturbed by a quicksand scene in a film, think it was "When dinosaurs ruled the earth" (the fact that the woman was wearing a bikini probably did something to fetishise it as well lol), at the time it was horrifying but it seemed to cross wires at that early age and developed into a fetish.

Lot of people seem to report the same in fetishes like vore and such. I always thought these fetishes likely result from extremely strong feelings of being disturbed by something and the mind fetishising it as a way of rationalising it. In a way that idea is probably more disturbing but I think in a way it's just an alternate way of dealing with it I guess, the mind rationalising it as the women enjoying themselves as they go down and under.

However I don't have much intention of getting treated for it as it really isn't hurting myself or anyone else, I'm quite capable of separating fantasy from reality.

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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby Fred588 » Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:52 pm

I think some caution is warranted here in regard to terminology. If you use the word, "fetish," to someone in a clinical role they will very likely interpret the term in a clinical way. For most of us here, I believe, we use the term much more loosely, such as to mean something more like "kink," or just "turn-on."
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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby dlodoski » Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:19 pm

Fred588 wrote:I think some caution is warranted here in regard to terminology. If you use the word, "fetish," to someone in a clinical role they will very likely interpret the term in a clinical way. For most of us here, I believe, we use the term much more loosely, such as to mean something more like "kink," or just "turn-on."

I'm going to stick with 'fetish'. It may not be technically correct, but it's baked into everyone here.

Much the same way we refer to actresses as models. No big deal.
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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby Fred588 » Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:49 pm

dlodoski wrote:
Fred588 wrote:I think some caution is warranted here in regard to terminology. If you use the word, "fetish," to someone in a clinical role they will very likely interpret the term in a clinical way. For most of us here, I believe, we use the term much more loosely, such as to mean something more like "kink," or just "turn-on."

I'm going to stick with 'fetish'. It may not be technically correct, but it's baked into everyone here.

Much the same way we refer to actresses as models. No big deal.

For use here I think fetish is fine. My point was made in reply to a thread dealing with the idea of seeking treatment.
Studio 588 currently offers more than 2200 different HD and QD quicksand videos and has supported production of well over 2400 video scenes and other projects by 13 different producers. Info may be found at:

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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby thePword » Wed Feb 28, 2024 4:07 pm

As I child, I felt I was bombarded with quicksand scenes in cartoons, TV shows, films. While this had developed a fascination in "sinking mud", I had a sexual awakening watching Shakira's 'whenever, wherever' music video. Seeing Shakira crawling through mud, instead of crying out for help but seeming to entice you to join her in rubbing mud over her half naked body.

If that's not enough to develop a kink for mud, i don't know what is.


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