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Re: What is the "mpv bleck" made of?

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:27 am
by Duncan Edwards
zxy070401 wrote:
Duncan Edwards wrote:
zxy070401 wrote:How about to mix clay and glue together? I heard it would be better this way. I wonder if you have experimented before. And what are the results?

Sounds like a great opportunity for you to test it. I don't know where you "heard it" from but based on the way both of those substance work chemically, I think you're just gonna make a mess.

You mean it will make some bad chemical reaction?(e.g. make it less fine and smooth) Could you explain what will happen?

I'm not up for a chemistry class right now but no matter what type of "glue" you have you are dealing with substances of different densities as well as chemical properties. One will settle on top and the heavier one will settle underneath. They won't combine. Also glue is designed to harden quickly and moist clay won't. You may as well throw a bunch of gravel in your clay. Various types of clay are generally best left as clay. Works great.