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Saturday sink

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:24 pm
by joedeep130535
Boggy Man probably does it better but for what it's worth this is my Saturday outing
The recent heatwave-up to 80F-set me thinking about a nice sink so I got my hot weather gear in the car & set off with a promising forecast to encourage me.First thing was I ran into a thunderstorm-pouring rain & wind. Nearly turned back but ran out of the storm & soon a hot sun was out.Parked the car& changed into old jeans & tee shirt & set off to walk to my chosen clay pit.Walked thro'a field with some charming foals in it & a big Fallow buck,this place is happily well secluded.Got to my sinking site but found the bottom pond was full of water so went up to a settling pond about 20x75 yds size. Changed into speedos, hid my clothes & was ready

I knew this pond was soft but not how deep so got myself onto a bank 2ft up & jumped out as far as I could.Loud splosh & I was up to my armpits.That was fun so I struggled out via a sort of ledge in the ooze & did it again-shoulder deep that time- & then set out to explore .Nessie is so right, nothing beats a workout in mud & I slid & crawled & floundered over most of that pond. Some parts were knee deep but with a soft bottom, other places any depth you like.I went neck deep several times & found no firm footing & the whole pond was soft clay like cold custard in which I rolled & squirmed.If I stood up from lying in the ooze I sank sort of waist deep but as soon as I moved I went down & a series of struggles & heaves had me right in to any depth I wanted.I hadn't got a tube else I could tell you just how deep it was but it was deeper than I am!!

Re: Saturday sink part 2

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:49 pm
by joedeep130535
At last I got tired in the mud & climbed out to see what else I could find.Seeing a wall of sand I climbed over it,leaving mud marks as the ooze dripped off my body,finding a site full of semi dry mud.This was a bonus I couldn't resist & I walked out towards the middle.After a few steps I sank into thick clay & struggled on until I couldn't pull my legs out to go further.I lay down in the clay & rolled & wallowed till I had a bath of thick clay which coated me in a mass of smooth & sensuous mud.I lay in this in warm sunlight for a long time.The mud had got inside my speedos & I was extremely excited by my morning's sinking so I lay quietly in the mud till I calmed down a bit.Then I struggled out of my wallow & walked off with clay sliding down my body to find some water to wash off in

I went back to the car by a different route & found a new pit full of what might well be quicksand so my next visit will include an exploration of this