Gamers Unite!

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby Mynock » Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:20 pm

quagmire_uk wrote:Yeah the bot AI isn't that impressive... but then again, it is supposed to be a multiplayer cooperative game rather than a singleplayer

I'm s single player guy mostly. I play the occasional co-op but for me gaming is more an escape from people and life in general then a way to hang out with my friends. The bot AI probably annoys me alot more the the majority of players out there.
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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby quagmire_uk » Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:39 am

Ah right. Well, I wouldn't have thought Left 4 Dead would be the right game for you in that case... the Half-Life games are Valve's singleplayer masterpieces, while counterstrike, team frotress 2 and left 4 dead are multiplayer games.

But I know what you mean, I do think the AI in Left 4 Dead 1 seemed a little more competent.

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby av77 » Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:34 am

Alright i know this is off the gaming subject a bit but does anyone know how to connect a 360 to a mac wireless network?
Because when my linksys network was switched to 'airport' or whatever its called, i havent been abel to connect to live :( Is this just because its a micrsoft product trying to run off mac, or another issue?

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby Mynock » Tue Nov 24, 2009 12:46 am

quagmire_uk wrote:Ah right. Well, I wouldn't have thought Left 4 Dead would be the right game for you in that case...

Yea, I get that alot. :) The problem is I'm a fanatic when it comes to zombies. I have probably every zombie apocolypse book/movie/game ever made, so when these came out co-op oriented or not I couldn't not buy them. 8-)
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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:21 am

av77 wrote:Alright i know this is off the gaming subject a bit but does anyone know how to connect a 360 to a mac wireless network?
Because when my linksys network was switched to 'airport' or whatever its called, i havent been abel to connect to live :( Is this just because its a micrsoft product trying to run off mac, or another issue?

On your Mac, have you gone into "System Preferences", and under "Sharing", ticked the appropriate service(s) you want to share, and had the settings for that/those service(s) set properly? Have you turned on Airport on your Mac (via "Network" preferences or by the menu bar if the Airport status/menu was enabled in Network preferences)? :ugeek:
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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby spunkee311 » Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:10 am

I finally beat and ran through both Left 4 Dead 2 and Modern Warfare 2. Both amazing games but I'm definitely impressed with L4D2. They really did a great job. I actually can't believe you were able to stand more than 5 minutes with the AI bots. I tried playing with my friend since he had a silver account and it was horrible. Nothing beats a real person. And I haven't had too many problems with the Left 4 Dead Community. And if I did I would host my own match and kick them out. Cause nothing beats having an actual person (with a mic) by your side.
I'm definitely an every gamer. I like Single player games like Bioshock and God of War and Multiplayer games like Gears 2 and Modern Warefare 2.
Right now I'm looking forward to getting Assassins Creed 2 and this new God of War Collection that they just released on the PS3. But I def gotta hand it to Valve with Left 4 Dead 2.

I'm the same way with being a zombie fan. I pick up anything and everything that involves zombies :).

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby av77 » Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:11 am

Boggy Man wrote:
av77 wrote:Alright i know this is off the gaming subject a bit but does anyone know how to connect a 360 to a mac wireless network?
Because when my linksys network was switched to 'airport' or whatever its called, i havent been abel to connect to live :( Is this just because its a micrsoft product trying to run off mac, or another issue?

On your Mac, have you gone into "System Preferences", and under "Sharing", ticked the appropriate service(s) you want to share, and had the settings for that/those service(s) set properly? Have you turned on Airport on your Mac (via "Network" preferences or by the menu bar if the Airport status/menu was enabled in Network preferences)? :ugeek:

Thanks for the reply and hopefully I can figure everything out if I ever get free time for it.

I dont know how i realized this but in the into to l4d1 it starts by saying 2 weeks after infection, and bill says 'there changing' (zombies) but in l4d2 it starts at the beggining of the 'appocolyps' and there are already the special infected?
And what do you guys think about borderlands? good? bad?

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby AyaneMatrix » Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:45 am

Last I heard was that Borderlands was a great game and does an interesting job integrating RPG elements into an FPS. Plus, there's a zombie horde mode you can purchase as downloadable content in XBL or PSN.

And my brother left his 360 over my place for the weekend, along with Modern Warfare 2; so, I may actually be playing it till he comes back to get it. 8-)

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby quagmire_uk » Fri Nov 27, 2009 12:07 pm

av77 wrote:I dont know how i realized this but in the into to l4d1 it starts by saying 2 weeks after infection, and bill says 'there changing' (zombies) but in l4d2 it starts at the beggining of the 'appocolyps' and there are already the special infected?
And what do you guys think about borderlands? good? bad?

Actually Left 4 Dead 2 is supposed to be set 1 week after Left 4 Dead 1. I guess the infection started in the city in Left 4 Dead 1 and reached places like New Orleans later. That's why in Left 4 Dead 2 there are all these posters everyone left by the government organisation "CEDA", and lots of military checkpoints and medical places. While in Left 4 Dead 1 the only thing like that is at the airport there are some posters about "remember to wear your face mask" so when the shit really hit the fan in the city in Left 4 Dead 1 travel on planes was still allowed, and there weren't any military-controlled checkpoints where they hold people and check people's health. So by the time the government realised the real dangers of the virus (it doesn't just make you ill, it makes you a rabid zombie) it was too late, a few infected people had slipped through and left the city and headed to other places around America and the rest of the world. And if the special infected are caused by mutations of the virus, then it could be that some of the people that travelled were people with mutated strains of the virus that would turn them into special infected.

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby spunkee311 » Sat Nov 28, 2009 1:24 am

I heard Boderlands was really good. Idk if its my type of game but seems interesting. They added a really nice CO-OP feature that people have been raving about. Cause playing that type of game by myself might get boring.
I heard Assassins Creed 2 was amazing as well. I'm hoping to get that and the God of War Collection soon.

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