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Re: 2017 NHL Playoffs

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 6:23 am
by kham
Bad officiating (gee, theres a shock, isn't it??) lets Anaheim back in a game they had no chance, letting them tie, then squeeze OT win
Series now 2-2

I don't know whats worse ; the NHL dicksuckery , or the panel fellating the team that is ''supposed'' to win
Need ice
And beer

Re: 2017 NHL Playoffs

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 8:09 pm
by kham
Only one game tonight;
Ottawa at NY Rangers

Re: 2017 NHL Playoffs

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 3:24 am
by kham
Rangers played a solid, hard game and kicked the snot out of the Condoms.. :lol:
Sorry, but they don't get to pway pwetend tough guys after getting their asses handed to them at every aspect of the game, then try and do the send -message cocksuckery by trying to fight everybody. For once, the zebras were not morons and were having none of it.
Game 5 should be interesting. Ottawa, really showed their ass tonight, if this is how you react to getting beat hard fairly. The Oilers came back with better composure after getting fucking murdered 7-0
Series is actually tied 2-2

Re: 2017 NHL Playoffs

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 5:50 pm
by kham
It's funny how things go sometimes; after the Rangers game, was looking through old vid and looking at some of Mario's best goals, and remembered he always was abused too, to the extent Wayne was NOT (he had Semenko to kill anyone that looked at him, liesplaining be damned)

Then checking this morning for any news at TSN, we see this


You will not stop us... :twisted:

some appropriate soundtrack.... :D
Superman Theme - John Williams

Re: 2017 NHL Playoffs

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 6:56 pm
by rhinodynamo
kham wrote:Completely gratuitous Melisa post :D


Re: 2017 NHL Playoffs

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 11:50 pm
by kham
Tonight's Games:

Nashville at St Louis (finish them...sorry Melisa ;) )
Edmonton at Anaheim

I should hit the beer store. The late game doesn't start until 2230 here, and could either be a massacre or last into breakfast :mrgreen:

Re: 2017 NHL Playoffs

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 4:24 am
by kham
St Louis squeezes out a 2-1 win to avoid elimination. Series still 3-2 Nashville. Not a very high energy game, really

Re: 2017 NHL Playoffs

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 7:42 am
by kham
Edmonton blows (no other fucking way to put it) a 3-0 lead, with the tying fucking goal credited to the NHL and cocksuckery, yet ANOTHER fucking blatant goaltender interference goal they fucking tee hee'd at and allowed, and then the usual fucking mistakes that happen in double OT. Whatever. This is the kind of game five, that will kill a team. It's over. They just haven't validated the sticker.
3-2 series lead for Quackfuckery. Nash, please win. So you can fucking murder these cocksuckers....

Re: 2017 NHL Playoffs

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 8:20 pm
by kham
Today's Games:
NY Rangers at Ottawa
Pittsburgh at Washington

Based on last game, Ottawa's only hope is that it's a retard afternoon game...

Still simmering over the NHL blatant dicksuckery for the Quacks
The Oilers being interviewed were milder than I'd be; maybe didn't want to be fined. I wouldn't give a shit , I could afford it if I was those guys. One telling stab in the cocksucker's eye though: McDavid had a line about how 'ultimately its the referees call to decide the game...'
That's subtle but NOT. NO, BITCHES. It's fucking NOT your job to DECIDE a fucking playoff game.
Sometimes they should just snap and go full-on Espo, and call the assholes out on camera for what they are and what they did

Re: 2017 NHL Playoffs

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 11:30 pm
by kham
Ottawa slimes into OT, gets more compliant officiating, and wins 5-4 to lead the series 3-2
Then listen to the fuckwit McLean on the panel

It's getting so's you can't just have a good game that someone isn't fucking stepping on the scales or telling the fans -and team -fuck you, we don't care who's the better team.