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Mechanism for Slow Sink

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:06 am
by QuicksandMania

I could not post an attachment in Fred588's forum so I posted it here as an idea for the cork pit.

Re: Mechanism for Slow Sink

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:09 am
by Raidium
Wow, Nice idea! That could work and would be ALOT more inexpesive compared to a Hydrolic lift. I could see that being used in productions! :D

Re: Mechanism for Slow Sink

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 3:43 pm
by redspydr_1979
Nice idea. I have to say that is scary close to my design. The only exception it it would run off of bouyancy and not off of pullys.

Re: Mechanism for Slow Sink

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:52 pm
by redspydr_1979
Hope you don't mind if I use your thread to post these. These are sketches I did as well. I was also thinking about my design while working on these. I came to the conclusion that the sheet itself would not have to be overly large as long as it could cause a slow sink effect. That would probably make it even easier to manage. Also there could be the possibility of removing the top caps and adding more sheets to account for heavier weight differences. Please feel free to comment away or test my theory.

Re: Mechanism for Slow Sink

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:47 pm
by Mynock
This is an idea I've toyed with but never mentioned.
Pit (preferably clay because of it's viscosity) approximately 4' to 4'-6" deep (I.E. not over the actresses head).
2-4 sets of ankle weights (the kind used for jogging) with shoelace eyelets installed in the velcro flap

The clothesline would be securly threaded through the eyelets of each ankle weight and held by someone out of the scene. Probably one person on each side of the pit.
First, you'd shoot the actress getting into the mud (however this happens according to the plot) let her get about knee deep, then cut and get her back out.
Then, said actress would get back in the pit wearing the rigged ankle weights, which would negate her buyoncy and pull her to the bottom of the pit, but not under. The actress could then simply kneel down to sink and then stand up to un-sink.
Once the scene was shot, the people holding the ropes give them a good pull, yanking the ankle weights off and freeing the actress to float back to the surface.

There would be some danger involved (if you're wearing the weights in the pit and fall over or slip you could get in trouble) but with the ability to immediately release the weights simply by pulling on the rope and having a "lifeguard" standing by to jump in and help, it would be minimal.

Re: Mechanism for Slow Sink

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:59 pm
by QuicksandMania
Someone in the Studio 588 forum suggested this item:
