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For Poser software users, Poser 8 is out!

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 8:15 am
by AyaneMatrix
Not that I have it yet; but, for those of us that use this software, the newest version came out the other day. Supposedly, it actually "fixes" a lot of Poser's longstanding issues such as OpenGL support, better multi-core/multi-threaded rendering support (that works), content management, and lighting effects amongst other things.

Though, to be quite honest here, I'm probably never going to put any more money down for the Poser series. I'm broke (ie. still job hunting/part time IT Consultant) and I can't see the value in the software anymore. That and after reading about their new beta program for Poser 8 Pro, I'm totally not interested.

Anyway, I thought some of you would have liked to know. Later! :geek:

Re: For Poser software users, Poser 8 is out!

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:54 pm
by Qsvgitguy

I just got the email from Smith Micro, but I too am not in a rush.

1st thing is I too am broke. I've been out of work on and off the last year and my rent is 6 days late. The few jobs that are out there do not pay enough to meet my expenses.

2nd: I use Poser 6 and it works for the most part. It does have some annoying bugs, but Poser 7 and Poser 8 do not work with Metaform, which is the plugin that allows me to do the fluid effects for the QS and the stretching skin in vore movies. Also, I someday want to use Poser with Lightwave, and only Poser Pro has that ability, but it's twice as expensive. If I can bring Poser scenes into Lightwave, and then use a plugin for Lightwave called Real Flow, I could do QS simulations like you've never seen before, but Real Flow costs 2000 dollars! :shock:

3rd: As much as I love working with poser, I really should get a life. :lol: