new Wizard of Oz

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new Wizard of Oz

Postby MadMax359 » Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:35 pm

i didn't have a ton of interest in the new Wizard of Oz movie... then when i was watching the trailer they show on TV, it struck me that there was about 2 seconds where one of the Good Witches seems to be tied to posts in front of a crowd of onlookers... hmmm, if there is a decent set up for that, my interest could be picqued, has anyone seen the movie? :twisted:
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Re: new Wizard of Oz

Postby Mynock » Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:26 am

I know kids these days are kind of numb to sex and violence but I still don't think you can put bondage in a PG-13 movie. :lol:
That being said I heard from a friend it was pretty good, I plan on seeing it. Gonna' relive my childhood when those monkeys scared the shit out of me hahaha.....
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Re: new Wizard of Oz

Postby Qsvgitguy » Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:05 am

I saw it yesterday. It was not too bad. I'd give it a 7 out of 10, maybe 7.5. I didn't feel we got to know and care about some of the charters like you did with Dorothy, the Scare Crow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion, but it has some interesting elements to it.

Besides, I'll see just about anything with Rachel Weisz in it. :twisted:

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Re: new Wizard of Oz

Postby groppingmire » Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:08 pm

dose not follow book cannon 20 years before dorthy ? would make Ozma much older well in her 20's instead of her early teen s the wizard arrived in oz on the date of the king and queens death and wisk off infant Ozma to mombi in gilken to spend much of her life as a boy do to mombis enchantment not in the movie . the play/1939 movie kind of fits

another blunder in the book glinda created the crown that forced the wing monkeys to servidtuide to three wishes only so glinda should of been kicking monkey ass instead of being damsel in distress

the movie fits well in the play /1939 movie version that ignore s much of puriest book cannon

in the book the witch of the west was a wimp and scared shitless of dorthy like most of oz ,who had the same bastard luck as the wizard was able to conqure the winkies when the wing monkey crown came in her possession . the witch was force to use the crown for the third and finaly time on dorthy when" nick chopper the tin woodmen " and scarcow kicked the shit out of the witchs minion forces the plauge of wloves and ravens . monkeys K O woodsmen and scarcrow capture dorthy and lion makes them slaves a month of abuse and the witch taking one of dorthys shoes makes her pyschatotic and suiciadal in dispare and beans the witch with a bucket of water screaming KILL me! kill me now! with the witch stun in disbelif and melting beliving dorthy to be a tactical genius toying with her all this time as she melts into a puddle

a very diffrent character then the play /1939 movie version bad ass
but the origenal book version explain why sean connery reacted so in ZARDOZ

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