New QS Poser movies coming soon?

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Re: New QS Poser movies coming soon?

Postby Qsvgitguy » Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:40 am

Hey Guys,

Thanks a lot for all your support. I've got big plans for this software and hope to make some truly memorable QS and DID material. Image

In answer to some of the questions asked... Image

I'm thinking of a movie called QS Queen, where a sadistic woman gets her kicks by using her magical powers to throw her ladies in waiting into a QS pit built into the thrown room. Image

Yes, the sinking rate can definatley be slowed down, and when the time is right, it will be. Image

Thanks PM2K. That movie is one of my favorites too. The QS effect was done with Metafmorm which, as I said, is no longer supported and really not usable in many ways. I have hopes this new software will be able surpass Metaform in many ways. Image

Thanks Psiandco. I'm really glad you like my work. If you would like to make sure you have seen all of my work, there's a complete list here...

PS A couple of my big goals is to do proper poser treatments of two of the classic QS stories we've enjoyed over the last 10 years.

Disappearing Act and Sarah's Island. Image

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Re: New QS Poser movies coming soon?

Postby Magic Engineer » Fri Nov 04, 2011 4:29 am

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Re: New QS Poser movies coming soon?

Postby PM2K » Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:06 am

Dear God! :shock: I'd love to see your treatment of those two classics... :D

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Re: New QS Poser movies coming soon?

Postby Downunder » Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:09 am

Qsvgitguy wrote:For those who do not know me, I used to do make QS animated movies using Poser. I've not released a QS poser movie in a while, mostly because a plugin for Poser I used to use is no longer being supported and does not work in the newer versions of Poser. Metaform, allowed me to do some really interesting things, but had gotten to the point were is was not really usable anymore.

Yes I had the same add-in. Then after a few months Poser upgraded and It did not. Pity
Anyway you are looking good, that would of been nice for my last QS Movie.

Good luck and happy rendering

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Re: New QS Poser movies coming soon?

Postby psiandco » Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:21 pm

I watched your film, "melisa D-vine". towards the end all of the victims are dangling over the plant's mouth (*for lack of better terminology), they are semi-conscious and squirming with the pain of their bodies being pumped full of venom (I guess?) to the point that their breasts swolen up to the size of Large watermellon! the plant drops them in such a way that they all get pinned against eachother. Somehow knowing the doom awaiting them within the plant's belly bellow, they struggle and thrust their breasts against eachother, each trying to get out...

I am fantasizing a bit- IT's a fantasy not an evil gimmie request here,
I know you are working on a number of Quicksand projects and I will wait just like everyone else to see them
the fantasy:
a support group for women who obsesively feel they needed extreme breast enhancement goes out to a densely wooded park near a river to hold their meetings away from stares, cat calls, and all the presure to be 'perfect'. Damn, ya know. can't go shoping without seeing a long rack of magazines of photoshoped models and celebrities setting physically impossible standards of 'beauty'. Now that these young adults are enhanced to golly gosh gee globally ginormous greatness, a terible cycle of new insecurity sets in- am I pretty enough? and all the UGLY as f***, broke as a joke, Psychotically sick, bastards who won't leave them alone (*see youtube video, College humour-"I hate weird facebook guys") don't help any. The park is closed for safety reasons, most of it's wooden amenities date back to the pioneers who found this place! They choose this spot for the seclussion, the time to be free...
So these outrageously endowed women follow the trail as the 10:00 A.M. sun begins to warm the air. They come to a quaint woden plank bridge. it's easily about 12ft wide and 20 feet to the other side. the bridge arches upward in the middle and crosses over a dry sandy creek bed some 14 feet below. The group of Tweens, women who are anywhere from 18 to 23, pauses in the middle of the bridge. At the rear of the group a few boards have cracked and the woman standing on it is frozen with fear. The others of the group turn to her and quickly get closer to help her, when the planks all the women are standing on suddenly snap down the middle of the bridge...
The fall forces them close together in a loose circle and almost crotch deep in the dry sandy creek bed!
it was a nice soft landing, but now the girls are stuck.
straining to reach the boards above does no good-
twisting about, looking for something to grab, reveals nothing-
Squirming, struggling, squeeling- SINKING, the girls panic as they realize, "IT'S QUICKSAND"!!!
Panicking they can't think clearly, struggling vigorously now as they keep getting deeper, deeper, and deeper...
the camera taking it's time with each girl in turn, following their curves down, watching as they occasionally manage to press their way a few inches back up-
before they slip right back in.

Hell, I don't care if it's one woman or seven. It's a fantasy damn it!

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Re: New QS Poser movies coming soon?

Postby psiandco » Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:32 pm

:oops: And I know everybody loves star trek, right. so what if a happless busty blonde yeo-babe red shirt takes a wrong turn, distracted by her tricorder display, she stands looking at a crystaline rock formation when, a strange alien plant behind and below her tries to 'pollenate' her! :twisted:
if the plucky red shirt manages to escape the plant's tangling tugging tentacles and softly stabing stammen, perhaps she can tumble back away from it, only to discover that her reverse handspring vault has landed her in some "deep trouble"... :o
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Re: New QS Poser movies coming soon?

Postby Villein » Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:32 pm

Good to see you back at it!
I can see there's some real potential with this new software.
Combined with your actual hard work and effort, that is.

So well done and take a much deserved kudos from a fellow Horse-trailian.

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Re: New QS Poser movies coming soon?

Postby Conspiracy101 » Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:12 pm

Absolutely fantastic video, can't wait to see more
"Some times fear has the appropriate response"

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Re: New QS Poser movies coming soon?

Postby Qsvgitguy » Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:54 pm

Hey folks,

Thanks again for you encouragement. I'm fiddling and doing some experiments to see how to do what I want to do, and what can be done that I've not even thought of yet. For example, I found this quick tutorial on You Tube about how to do bubbles in Real Flow. It's only about 30 seconds so check it out. This gives me some really evil ideas! Image

Thanks for the ideas for stories guys. They're not bad and I'll keep them in mind. I have a female friend who is the inspiration for Melissa D-Vine and she would love your idea Psiandco. Can't promise anything, too many ideas and not enough years in a decade. Image

I'm a big Star Trek fan myself and I do have the uniforms so I can do a Trek girl with Victoria 4. Image That has possibilities for both QS and vore.

Downunder wrote:
Qsvgitguy wrote:For those who do not know me, I used to do make QS animated movies using Poser. I've not released a QS poser movie in a while, mostly because a plugin for Poser I used to use is no longer being supported and does not work in the newer versions of Poser. Metaform, allowed me to do some really interesting things, but had gotten to the point were is was not really usable anymore.

Yes I had the same add-in. Then after a few months Poser upgraded and It did not. Pity
Anyway you are looking good, that would of been nice for my last QS Movie.

Good luck and happy rendering

Hey old pal!

Have not talked to you in a while. Yeah, Metaform never being updated was really tragic. With the 64 bit memory capacity of the Poser Pro, we could have done some amazing things with it. Before I found Real Flow, I talked to a guy who was a fan of my movies who is also a programmer. I asked him about the possibility of doing the upgrade. Last time I talked to him, he said he's still working on it, but real life issues are making take a long time. I don't know if he'll ever finish, but if he does, it would be wonderful for those in the poser community that can't afford 250 for Real Flow.

When I get this thing working the way I want it, my next step is to maybe get a copy of Vue xtreme, which will let me do the amazing natural environments of Vue directly in Lightwave with the poser figures and the Real Flow dynamics! Image That's the only way I'll be able to tackle something like Sarah's Island and do it properly.

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Re: New QS Poser movies coming soon?

Postby Qsvgitguy » Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:31 am

Hey Guys,

Do you like bubbles with your submersion? Image
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