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Thought I'd try my hand at drawing real quick

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 9:02 pm
by benmetal
Quick doodle I guess. Lemme know what you think I suppose. Deal with the shitty picture I took with my camera. I DO have a scanner, I was just too lazy to go into the other room to use it.

If anyone feels like coloring, editing, or adding to it or anything, go for it.

Re: Thought I'd try my hand at drawing real quick

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 9:52 pm
by DJlurker
Wait a minute... I'm sure I've seen this somewhere before...

I really hope you're not an art thief... :o

Re: Thought I'd try my hand at drawing real quick

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:51 pm
by Aiko
This one looks oddly similar to a drawing posted by Laura on DS. It was also featured on Index's site.

Re: Thought I'd try my hand at drawing real quick

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:47 am
by quagmire_uk
Well I don't know anything about that. Personally I don't think I have seen it before.

And I do know it is a very nice drawing. Especially if it was "done quick"!

Re: Thought I'd try my hand at drawing real quick

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:33 am
by benmetal
Oh. Had that been posted before? I couldn't remember. Laura old girlfriend. And she didn't draw it, I drew it for her. *sigh* I let her post it though. Don't ask me why, I've no idea. And yeah it's true, I didn't just draw it real quick just now. I was flipping through some old book and found it in a stash of art I'd drawn a long time ago. But, in my defense, I didn't remember it, and a scan of it wasn't anywhere on my computer from before (for some reason), which led me to assume that it'd never been seen by anyone before. Oh well I guess. Sorry for the mix up, honest mistake. To be clear though, I DID draw it. I was on my way out the door when I posted it and didn't have the time to go into it's origin, and figured a simple "Hey, here's something I drew" would suffice.

Re: Thought I'd try my hand at drawing real quick

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:37 am
by xyl

I'm not sure I believe you. Each drawing that Laura posted had the same signature written in Japanese. So either Laura was lying and can't actually draw, and was also lying about being voted the most talented artist in her high school, or you're lying and took her sketchbook when you broke up with her. Either one seems to explain why she doesn't post anymore and wanted her account deleted; if she couldn't actually draw then she was stealing your material. If she could draw and you were her old boyfriend and knew about her fetish and deepsinking, then I could just see the potential angry posts. I lean toward Laura actually being the artist because there was no reason for you to lie about not sketching it real quick.

I've attached the original piece, the Japanese signature clearly shown. Can anyone read it to see if it actually contains a real name?


Re: Thought I'd try my hand at drawing real quick

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:00 am
by PM2K
It is very cool art. Thanks for posting it. :)

Re: Thought I'd try my hand at drawing real quick

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:16 pm
by Billie Bonce
benmetal, did you draw other pictures posted by Laura, too? I like all of them.

Re: Thought I'd try my hand at drawing real quick

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:18 pm
by AyaneMatrix
Billie Bonce wrote:benmetal, did you draw other pictures posted by Laura, too? I like all of them.

I'd like to know this as well and for the same reason! :mrgreen:

Any chance that you'd get around to drawing more like this?

Re: Thought I'd try my hand at drawing real quick

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:06 pm
by Aiko
xyl wrote:/Unlurk

I'm not sure I believe you. Each drawing that Laura posted had the same signature written in Japanese. So either Laura was lying and can't actually draw, and was also lying about being voted the most talented artist in her high school, or you're lying and took her sketchbook when you broke up with her. Either one seems to explain why she doesn't post anymore and wanted her account deleted; if she couldn't actually draw then she was stealing your material. If she could draw and you were her old boyfriend and knew about her fetish and deepsinking, then I could just see the potential angry posts. I lean toward Laura actually being the artist because there was no reason for you to lie about not sketching it real quick.

I've attached the original piece, the Japanese signature clearly shown. Can anyone read it to see if it actually contains a real name?


These are Katakana characters, which are commonly used for foreign (ie. non-Japanese) words and names. The three characters in the upper left are RA-U-RA, which is obviously "Laura".
The rest reads SU-PU-RU-RO-WA, and I am not sure what to make of that. Note that any R may actually be transcribed as an L and that U may not be pronounced at all (and thus omitted).

Anyway, the signature is hers. Though that does not prove anything much, other than Laura claimed these to be her own drawings.