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Thanks For Saving Me

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 10:04 pm
by Viridian
Nicole was glad to be out of the house. Months in lockdown had left her bored and lonely. The sun and smell of the outdoors was therapeutic. With few people heading out despite the lifting the restrictions, she was free from the unwanted attention she normally got whenever she went out in her favourite sports bra.

Right now, however, she wished there was someone following her.

The recent heavy rains had caused some areas to flood and many of the paths had deteriorated into mud. Nicole groaned at ruining her new shoes, and then her leggings. But as she continued to sink into the muddy clearing, she realised that was the least of her problems...

"Help!" she called out. "Anyone?"

Her voice echoed through the forest. She sighed. Chances of someone wandering by were slim. It was already a large, remote forest, and hardly anyone would come all the way out of here so soon after quarantine. Her lips quivered as the mud rose to her hips. The warm mud soaked through the crotch of her leggings, filling her with an unexpected sensation - something she had been deprived of for a long time.

"Mmm," she moaned softly, biting her lip. She shook her head. What was she doing? Luckily she had caught herself in time. By chance, there was another visitor who had escaped to the great outdoors while he could. He looked down at Nicole, up to her waist in the mud pit.

"Don't move, that's quicksand," he said. "Can you move? Can you feel a bottom?"

"I'm not sinking, I think," Nicole replied nervously. "But the mud's really sucking on my legs and I can't move at all."

"Okay, listen, I've got a rope in my car. Just stay calm and I'll be right back, okay?"

Nicole didn't have a choice, but as long as she kept still, she'd be out of the mud. As her rescuer left, she sighed at her predicament. It was twenty minutes to the parking lot, so she'd be stuck there for another half an hour at minimum if the guy sprinted there and back. Hopefully he had a good memory. Wondering what to do to pass time time, she examined the glossy surface of the quicksand. It was truly devious, with only the part directly around her showing signs of movement, quivering below her navel. She watched intently, noticing the mud filling her bellybutton. She gulped. She was wrong - she was still sinking. The movement of the sand was subtle, but now she could feel it shift around her submerged legs and hips. She slipped in another inch.

"No, no, no..."

She held her breath. She wanted to scream for help, but she knew that any movement would cause her to sink. She just had to wait. Watching the quicksand creep closer to her heaving chest, she lost all track of time. She could only pay attention to how fast the quicksand crept up her body, until it reached her sports bra. Now with her breasts resting on the surface, she hoped that it was enough to give her some respite. The quicksand disagreed, and began to mound around her boobs, creeping higher and higher. Nicole closed her eyes. She was afraid, but also mesmerised by the warm mud fondling her intimately.

"Grab this!"

Nicole opened her eyes in time to see the hiker return, tossing the rope in front of her. She grabbed hold of it and began to work her way free of the sucking mud. She watched as her rescuer dug his feet into the firm ground, his muscles tensing as he exerted himself. She could feel herself sliding forward and onto shallower mud. Her breasts popped up, and her waist reappeared. She smiled and laughed. She was definitely going to have to give him a nice reward after this.

Re: Thanks For Saving Me

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 11:34 pm
by DJlurker
I always like happy endings. :-)