Quicky Sanders Collection

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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:43 pm

The Exhibit
Sanders checked her watch. Five minutes until closing time. It was getting stuffy in the closet, but from her visits to the exhibition, she knew this was a blind spot for the cameras. She just had to wait until the security guards began their closing routine. Then she would have her chance to snoop around. She knew that this museum was too good to be true. A small town like this wouldn't have such a significant display of ancient artifacts. She had a few leads. Rumour had it that the artifacts on display were clearly fake, but it was a front for the mob to run an actual smuggling ring for relics. It made sense in a strange way - hiding a real criminal business beneath a fake one. Clever, in a criminal way.

Finding her opening, Sanders sneaked out of the janitor's closet. Her route took through the Ancient Egypt exhibit, where her shoes crunched noisily on the sand. It was an overly decorated desert-themed display, complete with palm trees, miniature pyramids and toilet-paper mummies that looked like a high school project. But there was a LOT of sand. It must have been a nightmare to truck all that sand just to make the exhibit look like a real desert.

Suddenly, one of the figures in the exhibit moved. Sanders jumped and fell back in surprise, nearly crying out. She looked at who it was and stared incredulously.

"Victoria?" Sanders hissed at her intern. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I was checking out the museum," Victoria replied innocently. "I didn't hear the closing announcement and got lost finding my way out. It's like an Ikea store. Did you get lost too?"

"Long story," said Sanders. She leaned against one of the obelisks to remove the sand from her shoe. She nearly fell over again when it moved. "Whoa!" she cried, thinking that she had knocked the decoration over. Instead, the movement came from a panel that depressed when she leaned on it. Like a typical adventure movie, it revealed a secret door inside one of the model pyramids. "Are you serious?" she thought out loud, but not one to complain, she and Victoria headed into the pyramid.

The passage led down a flight of dark stairs. While they couldn't see what was in the chamber, they figured that it was the basement of the museum, located underneath the Egypt exhibit. There didn't seem to be a light switch, but Sanders could make out the shapes of crates and tarp-covered objects. She pulled the cover off one object to reveal the face of a golden sarcophagus. "This is either one of the most elaborate fakes, or it must be the real thing," said Sanders. "Why else would they keep this here?"

Suddenly, they heard a loud clatter. The pyramid door had shut behind them. "What was that?" Victoria asked. They tried to make their way back up, but with the door closed, they were plunged into complete darkness. They tripped and stumbled over the containers and items. Then they heard something else - a click, the sliding of panels, and then the sound of rushing sand.

"What's that coming from?" Victoria asked, feeling her way around before she managed to get up. Before she could get a reply, she felt a sudden rush of sand around her legs. "What the..."
Sanders - The Exhibit.jpg

"The room is being filled with sand!" Sanders shouted, the sand now roaring through the openings in the ceiling. She figured that the sand must be coming from the Egypt exhibit above. They must have triggered an alarm or been spotted by the guards, and the sand pit was an emergency measure to conceal the basement in case they were raided. Unfortunately, they were trapped and being buried alive!

Within seconds, the sand was up to their hips and rapidly rising all around them. They couldn't even move. The sand continued to get higher and higher, burying the artifacts in the basement - and if the reporters couldn't figure something out, they would be next! Will they escape the sand trap, or will the exhibit become their tomb?
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby MadMax359 » Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:50 pm

hoping they find the opening the sand is coming from--- and the only way to stop it is to jam something into it... maybe a couple of blouses? :twisted:
The strong do what they want, the weak do what they must

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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Sat Feb 20, 2021 7:00 pm


That was a close call, Sanders thought. She had a good head start, but it wouldn't be long until the crooks discovered her escape. Having been stripped to her underwear by the men, she had hoped to retrieve her clothing, but she had to take the only opening she had to elude the criminals. Distracted by her immodesty, Sanders stumbled through the bushes and into a clearing. Her feet sank into the soft earth.

Quicksand! She cursed at herself for being so careless. The mud was thick and heavy, pulling down at her legs. She was already up to her thighs and sinking fast. This wasn't good, she thought. If the men caught her like this...no, that wasn't going to happen. Determined to get free while she could still move, she twisted around, lifting her legs through the grasping muck. She knew that she was plunging herself deeper with each step, and the mud was nearly up to her hips. Lunging at the nearest shrub, she grabbed hold of it. Fortune was on her side - it held firm and she was able to use it to pull herself free of the sucking bog. Though her encounter was brief, her exertion in struggling free left her near exhaustion.

"She went this way!"

Oh no, they were right on her trail. The quicksand had cost her valuable time, and now she was too tired to evade her pursuers. She could only imagine what they had in mind for her, lying at the edge of the quicksand. They might just throw her back in and watch her struggle.

That gave her an idea.

Positioning herself on the far side of the bog, she hid out of sight. She took a deep breath and bellowed out. "HELP! I'M IN QUICKSAND! HELP!"

"Did you hear that?" one of the men said.

"I can't believe she was that dumb to fall into quicksand," said the other.

After several nerve-wrecking minutes, the men entered the clearing...and plunged into the quicksand.

"What...what the hell? WE'RE in quicksand!"

Sanders made herself visible, looking down at the two sinking men. "Who's the dumb one?" she taunted.

"Please, help us!" the men begged, already up to their chests. "We'll do anything! We won't tell the boss that you escaped, we promise!"

"That sounds like a sweet deal," said Sanders, speaking painfully slowly. "Buuuut...I think I already have that secured. If you have nothing better to offer, I guess I'll be making my exit."

As Sanders turned to leave, the man called out. "Wait! If you get us out, we'll tell you where we've hidden your friend!"
Sanders - Chased.jpg

Sanders paused. "What? What are you talking about?"

"The blonde one...what's her name...Vicky? Victoria?"

Sanders glared at the disappearing men. "What are you saying? Did you kidnap Victoria? Where is she?"

"Help us and we'll tell you!"

Sanders felt a sense of doubt. They could be telling the truth and Victoria was in danger. Or they might be tricking her into saving them, only for them to pull her into the quicksand. Looking down at her muddy, naked body, Sanders wondered if she could even save them at all. What was she going to do?
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby DJlurker » Sat Feb 20, 2021 7:17 pm

I like the role reversal in that last drawing... :P

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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Sun May 09, 2021 3:54 am

Victoria paused to catch her breath. While she had been pleased that Sanders had taken a break from uncovering the crime ring, checking out the local cult was little better. They were paranoid of outsiders and were fanatic about keeping their practices hidden, so when the guns came out, the reporters ran for it. Though the cultists were no longer in sight, she had lost track of Sanders. She was afraid of calling out her name in case the cultists were nearby, but when she heard Sanders call out her name, she knew there was trouble. She found Sanders a short distance away, up to her waist in a clearing of deadly quicksand.

"Get me out, hurry!" Sanders urged, feeling herself descend. "This stuff is really thick. I can't move at all."

Unfortunately, she had stumbled into the middle of the quicksand, out of reach for Victoria. Victoria looked around for a branch, but despite being in the woods, there wasn't one in sight.

"There's no time!" Sanders called out, seeing the quicksand reaching the underside of her breasts. She began to unbutton her blouse. "Tie our shirts together and make a rope."

Victoria did as she was told, regretting to herself that she hadn't worn a bra that day - though she noted with curiosity that Sanders wasn't wearing one other. Modesty would wait though. She positioned herself by the edge of the quicksand, ready to receive Sanders' top, when she felt a push in her back. Before she had time to react, she plunged into the quicksand alongside her mentor. The reporters looked at each other in horror, then towards the edge of the pit, where two men were watching them.
Sanders - Exposed.jpg

"Well, look here!" said the one who had pushed Victoria in. "Spies! Unbelievers! Desecrating our holy site with their impurity!"

"What should we do with them?" said the other one. "Should we take them to the Teacher?"

"No! Let the Earth Mother take them, if they want to learn the truth."

The second, younger cultist seemed to have a look of regret. "Seems such a waste though..."

"Cleanse your thoughts, brother. Don't let these demons corrupt your mind."

Meanwhile, Victoria had sunk from waist to chest level. Both of the girls were forced keep their arms spread to keep themselves from sinking, exposing their breasts to the men. Despite their efforts, they were continuing to sink into the deadly quicksand. Were the cultists going to watch them go under, or could they find something they could use to change their minds?
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby sixgunzloaded » Mon May 10, 2021 7:33 pm

Nice one! Good story and nice thick looking qs. I like how the edges of their individual sinking spots are well defined and semi-firm looking. Kinda like they're sinking into a flan dessert! :lol: Cool effect. And Quicky and Vicky are hot as always. Thanks for sharing it!

P.S. Cultists are some creepy-ass mo-fos... :shock:
How long did Tarzan watch before deciding to save Jill..?

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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Sat May 29, 2021 8:06 am

Blown Away
With the arrest of one of the local gang leaders, it was the only chance they had to get the scoop on hard evidence. Sanders received an anonymous tip that the gang had a stash in an old beach cabin, and taking her intern Victoria with her, she rushed over before the police got wind of it. The cabin - more like a shack - was sited a fair way off the coastal road, obscured from view by dense vegetation with no clear path. The view from the ocean was also blocked by a tree line. But what made it a great hiding spot was its location: right in the middle of a clearing full of quicksand. At least, that's what the painted signs said. Whether it was actual quicksand or not was irrelevant; the sign was enough to deter most curious people from exploring further.

But not the reporters. There obviously had to be a way in. They easily found it - a series of planks that formed a boardwalk. It was a challenge to balance over the narrow passage. The planks were poorly secured and some were rotten. A couple of times they found themselves windmiling to stop themselves from falling off and into the quicksand below. After a few minutes of tightrope walking, they made it into the cabin. Unfortunately, it looked liked it had been abandoned for a while. There was little other than old papers and cans littered around the room. The cupboards were open and empty. The floorboards creaked. It had that empty, haunted feeling, where you felt like you were being watched and everything sounded like somoeone was intentionally moving it.

There was one sound that really stuck out. It was a faint, metallic dial, like an oven timer. Sanders approached one of the cupboards and found the source. Her eyes widened as soon as she opened it.

"It's a bomb!" Sanders yelled. "GET OUT!" Sanders grabbed Victoria and sprinted straight out the door, running as fast as they could across the boardwalk. The adrenaline got them halfway across the unstable bridge, but before they could make it across, the reporters were lifted off their feet. The explosion felt like volcano, the heat searing their backs, throwing the wooden planks - and the two women - away like toys. Miraculously, they hadn't been struck by any of the shrapnel.

The luck, however, disappeared as soon as they landed, and learned that the warning signs were not just for show.
Sanders - Blown Away.jpg

The sand cushioned their violent fall with a loud splat. Before they could react, the sand swallowed them, opening beneath them and oozing over their torsos, pulling their hips into the soft, thick quicksand. Victoria tried to wriggle free and roll onto her side, but her arms found nothing solid to push against. Sanders wasn't faring any better. She had landed with both her arms buried in the quicksand. She could only watch as it pushed against her breasts and oozed into her cleavage. They were hoplessly trapped, struggling to free their arms and legs, but within minutes there wouldn't be much else.

Having escaped the bomb, would the reporters be able to survive this trap?
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Sun May 30, 2021 3:58 am

Wild Ride
Of all the things they had done, a feature article on a new theme park was a pleasant change from chasing crime rings. They had exclusive access before it opened. The owner, Walter, seemed like someone who had seen one too many jungle movies. His staff uniform was a khaki safari outfit complete with a pith helmet. It was campy, but it suited the theme. "It's the most authentic safari theme park you'll see," Walter proudly boasted. "The action, suspense and exotic perils that I grew up with."

"Does that include muscular men swinging on vines to rescue beautiful ladies?" Victoria asked.

"Oh, no Tarzans today," Walter replied. "We still need to hire staff who fit the...requirements. But we do have two beautiful ladies right here."

Victoria feigned a playful laugh at Walter's awkward flirt, which turned into a genuine chuckle. Sanders was straight to business, however. "A park like this would cost billions of dollars, but it seems like a niche market - especially with the declining interest in theme parks. What's the deal? I wouldn't imagine banks would loan you that much money unless you have another investor, and even then, it wouldn't turn a profit unless it served another function."

Walter seemed hurt by this accusation. "Oh, now that you mention it, yes, I do have a wealthy backer in this project. And yes, I do have to fulfill a few unique requirements. I've got nothing to hide, which is why I invited the best reporter to cover our opening. In fact, I've got an attraction designed just for you."

He led the reporters to a platform where a carriage sat waiting for them. "Step in. This will take you around the park and give you a...deep...insight into our park. I'll control the ride from here and will do the announcements over the speakers."

"I don't get it," Victoria said after fifteen minutes on the ride. "It's just a slow train car going through a bunch of trees with mechanical animals, and Walter's acting as if they're all real. He's out of his mind."

"I get what you mean," Sanders replied. "No one does this out of passion. He reacted strangely when I said he was hiding something. I think I was closer to the truth than I intended."

The carriage suddenly stopped. They were perched over a clearing in the artificial jungle. The speakers came on with Walter's tour-guide voice. "Now, ladies, I did promise you the most authentic safari experience. You've seen the plants and the animals. But let me show you my favourite part of jungle movies. You'll find it...inescapable."

There was the whirring of a motor. Then, the section of track tilted, causing the carriage to slide off the track and plunge towards the clearing. They hit the ground with a loud splat. Fortunately, the muddy pit absorbed their impact.

"What the HELL?" Victoria yelled. "Was that an accident?"

"That was no accident," Sanders replied, looking at the mud creeping up her torso. "It's a trap!"
Sanders - Wild Ride.jpg

"That's right, ladies," Walter announced over the speakers. "My favourite thing in jungle movies? The QUICKSAND! I watched every single quicksand scene. I obsessed over them. All I wanted was to make a theme park dedicated to quicksand, just so I would watch women sink to their doom. And this is just PERFECT! Look at you, bobbing up and down in that quicksand pit as it slowly sucks you down. And I made sure it will suck you down! Just watch as the thick mud reaches for your breasts...ooooh, so perfect..."

"Damn, this is really creepy," Sanders muttered. But he was right - they were being sucked down. And knowing his fetish, he probably wanted it to drag on as long as possible. "Get us out Walter!"

"Not a chance. You see, you were right. I was given a big payout by an investor. Someone you've been trying to expose. Someone who could see a use for my quicksand pits for getting rid of certain...evidence. And here we have our first test run! How could I say no when my dreams are coming true? Say, how about we make things a little more exciting?"

"OH!" Victoria screamed as she was suddenly pulled to her shoulders. "I'm sinking! I'm going under! Help!"

"Don't struggle, that's exactly what he wants," said Sanders. "He...wait, actually, keep struggling!"

"Hel-, wait, what?"

Sanders let out an unusually loud moan. "Oooh...I'm going deeper...I can't feel a bottom..."

"Sanders, what the he..."

"Listen, he's getting off on watching us struggle. That's what he grew up with - melodramatic scenes with over-the-top reactions. If we play into his fantasy, he might keep us alive." Sanders looked straight into the camera above her. "Oh...oh no, there's no way out! If only there was some brave man who could come and save us! We'd do...ANYTHING!"

The speaker went quiet. Was it working? Had they managed to convince the creepy owner to save them? Or was he busy watching the last seconds of their struggle?
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Wed Dec 08, 2021 4:12 pm

Midnight Surprise #2

Sanders paused to catch her breath. It looked like she had evaded the thugs who had chased her out of her hotel room. Likely they were more interested in the evidence she uncovered and left in her room. Once she was sure the coast was clear, she tentatively began to make her way back, expecting to find her room in disarray. Getting back, however, wasn't going to be easy. It was night, and she was alone in the dark woods in nothing but a sheer nightdress. Barefoot, she had to tread carefully to avoid sharp sticks and stones, feeling her way through the undergrowth. Brushing aside a branch, she felt the ground turn muddy. Looking down, she could see that she was on the edge of a small clearing. Her experienced senses, along with the sucking mud around her feet, warned her of a familiar danger. "Quicksand," she muttered. Carefully, she turned and stepped out of the muddy clearing.

Her presence disturbed a nest of birds. Next thing she knew, a puff of feathers and claws swarmed over her face, its panicked cries sounding like a harpy. Sanders covered her face with her hands, but the surprise and ferocity forced her back. The assault ceased, leaving the reporter with a few light scratches.

And a sinking feeling. She was standing in the middle of the quicksand!

She was already past her knees. She managed a couple of steps before she sank to her hips and was unable to move further. The cool mud slipped under her nightdress, caressing her exposed lower body, causing her to shiver, but not from the cold. Regaining her focus, she spotted a low lying branch. She reached out for it. She heard a sound. Her eyes traced the branch back to a figure standing by the clearing, and then to the gun in his hand.

"Thought I'd never find you," the thug said. "Then you made that ruckus. Looks like you're in some deep trouble. Move away from that branch and put your hands behind your head. I know you've got tricks up your sleeve."

"I've got nothing to hide," said Sanders, complying. In doing so, she opened revealed her breasts through her sheer nightdress for the thug to admire. "What do you want?"
Sanders - Midnight Surprise 2.jpg

"Information," he said. "Names. My accomplice probably wants a lot more to do with you, but he's probably sniffing your panties back at the hotel. I just want to get the job done. You tell me what I want to know, and I'll leave you unharmed. I'm not interested in killing reporters."

"Get me out and I'll tell you what you want to know."

"That's not how it works. You give me what I want first." Sanders felt a knot in her stomach. If she revealed her sources, the gang would certainly go after them. The thug sensed her hesitation and guessed what she was considering. "Look Miss, it makes no difference to me. I'm a messenger, just as you are. I don't call the shots on what happens to the rat. Either he disappears, or you disappear." He smirked. "And one's going to happen sooner than the other."

Sanders looked down at the quicksand creeping over her neckline, oozing into her cleavage. The thug was right. She had to make a decision - and quickly!
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby MadMax359 » Thu Dec 09, 2021 2:51 am

Nothing to hide!! and lots to display!! :twisted:
The strong do what they want, the weak do what they must

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