Coast Watch

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Coast Watch

Postby Viridian » Sat Dec 04, 2021 2:55 pm

Sabrina watched in silent horror from her hidden vantage point from the dunes. The new life guard was hoping for a quiet first day on the job, realistically expecting to have to pull someone out from the water at least once, but definitely not a murder in progress. In the distance, a man heaved a dark-haired woman over his shoulder, walking purposefully towards a particular spot on the beach. The woman tried to cry out for help, but the wind carried her voice away. Her wrists and ankles bound, she could do little to struggle against her captor. But her bondage was only about to get worse. Without hesitation, the man flung her down the dune, where she tumbled helplessly towards the pale, flat sand below. As soon as she hit the ground, she began to sink. It was quicksand!

The life guard knew she had to act, but what could she do? They were in a remote section of the beach that was closed to the public. No one would be around to get help or call the police. If she ran back, the woman would probably die before she came back. But she couldn't take on the captor by herself. She wasn't sure if he was armed, and Sabrina had nothing on her to use - no weapons, no tools, no phone, just the skimpy swimsuit that was her uniform. Dealing with catcalls from her male colleagues was now the least of her concerns.

The woman sank quickly, unable to move with her bonds. She tried to sit upright, which bought her a few seconds before the sand rippled, unable to hold up her weight, and she plunged to her hips. Desperately, she turned and twisted, pushing against the hungry sand, but her movements only stirred up the sand, causing the entire clearing to shake. The man took one more look at his victim, and then began to walk away. "Please, don't leave me here!" the woman shouted. Her pleas fell on deaf ears. Sabrina wanted to run out to rescue the sinking woman before it was too late, but she had to be sure that the man was gone. The man began to climb up the dune, where he had parked his car. Sabrina shifted position to stay out of his sight, but in doing so she also lost sight of the woman. She prayed to herself that the man would make his exit before it was too late. Her caution was well-founded, as the man did look down at his work from the top of the dune, before climbing in his vehicle and driving off.

As soon as Sabrina could no longer hear the car, she scrambled from her hiding spot and crested over the dune. The woman was already up to her chest, the quicksand molding around her trapped body and undulating ominously. "Hey!" Sabrina called out. "I'm coming to get you! Don't move!"

The woman's head snapped up. "Help! I'm sinking! My hands are stuck!"

The fact that the rookie life guard had no experience with this kind of emergency fleetingly passed through Sabrina's mind. Her body moved on impulse. She had the thought in her mind that she could reach the sinking woman and dig her free, or loosen the sand enough to her arms up and remove her wrist bonds. Stepping towards the quaking sand, Sabrina felt her feet sink into the thick morass. Changing her approach, she got onto her hands knees, feeling that her weight being spread out would keep her from sinking. Though the surface sagged, she was able to slowly crawl over the unstable surface.

"Hurry!" the woman cried, watching as the quicksand oozed into cleavage.

"Nearly there!" Sabrina shouted back.

Her progress was stopped when her hands plunged into a softer part of the sand. Caught off guard, Sabrina's upper body lunged forward. She cried out in alarm as her arms sank past her elbows and she began to tip forward into the awaiting quicksand. She hastily shifted her weight back onto her knees to prevent herself from pitching face-first into the sand. In doing so, the sand buckled under her weight and pulled her legs beneath her. She gasped as her toned thighs quickly slipped into the thick sand. She tugged at her hands, but they were still held firm, as if they were encased in cement. She tried once more to shift her balance backwards, but she only managed to drive her hips into the sand. Reminding herself to calm down, she stopped struggling, which seemed to slow her descent. But with the quicksand swallowing her ribs and her arms stuck, Sabrina realised that she was just as trapped as the woman she was supposed to be rescuing!
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Re: Coast Watch

Postby AWSands21 » Sat Dec 04, 2021 5:11 pm

Should've brought a body-board. But hey, I'm not complaining. The math would suggest that two women in quicksand are better than one woman in quicksand.
In the end, they all sink.

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Re: Coast Watch

Postby Theo » Sun Dec 05, 2021 5:18 am

Nice one Viridian! Glad to see something new from you, it's been a while!

AWSands21 wrote:Should've brought a body-board. But hey, I'm not complaining. The math would suggest that two women in quicksand are better than one woman in quicksand.

Maybe she'll remember the body-board next time... if there is a next time that is :D
Finally broke down and went to see a psychologist. She told me I just have an overactive imagination—and it really excited her. We're going sinking next weekend. Theo's AI Quicksandbox New stuff every weekend (unless life gets in the way)

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