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Moments In Quicksand — Redux

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 10:32 pm
by Theo
I thought I might revisit some of the first quicksand scenes I posted from WildLife about a year ago and do a sort of “remake,” utilizing some new features available in the game, improved techniques I’ve since learned (and still learning), and some new ideas I wouldn't have been able to implement before. For example: here I’ve been experimenting with manipulating the ground mesh and applying mud to the characters (albeit with photoshop afterwards).

So here’s the first results of that project: a remake of Moments In Quicksand (link to the original for comparison).

I hope you enjoy and offer some feedback, and as always, thank you for viewing/reading!

Moments In QS Oasis 1.jpg

Moments In QS Oasis 2.jpg

Moments In QS Oasis 3.jpg

Moments In QS Oasis 4.jpg

Moments In QS Oasis 5.jpg

Re: Moments In Quicksand — Redux

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 9:22 pm
by sixgunzloaded
Nice job with these! Maya looks good here. What exactly is Wildlife? You mentioned "in the game". What does that mean? Is it like Second Life or something?

Re: Moments In Quicksand — Redux

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2023 5:41 am
by Theo
sixgunzloaded wrote:Nice job with these! Maya looks good here. What exactly is Wildlife? You mentioned "in the game". What does that mean? Is it like Second Life or something?

Thank you sixgunz! :D

It's a game that's been in the works for a while now. It's eventually supposed to be like a RPG/survival type game I think, but you can also undress and have sex with the characters. There's no quicksand in the game, but in the sandbox editor you can create different objects, landscapes, and pose the characters like I do for quicksand scenes.

WildLife on Steam

WildLife on Patreon

Re: Moments In Quicksand — Redux

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:04 pm
by giuseppe
This is a great sequence. And this may be a bit of a niche response but there's something about the depth she's into in her last image that just seems perfect. There's an idea of lip deep and nose deep but you seem to have tucked her in the sand so cutely in this very specific depth where you kind of see just a hint of a little button nose there. Honestly it looks like she's super comfy in there aside from the fact that she's about to slide away...

Beautiful work!

Re: Moments In Quicksand — Redux

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:42 am
by Theo
giuseppe wrote:This is a great sequence. And this may be a bit of a niche response but there's something about the depth she's into in her last image that just seems perfect. There's an idea of lip deep and nose deep but you seem to have tucked her in the sand so cutely in this very specific depth where you kind of see just a hint of a little button nose there...

Beautiful work!

Thank you so much giuseppe! :D

giuseppe wrote:...Honestly it looks like she's super comfy in there aside from the fact that she's about to slide away...

And can't breathe at that point lol! Yeah, I thought the notion of one still being able to see as the thick mud slowly rises up over them, while also no longer able to breathe, as the mud is over their nose is most intuiting :P I might be revisiting this concept in story sometime in the indeterminate future (ie. whenever I get around to writing it ;) ).