Time For Quicksand PT1

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Time For Quicksand PT1

Postby Bill » Tue Dec 01, 2020 3:02 am

Writer: William Harkness
Date: November30/20
M/F Quicksand
Main Characters: Richard Jones/description: White Skin, Black Hair, Brown Eye's Average Body & wares glasses, & Kelly quin/description: Long Blond hair, White skin, Blue eye's, Average body & big breasts

It was mid Saturday morning at the quin manner ware Richard was helping his girl friend Kelly with cleaning out her deceased Grandfathers Mansion. "KELLY: Thanks for helping me again with cleaning up my Grandfathers Mansion Richard, my parents told me I had to organize my grandfathers affairs & give his mansion a cleaning to make It look good before they put it on the market". "RICHARD: No problem Kelly I didn't have much planned anyway, so are getting payed for this". "KELLY: No this is my punishment for taking my dads motorcycle out on a joyride without his permission & accidently wrecking It when I didn't see a car coming from the right & drove It in a ditch". "RICHARD: Really, considering that your Dad's priced motorcycle is his prized possession I surprised that he didn't just ground your for a month or something. Guess you looked out". "KELLY: lucked out you say" Kelly said in a sarcastic voice.

So the2started with cleaning the outside then working their way inside. "KELLY: Man being inside this Mansion really tacks me back to when I was younger & how my family always visited my grandfather during holidays & special occasions. It still smells the same to". "Like old people said Rich". "Yes exactly, Kelly said", chuckling a bit. "RICARDI must say this sure is a sweet mansion, what did your grandfather do that could allow him to live in a sweet pad like this". "KELLY: Grandfather quin was this great adventure, he made inventions that revolutionized the modern world". "RICARD: Like what". "KELLY: You know those new devices that measure CO2 levels, he made that". "RICHARD: WOW your grandfather made some great stuff. So which part of the Mansion do you want to clean first". "KELLY: The basement, I always got creeped out when ever I had to go down their, It's better that we start their first".

So the2made their way to the basement & started cleaning, while they did Richard found something that was hiding under a blanket that will change their lives forever. "R: Hay Kelly what's this thing". "K: I don't know this could be that secret project that my grandfather spent the last 10 years making before he past away". "R: What is It". "K: I have no idea, no one in my family does". "K: Out of all the inventions that my grandfather created, he made sure that no one found out about this one". "R: So should we start clean this thing to". "K: Probably not, my parents would probably just throw It out anyway. Besides I'm tired lets take a brake". "R: Sure, so since we did so much cleaning already how about you & me do something really dirty". "K: Easy there cowboy I'm not doing anything, unless you have protection". "R: You mean like this". Your such a dork".

So Richard Kelly begin with kissing each other patiently, touching their sensitive spots while taking turns taking off each others clothes than Kelly puts Richards condom on his penis so she can press her women hood on his man hood with no fear having passionate sex. But while making love they accidentally activate Kelly's Grandfather's secret invention which teleports them to another place & time. The result nocks them out cold.

When they wake up they find that their no longer in Kelly's Grandfather's Mansion but in an open/rocky deserts. "What in the world Richard said in a shocked voice". "R: Ware are we, howed did we get out hear". They quickly put their clothes back on, trying to figure out what happened. "K: Richard what just happened, because the first we I know we were making love on my grandfathers secret project & know were in the middle of no ware". "R: I don't know but maybe while we were making love we might have pressed some sort of button on this whatever It his & maybe It nocked us out, maybe were dreaming". "K: I don't know this all feels & looks real. Sniff, sniff. EW & smells real, something stinks". Kelly says as the2held their noses". "R: Man what is that smell". "K: don't know but It smells like lizard farts". "R: How do you know that". "K: Because I used to volunteer at a lizard sanctuary". "R: Okay but why does the air smell like that". Than they hear a lowed roar that came from behind than the earth started to shake like a thumping sound. "K: U Richard I think were in trouble". Suddenly a T-Rex comes out looking for food. "R: OMG that's a that's a, TREX". Kelly & Rich start running.

They run & run as fast as they could but suddenly the pair fall waste deep in a clay mud substances. "O-god what is this Kelly said". "R: I don't know but I can't seem to get out", "K: me never". Kelly & Rich struggle to try & escape their clay trap with no success. As the T-Rex closes in Kelly & Richard give each other a hug, in breasing their end until a Triceratops comes in knocking the T-Rex down, & the2dinassorce begin battling which takes them away from our main characters. "R: Man that was close". "K: hay to all we half to do is get out of what ever this is". suddenly they feel themselves sinking in their clay trap". "K: O-WOW Rich are felling this" "R: like my pennies expanding in my pants while going lower in this weird substance than yes". "K: Same hear but in regard to my women hood. Man what a rush". "R: ya but If were sinking than this must be Quicksand". "K: Makes sense, so how do we get out". "R: first we must not struggle so much, we would just sink faster".

"K: Van how do we get out". The 2 contimplaint their situation while they continue sinking, as the Quicksand claim their bellies & soon their chests & Kelly's breasts." K: How did we even get in this mess & why are their dinassorce all of a sudden". "R: U Kelly, I might be going crazy but maybe your grandfather made a time mashean". "R: Think about It, as soon as we made love on that machine we get transported to a rocky waste land with smelly air & dinosaurs", "K: but why would my grandfather even make a time mashean". "R: I don't know, but what I do know If we don't get out of this Quicksand soon we'll become ancient history". Than suddenly as they sink to their shoulders to taradactles swoop down & extract Rich & Kelly from their Quicksand trap. WOW looks like we manage to avoid that death, but how are going to get out of this one, Kelly asked. I don't know said Rich. Than the2taradactles got hit by spears which cause them to let go of their pray & Kelly & Rich beginning falling down, but will they survive. To be continued

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