Time For Quicksand PT2

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Time For Quicksand PT2

Postby Bill » Wed Dec 02, 2020 1:37 am

Time For Quicksand Part2 Writer: William Harkness
Date: December1/20
M/F Quicksand
When we last read about Richard & Kelly, they were falling after their taradactle escorts dropped them from being screwed by spears, but this isn't ware our characters parish, they managed to try to grab on some trees to stop their distant but they wound up falling in a powl of thick black swamp mud. After making a big splash they came up stand up waste deep. "K: COF COF COF Eww what did we just fall into". "R: PA just be glad were still alive". "K: UA this stuff smells". "R: Look lets just try to get back to our time mashean so we can get back to our own time". Suddenly they felt a familiar sinking feelings & sense of arousal. "K: O-my Gosh Rich please tell me that we didn't fell in another pole of Quicksand". "R: I wish I could but that would be a lie". "K: I can't believe this is happening, did we just join some sort of B list syfy movie & not know It". "R: If we did their would be a lot more no name actors on this set". "R: Like them". Just as the Quicksand was reaching their chest & breasts 2 cave people came out of know ware.

A bearded man & a women with long back hair, both have brown skin, holding spears & were standing close to the edge of the Quicksand bog, just standing. "R: I can't believe were meeting actual cave people". "K: But why are they just staring, Hay can you get out out". "R: Easy Kelly their probably just curious, wondering If were friend or foe". "We don't want to provoke them or we could have another problem". "K: A Rich were almost shoulder deep in Quicksand, If we don't get out we will die". "K: Hay, can, you, get us out, of, this, sinkhole". After Kelly asked in their language the cave people used their spears to get them out. Once Kelly & Rich got back on dry land the cave people started touching them. "O man they stink said Kelly". "R: What do you expect personal hygiene wasn't invented at this point in time". "K: What should we do know than". "R: Lets just roll with It, If they move along than so can we". "K: Roll with It really"0. "R: Hay It's all I got". Then the cave people tuck Rich & Kelly to a local lake ware they cleaned them selves from the2layers of Quicksand on their clothes & bodies.

Then they tuck them back to their cave home, witched smelled worse than they did. "PEE-U" said Kelly holding her nose "K: their cave smells worse than they do". "R: Easy don't offend them". "K: What about my nose'. Suddenly the cave people ripped the clothes off Rich & Kelly than gave them the rufes sex of their lives. But surprisingly they didn't resist they actually enjoy every moment of the pounding sex they were receiving which knocked them all out. Forchenetly they woke up before the cave people did, put their clothes back on than made their way back to their time mashean. "Man I thought we'd never find this thing let alone in one Pease said Richard". "K: I still can't believe my grandfather actually made a working time machine. "K: I wish he was still alive to see It". "R: I'm sure he did looking down from heaven watching as we made love on his pride & joy & watching as we hi jacked It". "R: Lets just figure out how to get use back to 2020". "K: I have any idea". "K: Well I'm not as smart as my grandfather was but I think if we peres these buttons than pull this lever we will". Suddenly they Time jumped out of Prehistoric times to who knows ware. To Be continued.
Last edited by Bill on Tue Dec 22, 2020 9:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Time For Quicksand PT2

Postby Boggyhoo » Wed Dec 02, 2020 3:24 pm

I feel better now.


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