Time For Quicksand PT3

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Time For Quicksand PT3

Postby Bill » Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:15 am

Writer: William Harkness
Date: December 5/20
M Quicksand
Main Characters Richard & Kelly/New Character: Laurca Oget/Description, Long Black hair, black eye's, Skinny Body, brown skin & Big Breasts
In the last chapter our time traveling due just left the Prehistoric era & time traveled to ancient Egypt 5'000BC. When they arrived they landed in the middle of a oasis located beside an Egyptian city(The city of Laurca Oget). "R: What in the world are we in Egypt". "Why are we in Egypt I thought you knew how to get us home". "K: Sorry Richard, I warned you that I wasn't as smart as my grandfather". "It's not like I wanted to take us to ancient Egypt It just happened". "R: Sorry Kelly I'm not trying to upset you It's just that I want to this time traveling adventure to end". "K: I understand but according to this time traveling dial, that apparently we can't just travel back to 2020, we half to travel along this path that was already put in place. "R: What do you mean".

"K: Well looks like when my grandfather built this time mashean, he designed It so he can travel to certain key points in history that he already put in please". Looks like we half to travel along this path until we reach the end". "R: Okay than so let's start this thing up again to we can get this over with." "K: I'm afraid that according to this power meter we half to wait until the solar batteries finish rea-charging before we can make another time jump". "R: Okay than, at least this time mashean is environmentally friendly". Suddenly they heard cheers from the people of the nearby city welcome the return of their pharaoh returning from her long journey from the fair side of Egypt. "All Hail Laurca Oget, All Hail Laurca Oget". "R: Hay check this out Kelly, looks like those people are really making the arrival of that Egyptian women a big deal". "K: Rich do you know who that women is". "R: That's the great Laurca Oget, I learned about her in history class." "Apparently she was the only female Pharaoh in existence to role over almost all of Egypt".

"It's said that she had a way of influencing the people to act out of passion which she used to role over her people". "K: Archaeologist who visited her ancient tomb tried to figure out how she was able to gain such power in a short time she became pharaoh, but they couldn't find any record of evidence to say otherwise". "K: You know I have a history report that's due in a few weeks & I haven't started yet." "If I could get undeniable evidence of how she made herself so powerful, I could pass my course with flying colors". "R: So what you want to sneak in to a well guarded ancient fortress in hops of finding something that will help pass your assignment". "K: Yes exactly" "R: I don't that's a good idea, we should just wait hear until the solar batteries finish rea-charging." "K: A come one Rich wares your sense of adventure". "R: I think I lost It at one of the Quicksand pits back in Dinosaur world". "K: Well you can sty hear & wait but I'm going". "R: Kelly wait".

Kelly was always one of the most reckless & fearless women he has ever dated. Then again Kelly is the only women he has ever dated & It's those qualities that made him fell in love with her. Also because she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty & she knows how to fight. Independent & self reliant women that can protect them selves can really turn Richard On. Anyway he decided to follow Kelly into the ancient city, that was filed with life & mystic energy. K: So Rich you decided to follow me after all, you must really love me". "R: I just wanted to make sure you don't get into trouble". "But I half to admit If I didn't fallow you I wouldn't be able to experience how people in Egypt used to live back than." So Rich & Kelly kept walking until they arrived at the entrance of the Egyptian fortress. "R: Okay Kelly this was your idea so do you expect to get inside this place". "K: Give me a minute & I'll think of something".

But un enounced to them Laurca Oget was watching them from her balcony. She was fascinated by them & ordered 2 of her guards to get them. So with out warning Rich & Kelly were ambushed by the pharaohs guards who brought them to her. "LO: In all my years rolling over this land I have never met people as oddly dressed as you". "Ware are you from". "R: A Canada". "LO: Interesting, why were hiding outside my palace". "K: Well he heard how you had this power to get people to follow your every whim, they say you use magic, we just wanted to know for sure" "LO: Is that so, guards bring them to my privet chambers". So the guards bring Kelly & Rich to the Pharaohs room. "LO: Thanks you may go". "So you 2 want to know my secret, I must say no one has ever wanted to know about my power until know, & that intrigues me". & you intrigue me, especially you" "R: Really" "K Really Him" "LO: Yes I don't know why but something about you to fascinates me". "Tell me are you to involved, romantically".

"R: Yes we are". "LO: I see, so you to have passionate sex often". "K: Yes but I wouldn't say often". "Besides what does this half to do with your gift". "LO: Everything." "Lets say If can make It so you to could have the best sex you ever had right know". "R: I would say that sounds to good to be true". "LO: Is that so". Suddenly Laurca uses her stafe that radiates a hypnotic red glare. Suddenly both Kelly & Rich feel really horney & have the sudden urge to remove all their clothes like they were in a sauna. Than right on the spot they give each other the most intense & most hart pounding sex they ever had. It lasts the entire day.

The next morning both Rich & Kelly wake up inside Laurca's room completely naked & feeling like they resuled a bare. "R: Man that was crazy, I wasn't in the mode to have sex but what ever Laurca did made want to just have my way with you." "K: Me to It was like my body was doing all the driving & my brain was just enjoying the ride". Then a bunch of people with food came in to survey Rich & Kelly. "LO: Good morning, I hope you don't mind but I fought that after making love for so long you to must be famished". "R: Yes we are thanks".

"K: What exactly did you do to use with that staff". "LO: My staff contains a ruby that when exposed to sun light causes It to radiate beams of intense heat & energy that it causes a certain reaction when It comes in contact with human flesh". "Basically It weakens a persons sense of will power & causes the person to be willing to fallow any command I wish". "Basically the only reason why you 2 made love to each other for so long is because I willed It". "R: That's incredible". "LO: Indeed, & since I was willing to share my secret with the 2 of you maybe there's something you can do for me".

"K: Name It". So Laurca ordered her guards to take Kelly out of the room & had Richard come with her. While walking with Laurca's guards Kelly was wondering what is going on. Laurca didn't say what she wanted in return which made her consired. She was wondering what she wanted to do with Richard. Then without warning the guards through Kelly in a room that was filled with crocodiles. She was screaming to let her out but no one responded. Then Kelly had an instinct feeling that Laurca's intentions for allowing her & Rich to come into her palace & share her secrets were more sinister than she once thought. She knew she had to think fast before she was crock food.

Then she noticed a small crack which lead outside the palace & thanks to her martial arts training she can get past the crocks & through that crack, which she did with no fear. Them making her way back inside & trying to find Rich. Mean while Rich was alone with Laurca in her throne room. "R: So what is It you want from us". "LO: It's not what I want from Kelly Rich It's what I want from you." You see I have ruled over these lands by my self for many years". As such I crave companion ship some one that could help me by pleasing my sexual urges & when I say the way you pleased Kelly I knew you were the one". "R: A look Laurca I'm flattered truly & If things were different I would expect but the thing is I can't because one I don't belong in the world & second It's because I'm in love with Kelly & I could never just portray our love". "I am a one Women guy". "LO: I admire you principal's Rich It's one of the things that makes me attracted to you, but I'm already aware that you & Kelly are from another time." It's why you 2 fascinated me". "R: Really but how". "LO: The gods are my Alize & with this staff I communicate with them & they told me of your arrival as soon as you 2 entered my time". "As for Kelly you don't half to worry about her, I already ordered my guards to dispose of her". "R: You did what, how could you, you'll pay for this". In his anger Rich tried to attack Laurca but her staff prevented that. "LO: Know, know save that strength for pleasing me, know I command you to give me the best sex of my life". But even though Laurca was using the full power of the staff Richard resisted". "LO: What, why aren't you obeying me". "R: How should I know I'm not an Egyptian expert, but perhaps my love & devotion for Kelly is helping me to resist you".

"LO: Fool Kelly is dead you my boy toy know, so please me". But even after taking off all her coves leaving her but naked, Rich still resists the power of her staff. "LO: Fin, If you wont satisfy my sexual needs than you'll satisfy my other needs". Then using her staff reveals a hidden chamber that was hidden under some flower tiles a pit of sand. Than using her inner strength throws Rich in the sand pit. Than as soon as he enters ankle deep, he starts sinking. "R: What is this, why am I sinking". "LO: Because that's no ordinary sand pit, It's my personal Quicksand bit" "What" Rich says as he sinks up to his thighs. "LO: That's right". "You see one of the things that really exists me is watching innocent people like your self sink in Quicksand" "Using my powers I created this personal Quicksand pit to execute those that refuse my rule". That way I can keep the rest of my people in line by threatening to kill them in one of the worst ways imaginable & satisfying my sexual fantasies. "R: Your a crazy women". "LO: Thanks you to kind, but

If you don't mind could you please struggle for me, I always enjoy people sinking in Quicksand when they struggle". "R: So I can sink faster no way"." LO: Well If you prefer a slow death that's fin to but don't bother my little damsel in distress no one is coming to rescue you". "K: Are you sure about that". "R: Kelly your alive, thank goodness." "I'm glad to see that your still alive". Rich express his relief as he was sinking past his privet parts. "K: Well I'm surprised to see that your sinking in Quicksand." "I was expecting to see you & this B fucking each other". "LO: Believe me that was the plan but some how his love for you is protecting him from my staffs power". "K: Really" "R: Of course you know I can never cheat on you". "Your the best thing that ever happened to me". "LO: Please don't make me Barth, but If you 2 love each other that much than I can arrange for It so you to & spend your last moments making love to each other before the Quicksand sucks you down". So Laurca orders her guards to attack Kelly, but Kelly isn't one to be taken down that easily.

So while rich was sinking past his waste he say in amazement as Kelly was fitting off both the palace guards & Laurca all at once. Seeing Kelly being a total bad ass has made Richard extremely horney & turned on, because seeing Kelly kick but exits him. He doesn't even pay attention to his current situation. As he sinks to his chest he enjoys watching Kelly fight. But he does feel his cock expend in his pants why'll sinking in the sand. But Kelly's fight this Laurca was more challenging since she had the power of the Gods them selves, but at the final moment Kelly gets the up hand & mages to pouch Laurca in the same Quicksand pit Rich was in a few feet away from him & she winds up going under. "R: You go girl". "K Thanks Rich know lets get you out of their". After saying that Rich was reminded that he was still sinking in Quicksand, but before he sunk up to his shoulders Kelly manages to pull him back on solid ground. Than they share a passionate kiss. "R: You know It's usually the guys that saves the women in Quicksand but considering It's you that pulled me out I don't mind". "K: O Rich your such a dork". That causes them to exchange more kisses. "K: Look rich I'm sorry I got our selves into this mess I should have listened to you". "R: Forget about It, you didn't know that this would happen". " & besides at least I wound up being pulled out of Quicksand by one of the bad asses Women I know". "K: You really think I'm a bad ass". "R: O Ya". Then they gave each other one last romantic kiss before the leave Laurca's palace & make their way to the time mashean & do another time jump. To be continued.

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