The Quicksand Honey Moon Version2

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The Quicksand Honey Moon Version2

Postby Bill » Mon Dec 07, 2020 12:15 am

Writer: William Harkness
Date December 6/20
M/F Quicksand
Main characters are the same from the first version
It was Sunday morning when William woke up naked in a bed in a hotel room located in the Hilton Hotel located in the Canadian countryside. When he woke up he was greated with the warm sight of his newly married Wife Ema who he married yesterday, who was also naked. They were both naked because they had passionate sex after their wedding ceremony & party. Then his wife Ema woke up & said: "Morning did you sleep well" "W: Yes I did, actually I had a dream ware I married the most smartest, sexiest, bravest & independently strong wild women I ever had the pleasure of meeting at some local theatre with my friends". "EMA: Well I got news for you, you actually did married the most smartest, sexiest, independently strong wild women you ever had the pleasure of meeting". Then they both shared a passionate kiss.

Will & Ema have been dating for over 10 years & during that time they they went on all sorts of crazy dates from simple dinner & a movie dates to hiking in the most harshest terrains which he only did because he wanted to impress Emma's parents because she comes from a long line of great adventurers, although her parents don't go on any crazy adventures not like Emma's grandparents & her Uncle who past away a long time ago. "W: So Mrs. Tomcan are your ready to begin our first day as a official married couple". "EMA: Yes I am Mr. Tomcan". Before giving Will a passionate kiss". "So ware are we going for our honeymoon". "W: O-U well, actually I'm afraid I was so exited that we were getting married I forgot to book our honey moon destination that I promised I do". "Sorry Babe". "EMA: That's okay will I think I have a solution". "W: What's that". "EMA: It's a letter from my Uncle Peat". "W: Your Uncle". "The One who past away a year before we started dating". "That great treasure Hunter you told me about".

"EMA: Yes." "He's the one who taught me everything I know about a great treasure hunter". "Before I was born my Uncle Peat traveled to all sorts of Exocytic locations, finding lost tombs & temples, making off with all sorts of rare artifacts that he would donate to a museum". "Also that adventurers need to learn how to defend themselves since we spent a lot of time fighting off rival treasure hunters & bandits" But most of all he taut me that the adventure more important than actually finding the treasure". "W: WOW that's deep, He sounds like a great guy, I wish I could have met him". "EMA: Ya he was, you know when I was old enough he actually took me on a lot of his expeditions, I been to so many amazing places met all sorts of colorful people". " A lot of them actually tried to kill us so we wouldn't stop them from getting a temple/tombs treasure". "W: So even though your Uncle basically lived a dangerous life he still let you be apart of those adventures of his, wasn't he afraid that you would get hurt". Ema: Please If any one got heart It was those jerks that thought they can take a free shout at me just because I'm a women". "You know how I take those martial arts classes". "W: Ya, you don't half to remind me that your a master black belt, in fact It was the main reasons why I fell in love with you". "EMA: You better believe It".

Then they exchange another romantic kiss. "EMA: Well It was my Uncles idea for me to learn how to fight". "Because he believe all people that choose that type of life or one just like It should know how to defend themselves & I enjoyed It ever since". "But you know, out of all the hidden temples he's been to their was one that he wanted to venture to the most of all was the lost temple of Edic". "W: The temple of Edic, sounds important". "EMA: It is to my Uncle any way, he was the only one who believed that It actually exists, he spent so much of his life trying to find that one sacred temple". "The Lost Temple of Edic was said to be the center senter of a long forgotten civilization". "It was said, that civilization existed during the time of the dinosaurs". "W: Really than why haven't I heard about It when I was attending grade 4 history/geography class". "EMA: Well It's because that when the meteor hit that wiped out the dinosaurs, It also wiped out that civilization & the land that the temple still stands on broke off from the mainland & became an Island, that can't be found on any map". "& Those who tried to find It gave It the name because lost Island". "W: Well If It's called that than It makes sense that It would be cauld the lost Island". "How would anyone be expected to find It".

"EMA" Well Will trying to find a place like that is part of the adventure, & that didn't stop my Uncle". "He used every known geography book, any usable records that had some evidence of that places existence & his own calculations that based ware that Island used to be & determine ware It could have ended up" "Know separately all that info would lead to nowhere, but he managed to please It all together, & you know what he actually found the location of that lost Island". "W: Really, than If he did than why didn't he go their". "EMA: Unforchunetly, just as he was finished making all the preparations to go he fell extremely ill." "His body was unable to go on one more adventure, as such he owned up dying before he could profile his final dream". "W: Man I'm sorry to hear that, It's a shame that he couldn't go to that on place, It must have been hard for him & you". "EMA: Ya It was". "Well anyway after the funeral a friend of my Uncles gave this letter to me". "He said the he wanted me to open this after I got married". "W: Well since you married me than you can open It know, lets see what It says". "EMA: Okay than".

So Ema opened the letter her uncle left for her & read outload:(Dear Ema my sweet little Jem, If your reading this letter know means that I have past away & you must have found someone that will love you & take care of you as I have. But before you start & your new partner start your new lives together, you must put your love to the test, to see If your marriage will last. As you you know It has been my dream to find the lost temple of edict, & that I actually found It. But as you know I fell ill before I could profile my dream. I hoped that I could go to that Island & recover the temples sacred treasure. The statue of the Vedic Gods. So Ema It's up to you to finish what I couldn't. It's my dying wish that you & your new husband travel to that Island & recover that Idle. If your able to complete this challenge than your marriage will be great. I should know, after I married my sweet sue we went on an epic adventure our selves & our marriage ended up being a great success. But be careful the temple will be protected with natural traps the ancient people used to capture dinosaurs for food & over uses. But out of those traps the main one was their Quicksand traps. So since we or I have never encountered Quicksand before, you need to be really careful. Anyway good luck & you should know, out of all the treasures I collected you were always my greatest treasure. So good buy Emma my sweet little gem)

"Good by Uncle peat" Ema said in a sad voice before shedding a tear. Then asked Will: "So what do you think". "W: Well I don't know, sounds dangerous". "I mean how would we even get their". "EMA: By using this map my uncle made which apparently is included in his letter". "It's even stated that he manage to make all the needed travel arrangements before he past so were set". "Besides he also said that we may find Quicksand their, & I remember you telling me that you enjoy watching people sinking in Quicksand & that you have fantasias of us sinking in Quicksand together during the early stages of our relationship, which lead to me sharing your fascination with Quicksand". "So this could be our chance to live out our fantasies". "W: Well If you put It like than alright than I'm in, besides I want to help you profile your Uncles dying wish". Hearing Will say that made Ema so happy that she gave him the biggest wettest kiss she could give.

Then after taking a shower they got dressed packed their clothes & weeding gifts & gave the things that they don't need to bring on their honey moon to their friends who loaded them in their cars & drove them to Will & Emma's new house for them as they begun what will be their greatest adventure ever. Using the information provided by Emma's uncle they drove to an abandon airfield. "W: Are you sure this is the right place". "EMA: Yes I'm sure". This airfield belonged to my Uncles closed friend Tim who was a travel pilot who tuck Uncle Peat to all of his adventures". "W: Are you sure that he's still in business, by looking at this place & that travel plain It looks like this place hasn't been used for years". "We don't even know If he's still hear". "EMA: Well I remember my Uncle telling me that he lives in a trailer located in his air feeled, & I know since I been hear before when I started to join my uncle on his adventures". "& that looks like It could be Tim's Trailer home over their". So as the couple make their way to Tim's home they were greated with a unpleasant smell.

"W: WOW, tell me Ema does your Uncles friends place always smelled like this". "EMA: PEW, no It did". The smell made the married couple plug their noses in response to that smell, which got stronger when a man came out. "TIM: Ema is that you". "EMA: Ya Its me Uncle Tim". "TIM: WOW look at you, you were this tall when I last saw you". "How've you been & whos this guy". "EMA: I've been doing well Uncle Tim & this is William my husband". "TIM: So your married, well congratulations & as for you William It's vary good to meet you". "W: It's nice to meet you to sir". When Tim went to give Ema & Will a big hug they backed away. "EMA: Sorry Tim but know offence but you really smell". "TIM: O-Ya sorry about that." "EMA: What happened to you & your business". "TIM: Well after your uncle died I had a hard time trying to continue my air travel business". "I fell on hard times, I avenchualy lost almost all of my money & I could barely keep things up to standard". "I can barley keep my trailer home working, especially pluming, switch is why I smell like I haven't bathed in weeks". "TIM: Anyway, what brings you 2 love birds hear". "EMA: We are hear because my uncle tasked us to travel to the lost Island so we can complete his final adventure & according to his letter he left you the info on how to get their". "TIM: Yes I recall that, don't worry your uncle Tim will get you to that Island in one piece".

So they went into Tim's plain which smelled worse than he did, so the couple touck in their last breath of fresh air before going into the plain & held their noses throught the entire plain ride. After a few hours Tim got them to the lost Island, after dropping them off he told them that he will return in a few days to pick them up weather they complete the adventure or not which was standard procedure between him & Peat. After Will & Ema built a shelter they used the map to make their way to the temple. Since the temple was so big It was easy for them to travel by a straight path that will lead them right to the temple. During their hike they touck in all the sights & sounds of the Islands forests.

"W: So Ema do you expect that we should run into bandits or rival treasure Hunters". "EMA: I don't think so so Will, since no one except my Uncle believed that this places exists, & since their is no record of any surviving tribes people still living on this Island I don't expect to run into anyone else on this Island". "W: That's good to know". As they continued their hike a jungle tiger came out of no ware, in reaction the couple ran off the trail away from the tigure which chased them for a while than stopped. After a few minutes the couple stopped running. "W: It looks like the tigure stopped chasing us, that's one crisis averted". "EMA: Maybe but I have a sinking feeling that our greatest test has just begun". "What do you mean" Will asked. "EMA: Because A will, is It just me or do those trees look like their getting taller". Then the 2 looked down seeing that their sinking in a gritty, muddy sandy substance. They look up giving each other a surprised/nerves face & broke into awkward laughter & they both said: "O-my God were in QUICKSAND"

"EMA: Well will looks like were living out your Quicksand fantasy right know". "W: Apparently so". "EMA: So how do you want to play this out". "W: Well first of all we should stay completely still". "Struggling will only make us sink faster, & since were the only people on this Island calling for help is pointless". "So we can try to look around to see If we can grab on anything". "EMA: Sounds good to me". So as they sink to their privet parts, surveying their situation, they just take the time to just look into each others eye's enjoying this experience. "W: I must say Ema watching you sink in this Quicksand with me has made me fall in love with you all over again." "Also is making me really horney". "EMA: Same hear". As they continue to sink to their wastes Will than says: "Just think this will be some story to tell our kids & grand kids some day". "EMA: Assuming that we can get out". "W: Of course we will". "In fact I think I found our life line".

Just as they sink up their rib cages & their hand get into the Quicksand Will feels a stick that's strongly connected to a near by tree. But he doesn't use It to pull them selves out yet. After They sink past their chests & Emma's breasts he uses the branch to pull him & Ema out of the Quicksand. Once back on dry land they lay on top of each other in each others loving brace kissing. That experience made the so horney that they decided to make love. They even found a local lake ware they cleaned their cloves & bodies & continued to make love. After they made their way to the temple ware they succeeded in retrieving the lost Idle of the Gods. Then they spent the next few days enjoying all that the Island offered even going back to that's same Quicksand Pit they found by accident as well as over spots ware they went in naked, acting out different fantasies & just making love. Once Tim returned to pick them up they were able to give the Edic Idle to a museum for the world to see. But most of all that tripped made sure that their marriage will last until the day they die.

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