Time For Quicksand PT4

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Time For Quicksand PT4

Postby Bill » Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:57 pm

Writer: William Harkness
Date: December 7/20
M/F Quicksand
Main Characters Richard, Kelly & Marico/Description: Japanese, athletic body, Long back hair, brown eye’s, & big breasts
In your last chapter the time traveling due time jumped from ancient Egypt & ended up know in feudal Japan in the early Sameri ara. Their time mashean landed in a forest aria. “W: Look Kelly I think were in Japan, I actually always wanted to visit Japan & china of course”. “Although I would have raver came hear during the present day”. “K: Are you kidding this is the best time to visit Japan, according to my Grandfathers records looks like we entered during the golden age of the Sameri”. Kelly has always enjoyed watching those old Martial arts movies”. It was watching those films with her parents that got her wanting to study martial arts when she was younger, & she continues to enjoy watching those movies with Richard who also enjoys watching those movies. So while the solar batteries in the time mashean recharge the 2 decided to explorer a bit of ancient Japan. Mean While on the over send of Japan’s forests their has a small shack ware a young woman named Marica lived by herself. You see in this time

Japanese/chines Women’s only job was to bring owner to their family through marriage & taking care of their house home. But Marica was different, she is one & the only Female Sameri warriors who existed at the time. Her mother died giving birth to Marica, so her father who was also a retired Sameri that used to be part of an alit group of Sameri Warriors who served the Emperor. He gave up that life when Marico was born & dedicated his life to raze her on his own while working on his family’s old family farm. During that time he noticed how strong his daughters Chee was growing inside her & how interested she was in learning how to be a great warrior like he was. So did what no other father did for their daughters in that time. He taught Marica everything he knew about being a great Sameri warrior.

But as his daughters training continued it became harder to protect her from those that would deem her a witch. So they built a new life for them deep in the forest ware Marico still lives know. Than when Marica became a young women tragedy struck, an evil band of ninjas attacked a local village, being the warrior he was Marico’s father went to aid the village & Marico joined him. During the fight her father was killed in battle. In her anger she killed all the marauders, but by doing so she revealed herself to the people & the alit Sameri Warriors who served the emperor & was at the village at the time. Those Sameri confronted Marico while she was holding her dead father in her arms, she thought that they would execute her, but instead they promised to keep her identity a secret as well did the villagers. So at that point Marico also became the only female Ronin(A Sameri without a master), who helped those Sameri in their missions to keep the peace. While Rich & Kelly were making their way to a village Marico was at her small home honing her Sameri skills when her closes friends from the Emperor’s alit Sameri warriors, Lee & Chen arrived at their doorstep. They exchanged hugs & Marico said:

“Lee, Chen It’s good to see you how’s temple life”. “LEE: Boring as usual, after that last great war, things have been boring”. “CHEN: The word your thinking of is peaceful”. That made the three friends smile. “M: Well since your hear I a sum It’s because you boys once again need a women helps to clean up another mess”. “CHEN: As always your vary accurate Marico”. “The Emperor has become vary ill, only the essence of a rare exotic flower called the charry blossom flower can cure him”. “LEE: According to the ancient texts they only grow in vary muddy fields located in the arigoto Swamp located in this vary forest”. “CHEN: Since you know these lands better than anyone we her hopping that you could find It for us”. “LEE: we would but our garrisons have been spread vary fin trying to keep the peace in parts of Japan that were hit the hardest during the last great war & Commander Jinn can’t afford to send any of the Emperors warriors out to find a flower that may not even exist anymore.

“M: Say no more, I’m willing to help in any way I can”. Besides I have bin at that swamp before so I know how to navigate through the swamp to avoid all those pockets of Quickmud bogs that can take people under”. “CHEN: We knew we could count on you”. So Lee & Chen wish Marico good luck, say their good buys & friends than set off on their own separate paths. Mean while Rich & Kelly arrived at a local village, they managed to get their hands on some clothes which helped them blend in, the best they could since their the only forever’s in that village. “R: I’m starting to think coming hear was a bad idea, look at us were the only white people hear, what If someone comes up to use what do we do”. “K: It will be okay just keep your head down & every thing will be okay, & If someone does try to talk to use don’t worry, remember I taut you how to speak Japanese/Chinees that I learned from my Marti arts teacher”.

But than out of no ware Ninja marauders started attacking the village, they outnumbered the village police force who struggle to keep them at bay. “R: O man Kelly we need to get out of hear”. “K: We can’t just leave we need to do something, listen you try to evacuate the villagers I’ll stay & help fight off the ninja’s”. “R: Are you crazy Kelly we can’t get involved in this, we might mess up time”. “K: But we already did when we traveled to the dinosaur aria & Egypt”. “R: Those were different situations, besides your martial arts skills are good but I don’t think they’ll be enough to handle these guys”. K: Come on Rich If I can take down a pharaoh I can take down these jerks”. & before Rich can say another word Kelly jumped in & started fighting the ninja’s, so Rich that decided to help evacuate the villagers. The fight lasted for an hour & when Rich came back to see how Kelly was doing. He was greated by a horrific sight of Kelly lying uncases on the ground.

Rich went to see If she was okay but than the village doctor came forward to examine her & he diagnosed that she was poisoned. During the fight one of the Ninja’s cut her with a small knife coated with poison. She managed to help drive off the ninja’s but know her life is at risk. The doctor explained to rich that only the essence of a rare flower can save her & that they only grow in the arigoto Swamp. So using the directions the village people provided he made his way to the swamp. So Both Rich & Marico are know searching for the same flower. But although Marica made an early start Rich some how managed to find the flower before she did.

“R: Their that must be the flower the doctor mentioned, don’t worry Kelly help is on the way”. But as he was getting close to pick up the flower, suddenly half his legs sunk in a pool of thick black watery peat mud. “R: What the”. “AU great this better not be what I think It is”. Rich tries to get out but suddenly he felt him self sinking in the muddy substance from his knees to his thyes that up to his privet parts. “R: Great this is what I thought It would be”. “QUICKSAND”. “Great ever since me & Kelly started this time traveling adventure I can’t seam to stay away from this stuff”. Before Rich was able to stay come & not move around to much in Quicksand, but since his girl friend’s life was at risk he began to panic about his situation trying to get out so he can save Kelly. As he tried to get out, or trying to grab on something he can use to pule him self up made him sink faster, soon he was up to his chests. “R: HELP HELP IS THEIR SOME ONE OUT THEIR, PLEASE HELP I’M IN QUICKSAND”.

Luckily for Rich Marico was getting close to ware Rich & those flowers are, & when she heard Richards cry’s for help she quickened her movement. When she arrived she found Rich up to his neck in Quickmud. Rich say Marico & said: “O thank goodness, could you help me out”. “M: Yes don’t worry, just remain still I’ll get you out”. Being careful about ware she walked she got close enough to Rich so she could use her getona to pull him out. Rich grabbed Marico’s getona & she pulled him out. Rich wound up lying on solid ground. “R: Thanks for your help, my name is Rich what’s your name”. “M: My name is Marico I’m a Ronin I came to this swamp because I’m on a special mission”. “S why are you hear, I’ve traveled these lands many times & I’ve never met anyone else before especially someone with an odd skin color”. “R: Ya, let’s just say I’m not from around hear & why I’m in this swamp is because my girl friend who’d also not from hear got poisoned & I need’ the essence from that flower to save her life”. “M: Well Rich It appears that we can a common goal because I also came to this swamp to get that flower to cure the Emperor of his illness”. “R: So you serve the Emperor”. “I’m sorry If I’m appearing road, I never met someone like you before & I’m not shore If”. I should bow to you, I’ll bow know”,

“M: That’s not necessary, I don’t actually serve the emperor but I do help those that do”. “Sameri that protect the Emperor asked for my help to get that flower”. “R: Okay so know what”. “R: Well to cure the Emperor & save your friend we each only need to acquire one flower, I will assist you in navigating out of the Arigoto Swamp & getting your flower to your friend before meeting with my friends to give them the flower”. “R: Sounds good to me”. So the to traveled together as they made their way out of the swamp. During that time, Marico told Rich about why she was the only female Ronin that knew how to fight like a Sameri & why she serves the Emperor from the shadows & Rich told Marico as much as he could besides the bit about time travel. He even shares how he respects/loves strong independent warrior women like her self & that his girlfriend was also like that. But than the same Ninja’s that attacked the village appeared & attacked Rich & Marico.

Those Ninja’s explained that they some how found out that the Emperors alit warriors went to her to acquire the flower to cure the emperor & that their trying to stop Marico so The Emperor would die & weekend the Japanese current rule. So Marico gave Rich her flower & told him to hid while she fout off the Ninja’s. She fout well but one of the Ninja’s got pasted her & started chasing Rich. Rich ran as fast as he could but the Ninja cout up to him & tried to take the flowers from him. Marico swooped in to protect Rich & the Flowers but even though she killed that ninja, her quick response cause both her & rich to make a few bad turns & they wound up falling almost waste deep in another pool of Quickmud. The remaining ninja’s decided to retreat because they assumed that the Quicksand would just kill them & the flowers all at once. Seeing that their attackers are gone they had a chance to examine their current situation. Marico held up her sword & said: “Forgive me Rich although I rescued you from a similar Quicksand trap It appears that I got you & me in trap just like that one”.

“R: IT’s okay Marico besides I’m starting to get use to It, considering that wound up in about 5 different Quicksand traps counting this one”. Marico gave Rich a surprised look & said: “You mean Quickmud". "that's what we call this substance hear". "R: Well It's actually called Quicksand in other places". "M: So you mean to to tell me that you bin in Quickmud5times”. “R: Marico you have no idea but yes”. “R: I must say the experience isn’t that bad, their were some situations ware I enjoyed the experience”. While Marico tries to proses what Rich said they continue to sink past their rib cages. “M: Well for a man that claims to have experience getting stuck in Quickmud you really didn’t seam like you didn’t know what to do when I found you in that last patch of Quickmud”. “R: Ha I do know that you can’t struggle in Quickmud but since I was kind of in a rush to save my girl friend I guess I forgot”. “M: Well Richard I promise I will find a way to get us out of this so you can save your friend”. “Although this is my first time in Quicksand my father did tell me what I should do If I ever got stuck in one like know, so just remain still & I’ll get us out”.

So as the Quicksand reached Richards chest & Marico’s breasts, Marico did find a good vin to use. Using her sword she sliced down a vin & used It to pull her self & rich out of the Quicksand. Than once on solid ground they made their way out of the swamp & back to the village ware Kelly is. The 2 said their good buys & went on their separate ways. Marico gave the flower to her friends to give to the emperor. They even commented on Marico’s muddy clothes & on her Quickmud experience that made her blush & smile. While Rich gave the flower to the village doctor who used It to cure Kelly. Once Kelly was healthy, they sand their thanks & good buys & made their way back to the time mashean & time Jumped to their next adventure. To be continued
Last edited by Bill on Tue Dec 22, 2020 8:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Joined: Sun Oct 11, 2020 5:34 am

Re: Time For Quicksand PT4

Postby MaitoGaiYouth » Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:14 pm

These stories are very hard to read.

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