The adventures Of Wilfred Jones PT3

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The adventures Of Wilfred Jones PT3

Postby Bill » Wed Dec 09, 2020 11:59 pm

Writer: William Harkness
Date: December 9/20
M/F Quicksand
Main Characters: Wilfred & Jenna Jones, & Dessert Viper
In our last chapter the greatest adventure due Wilfred & Jenna Jones survived their most sexiest adventure ever that was also their honeymoon. Usually couples would need a break from so much excitement, but not these 2, their constantly crave to embark on a new adventure & Know they travel deeper in the heart of ancient Egypt than anyone has ever done before, in search of the tomb of Agamotto for the relic that can cure people of any illness. "J: Ware getting close because If feels like we have been traveling along this dessert of days". "W: Well according to the coordinates listed in that last tomb, the temple of Agamotto should actually be located in one of these oddly shaped mountains". "J: You better let me take a look at those coordinates". "W: Good idea, you were always good at deciphering these". "J: Lets see, well by my estimate the entrance should be right around those to rocky mounds".

So once they enter the rocky Tiran & walk past those mounds they say what looked like a sealed entrance. It tuck some effort but the actually found than entered the temple of Agamotto. "J: Man I can't believe It we actually found It". "W: Ha suck it board member of the University of arcilology". "If only they were hear know". "Well I'll just half to settle with showing pictures of how right I was". "J: Oka take It easy cowboy this adventure is fare from over". "W: Your right & since I've done the most research on this place I know what to expect". "J: Like what". "W: Well the Egyptians who built this place created traps that were based on the four main elements". "Earth, Water, Air & "FIRE". Suddenly burst of fire came out in all directions, the adventure due had to use careful timing to get past the flames. But as soon as they got past one trap they wind up in another.

They ended up stepping on a pressure surface which cased them to fall in a sealed room that started to fill up with water. They had to work together to decipher a puzzle that opened the sealed room so they could get out before they drowned. They were soaking wet. But they were able to dry up vary well when they came across a room that vented massive currents of wind that was threatening to blow them out of the tomb. They needed to use good hand gripping to make their way out of that room, when they entered the final section of the tomb ware the idle of healing was placed. "J: I can't believe we survived all of that". "W: Thanks to me of course". "YA, YA, don't let It get to your head". "But It looks like smooth sailings from hear". Wilfred stopped Jenna from taking a step than throw a rock on the sandy surface that was between them & the Idle. The rock sank.

"J: Quicksand". "W: Ya If I hadn't stopped you, you would have gone under". "J: Well how do we get a cross". "W: Well according to these instructions on the walls It says that, those who are willing to reveal what they conceal are those with nothing to hid". "J That could be anything". "W: True but It could be referring to the simplest of things". "We need to take off all of our clothes". "J: Wait What". "You got to be kidding me" "W: I'm not, when the instructions say reveal what we conceal means our bodies since that the first people Adam & Eve were first brought into this world with no clothing & when they ate the forbidden fruit the concealed them selves". So that has to be It". "J: Fine but If your wrong I'm going to slug you". So they tuck off all their clothes until they were completely naked than they step on the Quicksand surface & ended up not sinking. So they managed to got to the Idle & pick It up. "J: I can't believe It we did It". "DV: I say you did". Then out of no ware another one of Cobra's top Tomb robbers Dessert Viper comes out of no ware with a gun pointed at our naked adventure due. Which causes them to try & cover their privet parts. "

W: Dessert Viper what are you doing hear". DV: Well like you Mr. Jones I to was upsest with finding this place, & like you I was called a man man for It & ended being X-communicated from Cobra". "So to prove to my superiors that I'm no mad man I spent half my life finding this place, & when I did I couldn't get in". "But I knew someone like your self would one day find this place & I would use him or in this case the 2 of you to get in side the temple & take care of all those traps for me so I can get my prize". "So at long last the Idle of life is min, know hand It over or I'll kill your newly wedded wife". Knowing that he wasn't bluffing he threw him the Idle which he cot. Then using his gun he fired on the Quicksand surface which cause Wilfred & Jenna to immediately start sinking, starting from their feet to their thyes.

"DV Well as much I would enjoy watching you love birds sink in Quicksand I must be going. "J: Well for those keeping score this is the 3rd time we ended up in Quicksand but the second time were doing It naked". "W: Well It does feel nice". Which he said after they started to sink past their privet parts. "J: Well I don't suppose you have a brilliant plan to get us out of this Quicksand trap". "W: No but maybe theirs something hear that can help us". As the sink past their wastes & pas their rib cages they franticly surch for any info on how to get out of that Quicksand pit. "W: Their It says when fighting the current when fighting is useless one must should just embrace their doom in order to Perivale". "I think we should let the Quicksand take us". "J: Are you crazy".

"W: Trust me Jenna It's are only chance". So trusting her husbands words they let the Quicksand take them from sinking to their chests & breasts than to their shoulders to their necks & chins until they went completely under. Then they ended up coming out from the behind of the Tomb still naked & covered in dry Quicksand. "J: COFF, COFF, I can't believe were alive". "W: COFF, COFF, see I told you, that would work". Also they ended up coming out just as Dessert Viper was heading to his personal jet. They ambushed him & tuck him down & taking back the Idle. They managed to stand victoriously naked over Dessert Viper. Then after taking his spare stash of clothes they turned him over to the afforities & tuck the Idle to those that could use the Idles power for great things. Then they returned to their new home in Cyro ware they were planning their next adventure.

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