Romancing The Stone With QP2

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Romancing The Stone With QP2

Postby Bill » Sun Dec 27, 2020 3:41 pm

In the last chapter Abigale Got a Call from a Man named Zolo who demanded the map leading to the famece Romance Stone. At first Abigale was confused when Zolo accused her of having It until she found the map in one of her potted plants.

So She called Gloria & told her what has happened & she helped her find the person named Ralph who helped her mom get to certain places under the radar. She arrived at the run-down apartment ware Ralph Lived when she arrived at the door to Ralphs apartment she knocked & a voice said enter. When she entered the room, she was hit with a stale odor of Beer, cigarettes & BO. She didn’t hold her nose because Ralph was sitting at a desk fasing the door & she didn’t want to be roud.

“A: Are you COFF Ralph”. “R: Yes, & you are Abigail Elains daughter”. “A: Yes, I hope you can help me, a Guy named Zolo kidnaped my mother & he’ll let her go If I give him this map.” “So, If you could some have give this to him”, “R: Wait Zolo kidnaped Elain, well If what I heard about Zolo is true than you’d have to give It to him in person”. “He only does deals with people directly”. A: But I’ve never done this before, can you give It to him”. “R: I can’t I have other clients that I need to help get in & out of a certain country, but I can get my pall Ira who lives in RIO to help you make sure the deal goes by smoothly.” So, Abigail reluctantly agrees & goes to her local airport to take a plain to RIO.

Once she arrives Ira meets her at the RIO airport with his car & drives her to the meeting place. But as they drive through the jungle Tiran, they get attacked by mercenaries that work for a war lord that also wants Elains map. Ira gets killed by one of the mercenaries & Abigail just got low on the car flow trying to avoid gun fire being petrified (unable to move). Suddenly the mercenaries were getting killed off one by one than the gun fire stopped & a voice said: “It’s okay little lady, It’s safe to come out know”. So, Abigale slowly got out of the care we she found her self standing face to face with someone who looks & smells like he know’s how to survive in the jungle.

“JC: Hay their babe are you all right”. “A: Excuse me, did you just call me babe”. “JC: YA”. “A: For your information my name is Abigail & even though I’m grateful that you helped me before doesn’t mean you can address me in such a disrespectful manner”. “JC: I’m sorry, I should have said princes than”. Abigale just ignored him & looked at the remains of her travel friend. “JC: Look I’m sorry about what happened to your travel guide but we should get moving”. “Theirs a good chance that those smucks I killed had friends & will be coming by soon”. “A: You mean theirs more of them”. “JC: Theirs always more trust me”. “A: Wait ware are you going”. “JC In the jungle”. “A: Could we juts travel along the path & hope someone driving by will come”.

“JC: You spent your entire life in the city haven’t you city girl”. “A: What’s that supposed to mean & what makes you think that”. “JC: Well best on the way you dress, your attitude, the way you just froze when those men started shouting at you tells me that you never bin in a fire fight before & I can tell by your facial expressions that this is your first time in a setting like this”. “A: Well let me tell you something, your not the only one that can make good observations by looking at someone”. “JC: Okay I’ll bit what can you tell about me”. “A: Well first off, when you first addressed me by babe tells me that you have no experience talking to a women your own age, based by your attire & your unpleasant aroma, you lived your entire life in places like this never spending more than a few hours in a city or town, your father must have bin in the military & taut you how to fight because by looking at these men you shout that you know how to fire a gun with precision”. “JC: Impressive, you know I think we got off on the wrong fout”.

“My name is Jake Colton treasure seeker extrodin air are, I was actually in the proses of looking for the famece romance stone before coming to your rescue”. “A: Abigail Wilder, I write adventure stories & I’m hear to help my Mom”, “JC: Wait are you related to Elaine Wilder”. “A: Yes, She’s my Mother”. “JC: Really, I actually find that vary hard to believe since she’s one of the greatest female adventurers of all time”. “Someone a respect a great deal & have always wanted to meet”. “I always assumed her children would have fallen in her fout steps”, “A: Well I didn’t for my own reasons that I don’t want to share”. “JC: That’s fine, we all have our reasons”. “So, If you aren’t a adventure like her than what are you doing out hear”. “A: My Mother got kidnaped by some guy named Zolo & he wants this Map in exchange for her”. “JC: Waite did you say Zolo”. “A: YA why do you know him”. “JC: Everyone in this life know’s who he is, & his reputation”. “So, I know enough that he never keeps his end of a deal”. “So, even If you get to him & Elain in one peace & give him that map than theirs a good chance naiver of you will leave, they’re in once peace”. “A: Well, giving him this map is the only way I know how save my Mom”.

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