Romancing The Stone With QP3

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Romancing The Stone With QP3

Postby Bill » Sun Dec 27, 2020 8:37 pm

“JC Well from what I heard he has desperately searching for that stone for years & If managed to find It before he does than we can “JC: Tell me does that map lead to the Romance stone”. “A: Maybe why”. “JC: Well, I heard that Zolo has been make a barged that he can’t refuse”. “Look you probably think I’m just another dis honest mercenary, & your probably half right on that note”. “But I want you to know that I truly respect your mother & would do anything to help her so what do you say, partners”. “A: Partners”.

So, Abigale & Jack decide to work together. With Jack Leading the way the 2 make their way through the Jungle using the map to show them the way. After a few hours they find a destroyed airplane that crashed landed in that jungle many years ago. “A: Do we really half to sleep here. “JC: YA, is their a problem”. “A: YA It reaks in hear like someone died”. “JC: That’s because something did”. He pointed to something behind Abigale which caused her to look behind her to see remains of dead passengers & pilots which caused her to scream. “A: Can we please find some ware else to sleep”. “JC: It’s to late know, & It’s dangerous to travel through the jungle at knight”. “Look just try to get some sleep & we’ll leave first thing in the morning”. “A: Fine.” “So tell me Jack why do you go after things like the Romance stone”.

“JC: Well I guess I like the change of finding such Jewels”. “Not for the money or fame, just for the frill of It”. “A: So, what do you do when you find your pout of gold”. “JC: Well It depends.”. “Weather I have a friend that needs money desperately, so I cell the jewels to help him out or I just give It to some suit who donates what I find to some museum”. “My parents have taut me that when men try to hang on to things they don’t really need they end up dragging them down despair”. “That’s why I give what I find away because I don’t really need them”. “Everything I need is around me”. “A: The Jungle”. “JC: exactly.” “My parents taut me how to survive in the Jungle”. “A: That’s impressive, so have you went on a lot of adventures together”. “JC: No, they died before I was old enough to join them & since I had no other family or friends at the time I had to live must of my life alone”.

“A: O Jack I’m so sorry I can’t imagine what it must have been like”. JC” It was, I also heard that your Dad died to, doing what he loved sorry for your loose”. “A: Thanks, If I’m being honest his death is what made me realized that my parent’s life is nothing but trouble.” “That’s why I never followed in their fout steps”. “JC: YA losing someone can do that to anyone”. “A: YA, know If you don’t mind me asking, how did they die”. “JC Well in the first year I ventured on my own I found a native that told me that he say my parents tie in Quicksand”. :According to him they were running from some cruces carrying bags of gold when they fell in”. “A: Wow what a horrible way to die”.

“JC Actually my parents always told me that the life of a adventurer is a life of danger & romance when done thing a partner”. “From their experience Quicksand can be both a vary dangerous & romantic situation, especially when a man & a women chare that experience”. “A: Okay you lost me their”. “JC: Look in life you can choose to see a situation as the end of the world or embrace It & enjoy what little time you have”. “Out of all the different perils my parents & other adventurers have dealt with, Quicksand is the most constant”. “When your always on the movie It’s easy to get stuck in that stuff”. “But they told me as long as you remain still & come you can get out”. “They also say that when you take the time to enjoy the feeling you feel when sinking, you can feel a sense of calmness & arousal, especially when your in Quicksand with someone from the opposite sex”. “I think they were glad that they died in Quicksand because being in that stuff has always made their adventures together so special”. “A: Wow, when you put It like that It makes sense”. “In some of my adventure books I sometimes have my characters end up in Quicksand but never using that type of passion that you exprest”. “Well maybe you can in your next book”.

After that erotic conversation they went to sleep. When Abigale Woke up she was eager to get out of the smelly plain but Jack stopped her. “Because another group of mercinaries like the once from before were almost right on top of them, so they needed to remain hidden until they leave. But the Abigale felt something crawling on her leg when she looked It was a teranchula which caused her to scream. The mercenaries found them so Jack had to get his gun fast & start firing. When they had an opening the 2 started running away from the mercinaries who were shooting at them while Jack was shooting back. During the chase Abigale broke away from Jack & ran in another direchion while a few mercinaries were chasing her.

Suddenly she fell from a small cliff & fell on a muddy surface, when she got up she notice that she has great distance between her & her chasers who have stopped at the edge of the cliff. At fist she felt relieved that they gave up the chase. But suddenly she felt herself sinking & notice that she was getting shorter than most of the vegetation around her. When she looked down, she saw her boots that her legs disappearing in a muddy sandy substance. “A: O-No is this, ha can you guys help me, please I’m in Quicksand”.

She begd the mercinaries to help her but they just stud taunting her. But She kept begging them to help her while keeping completely still, because she knew from what Jack told her that you can’t struggle in Quicksand. She sank to her kneecaps then her knees, than thyes than has the Quicksand was about to clam her privet parts Jack snuck up behind the Mercinaries & knocked them out. Then went to the edge of the Quicksand pit ware Abigale us about to sink up to her waste.

“JC: Well, Well, Well, looks like your getting your first experience in Quicksand, what’s It like”. “A: It’s grouse & It sucks”. That caused Jack to lafe a bit & even Abigail a little. “A: Okay If you had your lafe can you get me out know”. “JC: Sure thing babe”. As Jack tuck Abigale’s hands & started pulling he saw a snake sliver along a vain right in-front of him which scared him, causing him to loose his balance & falling in the Quicksand fasing Abigale bouth up to their wastes. After he fell in Abigale gave Jack a surprised/sarcastic/shocked look. “A: O-My God Jack, what the heck, I thought being an experienced explorer you can handle getting helpless damsels out of Quicksand, what happened. “JC: Look It’s going to be okay, that snake just surprised me that’s all, I would have gotten you out If he didn’t show up”. Then Abigale looked at the snake & realized”.

“A: Are you afraid of snakes”. “JC: What of course not, Jack Colten isn’t afraid of anything in this jungle”. “A: Not even that snake slivering behind you”. “JC: What ware, ware is it”. Jacks frashing looking for that snake cause him to sink a little faster than Abigale as he sank up to his chest & Abigale was sinking past her rib cage. “JC: Okay I’m afraid of snakes, ever since I was a kid happy”. “A: It’s okay Jack theirs no shame in a-mitting your afraid of something, everyone is”. “Like right know I’m afraid of dying in this Quicksand, so how do we get out”. The 2 survey their situation as Jack was sinking to his shoulders & the Quicksand was reaching Abigale’s breasts.

Then Jack notices a long rout that was close to him but he knew that he couldn’t try to reach It without sinking any faster. Also seeing that rout Abigale remembered about her female main character in her books would do, so steadily she reached out to the route sinking past her breasts & almost reaching her neck. But managed to grab the vine than grabbing Jack pulling him close to her so the to can use the route, pulling them selves out of the Quicksand know lying on their backs at the edge of the Quicksand covered from neck to tough looking at each other & braking into lafter. Then they find a local river to wash the Quicksand off their bodies & contemplate their situation.

“A: I can’t believe we survived Quicksand”. “You know I never imagined I would end up in a place like this living out my adventure stories” JC: Tell me what are your stories about”. “A: Well, their about this Female explorer named Anastasi, a strong independent women that enjoys doing these adventures & constantly proves her serpirority agents the male world”. “& throughout this entire experience I actually felt like that character, especially when we were stuck in Quicksand I got us out just like Anastasi”. “JC: What’s wrong”. “A: Nothing It’s just that before all of this my Mom tried to get me to join her adventures & I said no because of what they have done to my family”. “But throught this journey I think that If I said yes instead of no maybe”. “JC Ha don’t think like that, I promise we will save your Mom no matter what”. “A: You promise”. “JC: on my parents grave".

Then they suddenly started kissing each other patiently, removing their cloves & making love. Jack pressing his man hood in Abigale's women hood then her but, which lasted for an hour. Then a bout came by which was driven by one of Jacks old friends Johan, a native of the RIO jungle. "J: Jack is that you, you old dog you, how you've ben & who's your new friend". The 2 stopped trying to hid their privet parts in the water. "JC: Hay Johan didn't expect to see you out hear". "This is Abigale I'm helping her find the Romance stone". "J: O really, I should have guest you are always doing something exiting". "Need a lift". "JC: Ware are you heading". "J: I just finished my deliveries & I'm heading back to my village, your welcome to come, my people would like to see you again & catch up". Jack quickly checked the map & realized that the cave ware the stone is hidden is close by so he says yes. So after the 2 put their cloths back on they get on Johan's bout.

Jack told Abigale how Johan has helped him in the past on his adventures, & he told Johan about Abigals situation & promises to help. Once they arrive at Johan's village Jack introduces the village people to Abigale. Than the 2 join the natives late night cook out ware they enjoyed classic jungle food & danced to their music. It was a romantic knight. They also share a hut ware they slept together. Then in the morning Johan's village was attacked my mercinaries that worked for Zolo who have been hunting them since Abigale failed to arrive at the meeting place at the chosen time. The natives helped Abigale & Jack to except & point them in the direction of the cave ware the stone is. They arrive & enter the cave & using the map they found the stone.

"A: Look Jack we found It, the Romance stone, It's amazing". "Thanks Jack I wouldn't have found this without you". "JC: Come on you would have done this fin". "A: Your just saying that". "JC: I'm not It's true, after all you were the one who got us out of that Quicksand pit". "JC: Your Mom would be so proud of you". Than the 2 were about to share a kiss when Zolo's soldiers came out of no ware & captured them & tuck the stone. Then they tuck them to Zolo's fortress in the darker part of the RIO jungle. Once inside they met Zolo face to face. "Z: A, Abigale we meet at last & I see you found your self in the company of Jack Colton". "Jack we meet at last". "JC: Yes, but I wouldn't call It an honor". "Z: Of course not". "Abigale I should kill you for making me wait but since you actually found the Romance stone for me I decided to rea-ignite you with your mother before I kill you bouth". A: Zolo please you have what you want just let us go". "Z: If I did that than my enemies & allies would find out & see It as a weakness, which I can't have". "So take them away".

Than Zolo's guards throw the 2 in a jale sell ware Abigale found her mother. "E: Aby is that you". "A: Yes mom It's me". The to hugged each other. "A: O Mom I'm sorry I let you down If only". "E: Don't finish that sentence". "This isn't your fault, but min". "I should have retired years ago & tried rea-connecting with you in your world". "But I wasn't ready to give up this life, & the only reason why is because It made me feel that your father was beside me still". "But I promise If we manage to get out of this than I will try to make things right". "A: Me to." "Anyway this is Jack Colton he helped me fined the stone". "JC: It's an honor to meet you Elaine". "E: Like wise, I have to heard of your exploits". "I hope my daughter wasn't to much trouble". "JC: Actually your daughter has been amazing through our entire adventure a real chip off the old blocks". "E: Really is that true".

"A: Yes, you can't imagine what I had to go through to save you, I did things that I never thought I could do". "E: Well I look forward to you telling me all about It after we escape". A: How do we do that". "E: Well when you have done this for as long as I have, you learn a few tricks". Then Elaine tuck out an old nail & used It to pick the Jale gate lock, while Abigale distracted the guard. They got out & made their way to Zolo's privet safe ware he put the Romance stone. They managed to open the safe & retreated the stone but Zolo & his men discovered them. Than a big fire fight broke out between the 3 adventurers & Zolo's men. Which lead to Zolo getting the upper hand over Jack when they were fist fighting & getting him in a head lock. "Z: Give me the stone my dears & your boy friend lives". "A: Okay you win hear you go".

Than Abigale throughs the stone over a ledge & when Zolo tried to grab It he fell over the leg into a moat that was infested with crocodiles which killed him. Than Abigale & Jack hugged each other & kissed which surprised Elaine. After the 3 tuck the stone to a friend of Jacks who would take the stone to a museum for the world to enjoy. "A: Thanks again Jack for everything, maybe If you ever find your self in Boston we could meet up again". "JC: Wait your heading back to the city know already". "A: Yes my Mom has decided to retire from adventuring so we can make up for lost time, so were heading home". "JC I get that but, look Abigale ever since we met you made me feel things that I haven't felt for a long time".

"When we were sinking in Quicksand together & you got us out you shown me how strong wild, driven, determined to save your Mom that made me really attracted to you". "What I'm trying to say that, I love you Abigale, I know that we just met & don't know each other that well but It's true. "As such I would want this to be a thing, I want us to do more adventures together". "A: O-Jack, look I feel the same way to but we live in different world's I'm a city girl that's a writer & your a jungle man". "Were just to different, sorry". "JC: Ya me to". So Jack parted ways & Abigale & Elaine made their way to the air port.

"E: So I over heard your conversation with Jack, did you to really end up in Quicksand together". "A: Why do you want to know". "E: Well Aby It's a common fact that adventure couples are formed It's when a Man & a Women adventure find them selves in Quicksand together & after spending a few minutes sinking together & enjoying their company & work together to get out they immediately feel so much romantic tenchion between them". "How did you think I met & married your father". "I was just a young adventurer at the time exploring the Amazon Jungle when I found your father waste deep in Quicksand because he was running away from criminals trying to get their hands on his find. When I approached him I offered to help him, but you know how stubborn your father was & how he kept insisting he can get out him self until he ended up sinking to his chest so a avenchualy came around & got him out". "As soon as I got him out we immediately felt a spark between us when we looked into each others eye's he learned how independent, smart & amazing I was & I learned how tuff, resilient, smart & driven he was".

"A: So than what, when did you to first end up in Quicksand". "E: Well we decided to work together to help get your fathers prize out of the Amazon". "But your fathers pursuers weren't done with him yet". They eventually cout up to us & after out ran them again, loosing them in a vary mucky part of the jungle we stopped to catch our breath seeing that we were out of danger or so we thought". "Until I felt a strange feeling under my feet, when I looked done I noticed that we were sinking & I laft". "Your father wanted to know what's so funny & I said, we just stepped into Quicksand". "When your father found out he laft, than throught out the entire time we were sinking we just looked into each other eyes lafing, & trying to get out & when we couldn't find anything at the moment we just decided to enjoy our situation, talking making jokes & eventually fell in love". "Once we sank up to our chests I did manage to find a rout that I used to get us out & when we did we suddenly got the urge to make love". "It was amazing". "It was than we knew that we would spend the rest of our lives together". Of course we have been in Quicksand many times after & every time we made love, how do you think we gave berth to you so soon".

"A: Okay Mom grouse". "Why haven't you told me this before". "E: Because I wanted to wait until you found someone the same way I fell in love with your father". "I see the way you to look at each other, you to are in love & meant do go on so many adventures together". "You proven that your just as resilient as me". "A: Your right Mom I do love Jack but even If I do go with him what about you, theirs so much time we need to make up". "E: If you need me I'll always be hear & at Boston". I already bout an apartment in the city so we can meet up anytime". "I promise I'll always be their waiting for you, know go". So Abigale decided to go after jack & when she found him she hugged him & gave him a long wet kiss which he reciprocated. The 2 got married & lived their marriage as one big adventure.

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Re: Romancing The Stone With QP3

Postby DJlurker » Sun Dec 27, 2020 10:00 pm

Well, at least you finally separated your paragraphs. But still, this horse racing is like you plagiarized the original film and just added quicksand... :roll:

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