The Quicksand Escapades

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The Quicksand Escapades

Postby Bill » Sun Jan 03, 2021 11:06 pm

Writer: William Harkness
Date: January 3/2021
M/F Quicksand
Main Characters: Will Riker/Description: Black hair, Brown Eye's, White skin, Average Body & weirs glasses & Dakota North/Description: White Skin, hazel eye's, long Brunet Hair, Over wait & Big breasts

It was sunny Friday Morning in Toronto ware Dakota North one of the cities top privet investigators was hard at work preparing for her next case what ever It is. Ever since she was a little girl she enjoyed finding out the truth, salving nabourhood mysteries & helping friends find things they lost. She first tried to join the Toronto Police force but had trouble following the rules so she settled on being a private investigator which allowed her to fight for injustice without letting certain rules to get in the way. Than around 9AM a man named Will Riker arrived.

"W: Hi Are you Dakota North". "D: Yes can I help you with something". "W: Yes I'm looking for the dead to my parents house". "D: Well why don't you sit down & tell me all about It". "W: Well you see my parents own a property out ion the country ware they grow their own crops that we eat our selves & cell to local farmers & nabours, our business was doing good until people who work for a Mall developing company came to our house wanted to buy our land to build a new Male complex but my parents refused". "But those people wouldn't take no for an answer & have done things to try to get us to cell". "D: What kind of things". "W: Just small things nothing we can use to get the police to make them leave use alone".

"Business was fin until one day when I came home from another job I work at ware I found the house recked & the spot ware my parents kepped the dead to our land was gone". "D: What happened to your parents". "W: Well in a few minutes after I found the dead was gone I got a call from the local hospital saying that my parents were found by our nabours beaten to near death so they called the hospital to help them". "Their fin but in no condition to do anything". "D: I'm sorry to hear that, than what". "W: Then those people that wanted our lanned appeared one day saying that they have the right to claim our land, & in a few days they'll start tarrying down our home". "I know they tuck our dead but I have no proof, that's why I'm hear". "I need your help to help me get our dead back".

"D: Their are other privet investigators that are more qualified to handle cases like this why me". "W: Honestly I have heard how determined & dedicated at your job to not stop until you find the right answers". "But I admit that my friends who heard that I was going to contact you said that It's a mistake considering that women & I'm repeating what they told me that women aren't meant to be in the privet investigating business". "M: O-really, they sound like jerks". "W: YA but I told them that I respect strong independent women so I know you can help me". "D: Well thanks I'll do my best". So the 2 began the investigating by returning to the seen of the crime. "W: I should warn you the police already done a theral sweep of the crime seen & didn't find anything that can connect this to those Mall developers". "D: That's the thing about the cops they have been known to miss the small things".

Then Dakota smelled this sulfury smell". "D: Will come over, do you smell that". "W: Ya I smelled that smell when I first arrived at my recked house, the police just assumed It's a gas leak caused by the brake in". "D: I don't think It's a gas leak". She determined that the smell came from a patch of clumed clay mud that was well hidden. She determined that the people who broke in might have dragged all that clay mud in with out noticing until It happened then tried to hid It instead of cleaning It because they were in a hurry. Will knew that this mud was native to the Carlyle bog that was part of an abended Corry that wasn't to fare from the house. Dakota than went to an old contact of hers that has access to city records that tell that the Male developing company tried to build a male their but the ground was to unstable that they couldn't, but their was no record of them halling the equipment that was meant to help build that mall.

Son the 2 went to the Carlyle bog to see what's going on. "W: Be careful hear Dakota my parents warned me that their Quick-clay around hear that can suck you down If your not". But Will didn't look ware he was going & immediately fell in a patch of Quick-clay & quickly sank to his knees, he tried to get out but just wound up sinking to his waste, Dakota had to help him out which tuck up a lot of time & he nearly sank to his chest before being pulled out. "D: Looks like you should have better followed your own advice Will". "W: You got that right". After that they decided to hed back to look over what they found out while Will cleaned him self up. In the next day Dakota decided to go to the Mall developing companies head corters in Toronto under the descise of someone looking for a job in their business. After getting passed security she made her way to their archives ware she discovered that they built a secret base in the Carlyle bog meant to hid things that they didn't want certain people to find. She told Will about what she learned so they head back to the Carlyle bog ware they found the secret bunker of the Mall developing company. Using Dakotas unique skill set they managed to get in & recover Will's family dead but they were discovered. They escaped the bunker but were being chased. Dakota started to shout at their chasers while Will kepped running but he actidently fell in another patch of Quick-clay & sank to his waste. After fighting off those security guards she found Will once again sinking in Quick-clay. Once again she tried to pull him out but this patch was a lot thinker & she ended up falling in & sinking up to her waste same as Will. They spent much time trying to find a way out of the Quick-clay while they were sinking past their bellies, rib cages & than to their chests. But they eventually found a long branch that they used to get out. Once they cleaned them selves up they gave the evidence to the afforities & arrested all responsible & saving Will's family land.

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