A Romantic Mud Wallow

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A Romantic Mud Wallow

Postby Bill » Sun Nov 29, 2020 3:12 am

Written by William Harkness
November 28/20
M/F Mud Sex
Main characters: Will Smith/description, black hair, brown eye's white skin wares glasses, Sarah Smith/description, long blond hair, blue eye's white skin big breasts/In the home of Mr & Mrs smith, Will is troubled. He's troubled because his marriage is falling. He has been married for 5 years, they still remain good friends but their having issues with their sex life, along with the fact that he spends so much time working that he doesn't spend much time with her, which worries him. Not to mention that Sarah has wanted to have a baby & she has tried to have one but can't because Will spends so much energy working & not enough on giving her good romantic sex. He feels that If he doesn't fix something, that his marriage will fail. So he tries to figure out away to spice up their marriage, that was when he remembered about something that his friend told him about his trip to the Nova Scotia country sides & how he found this mud pit that was part of a natural hot spring. He found It when him & his wife were taking a stroll & suddenly smelt a sulfur like order that resembled the smell of rotten eggs.

Ever the curious couple they followed the smell to that mud hole & decided to strip naked & have a little fun. So Will new what he had to do, he booked a flight to Nova Scotia & the same hotel ware his friend & his wife stayed that was close to that spot. When his wife Sarah got home she was surprised that Will made the dining hall look all fancy & had a nice romantic dinner ready to serve. "S: Wow Will I didn't think you were going to have time to cook let along get home before I did". "W: Well I thought that I needed to make more of a effort to show that I'm lucky to be your husband & how I appreciate everything you do for me". "S: Well consider me appreciated". So she got close to give him a romantic kiss, then Will sets Sarah & they enjoy their romantic evening. "W: Look Sarah I know that our sex life isn't going well because of me so I thought that we should get away for awhile to trie & add a new addition to our family". "S: Really you mean that". "W: Yes I do, so I booked a flight to Nova scotia ware we would stay at that fancy hotel that my friend rick visited with Kala". "S: O ya I remember him talking about that. When would we go".

"W: I was hopping tomorrow, I already took care of all the bookings, all we need to do know is packed". "S: Well you've been byssi". "W: Well I know you like It when I be spontaneous so this is me being spontaneous". "S: Ya I do, O will thanks this really makes my day & has gotten me a little turned on, maybe we can have a little dessert before we start packing". When she says dessert like that Will know's she means something else, so like that he goes up to Sarah sweeps her off her feet & carries her to their room & the2begin to undress themselves & make love. The next day they get on the plain to Nova scotia & check in to their hotel. Then they do a little sightseeing than have a nice dinner at the hotel. "W: So Sarah how did you like the meal". "S: It was great know I just want to go to our room & sleep". "W: Actually I was thinking of taking a late night stroll down that path that rick told use about". "S: Really know, isn't It a little late". "W: exactly, because there's this spot he told me about that I think is just what we need to fix our sex life". "S: I don't know". "W: Please Sarah I promise It will be worth It. "S: Okay lets go".

So the2make their way along the path that rick mentioned to that special spot. After walking for an hour Sarah starts to get in patient. "S: Okay Will we've been walking for an hour know, do you even know where you're going". "W: Of course I do rick gave me this map he made so we should be getting close". "S: Really you know that rick is bad at directions". "look will this was fun but know". Sarah was interrupted from finishing that sentence when she suddenly smelt something.

" Au PEE-U what is that stink", Sarah said which followed with the2holding their noses. "S: EW Will did you fart because It suddenly stinks of rotten eggs around hear". "WL A-come one Sarah you know my farts aren't that bad anyway considering that were smelling rotten eggs right know means were getting close, we just need to follow that smell". "S: Do we half to". "W: Yes, I promise It will be worth It". So Will followed the sulfur smell to their destination while Sarah kept holding her nose. "W: Hear we are, this is It".

"S: Ew this is what you insisted that we spent over an hour to walk to, It's mud". "W: No It's not just mud, okay It's Mud". "S: It smells like rotten eggs". "W: MM Sulfur vary fariputic". "S: & you think this will help fix our sex life". "W: Yes Rick told me that him & his wife bathed in this spot & ever since their sex life has never been better, & know she's pregnant". So Will strips naked & goes in the mud ware he sinks up to his chest. "W: Come in the mud feels great". "S: Okay I'll give It a try". So Sara ties her hair in a ponytail then strips naked & goes in the Mud pit fasing Will sinking up halfway covering her breasts. "S: WOW will this does feel great". "W: See I told you". "S: Ya the way the worth of the mud is touching my bodies sensitive spots is really making me horney". "Me to" said Will since as soon as he got in he felt is cock expanding longer & getting harder than It has ever been before. As such the 2 immediately get close to each other & start kissing passionately with their hands in the mud touching their body parts that are in the mud, they weren't even bothered by the sulfur smell any more.

The more close Sarah got to Will she noticed his hard cock stroking her legs & privet parts. "S: O wow Will I never felt your cock so hard before". "W: You have know idea". "O really". So Sarah started to stroke Will's cock with one of her hands which really exited will, which he followed with having his two hands start touching her breasts than coating the over parts of her body with mud, Sarah did the same with her free hand. Sarah than really started to work Will's cock so much that will wound up releasing his load in the mud which Sarah notice right away & caused her to blush. Next they started coating each other in mud from their chests to their faces & head. All while still kissing passionately.

This went on for hours until they felt that It's time to get out. When they got out their entire bodies was coated in Mud. "S: Man Will that was amazing". "W: Ya we need to come back hear as often as we can & a few more times before we half to go home". "S: Agreed know do you know If there's a lake close by". "W: Yes just down hear". "S: Great we can get washed off then back to our hotel room'. "S: That little mud dip has made me extremely horney & I want to do more dirty things to you". "W: Can't wait". So they gave each other another kiss then made their way to the lake to wash off than put their cloths back on than made their way back to the hotel room ware they will keep the party going.

Posts: 90
Joined: Sun Oct 25, 2020 10:26 pm
Location: Canada, Mississauga Ontario

Re: A Romantic Mud Wallow

Postby Bill » Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:42 pm

Hi This is William the one who created this story asking If anyone who is reading this story & likes what she reads would be willing to actually create a video of you & me acting out this story, making It to a video. If anyone is interested please reach me iver at whark91@gmail.com or text at 647203-2834 You must be a women close to my age of 26, who lives in Canada Ontario but mainly in Mississauga. But If not but still would want to help than you must be willing to travel great distances to meet with me at a place I know how to get to. I hope one of you will consider helping me

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