Swamp Stories: The Surch for the Legendary Swamp/Skunk Ape

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Swamp Stories: The Surch for the Legendary Swamp/Skunk Ape

Postby Bill » Fri Jul 23, 2021 8:14 pm

Date: Sunday July 18/21
Author: William Harkness
F/M Quicksand Sinking
Main Characters: Harkery Richard/Features: Short Black hair, green eye's, wars a Australian Hat, Elaine Davila/Features: Tale White Female, Long Black hair in a pony Tale, medium size breasts, Black eye's & wares glasses & Ted Low/Features, Tale white male, short brown/yellow hair, gray eye's & wares a hat like Harkery

Deep in the Florida everglaze swamp lives a man named Harkery Richard, he is the man in charge of the Florida Everglade swamp protection agency, his family has runned the agency that has helped keep the natural beauty of the Florida Swamp for decades. His parents died a few years after he turned 15. He was taking car of the swamp ever since. Harkery's daily rutean is always the same, he wakes up naked in his bead, does the average morning rutean, after he dresses in his usual attire of a crocodile Dundee feamed attire with a traditional Texas hat, than he does a steady jog around the main trail of the outer part of the swamp ware his agency is stationed. Next he has breakfast than heads to the main lodge building ware he meats is right hand man & best friend Ted Low who dresses the same way he does but with more of a easy going attitude.

H: Morning Ted looks like another nice day in the Florida ever glades.
T: Shure does Harkery, how are you doing. H: The same as always, know let us start doing the usual set up rutean than once the rest of our team gets hear, I'll give everyone their daily tasks to venture into different parts of the swamp making sure that their isn't any hudilims hiding around the swamp doing god who knows what. T: Ya, like that time we found that couple naked & making love out in the swamp hopping to find a nice out door secluded nature aria to make love before we spouted them.

H: Ya, they were so surprised they just ran naked deep in the bush ignoring our calls than when we cout up to them they ended up getting them selves suck in a patch of Quicksand. It's a good thing they ended up in a Quicksand pit that had one of those emergency wroup tied to a tree close by so they can keep them selves from sinking deeper so we can help them out before It was to late.

T: I only wished that things like that would happen more often & you would allow us just watch a little before coming to the rescue. H: Well as I have told you before, as members of the Florida Everglaze swamp perfection agency It's our job to keep these wet lands preserved & protect people that might accidently or on purpose walk out of the certified swamp walk tore trails. Not to satisfy your sick Quicksand fetishes. T: Ya, Ya, you can't blame a guy for asking. But kidding a side man, have you ever considered getting outside your daily rutean, seriously when was the last time you tuck a vacation ventured outside this swamp & tuck part in what modern day society has to offer, maybe go on a few dates, I know one of our employees Tracey would love to show you her side of the swamp If you know what I mean.

H: Unforchunetly I do. Look Ted I have no interest in seeing what the world has to offer, the only thing I want to do for the rest of my life is keep this swamp safe & the people who live out side this swamp safe for the rest of my life. I don't need to do anything else except that. Besides I get all my fill from modern day culture from watching TV in my shack & listening to music from the family radio. As for dating, I'll think about asking Tracey out If she really want to go out with me when I feel like spending some time with a women. Know If your done trying to tell me how to live my life, lets get to work.

Yes as you see Harkery is really set in his ways. He likes following a schedule, first after opening the swamp protection agency shack doors, he & Ted get the work boats & equipment ready for us, than uses the company radio to talk to Mike that lives in a small radio outpost deep in the swamp to get info on possible weather conditions that could interfere with their jobs or how bad is the gaiters & poyzunis snake situation could be for the day. Than the rest of his team arrives to get their orders for the day. But something happens that will put a rench in Harkery's daily rutean. While Harkery was sanding ruff parts of the company shake he smelt something that he's not use to smelling deep in the swamp. He looks up a sees a women in fancy women's business clothing, she was warrying glasses, & holding a work binder.

E: Excuse me are your Harkery the owner of this quaint shack. H: Who's asking. E: My name is Elaine Delvina I'm part of a privately funded agency that tries to find proof on the existence of mythical creatures like your swamps fames Florida everglaze swamp Ape. H: So basically what your saying is that your part of one of those group of crazies that choose to spend their time chasing after made up animals instead of doing something that makes a difference. That little remark made Elaine give a excuse me look. E: A, okay for your information the research agency I'm apart of is a group of well respected crypto Zoologists that are dedicated to find proof of the existence of creatures like the swamp Ape or even the rumored extinct dodo to raze awareness of environmental concerns to help get people to wise up & make sure places like this don't end up being torn down to build some shopping mall or something.

H: Well so are we but not like you were not wasting our time trying to find some made up creature. Look I'm Harkery Richard's the owner & I'm just going say what I tell other people like your self that come down hear & waste both mine & my people's valuable work time by asking If we can give them some sort of tore around the swamp hopping to find some proof of this creatures existence. Know listen, If you want to take a tour theirs an actual swamp tore business located on the fare end side of the swamp, were not were doing actual work trying keep this place the way It is. Know If you excuse me I have some tracking equipment to rea-calibrate. He than gives Elaine a cocky salute with his hat & walks off. Causing Elain to give a are you kidding me look. But not like those who came before her she's not one to give up easily.
E: HA, wait a minute buster I don't know who you think you are but I'm not some wanabi nature documenter, I'm a well experience scientist in my field & I'm not leaving until I say my peace.

H: Alright fin, so what do you want. E: Well like I said I'm hear on business, I need someone from your little agency to be my guide through these everglaze to help me find my mentor of min who came her a few months ago trying to find proof of the swamp Ape. Professor, Gruffalo. He's the one who helped join the group I'm in know & we have spent years trying to get hard evidence to prove that creatures like the allusive bigfoot & Swamp Ape egzist & the last time I say him was at our main hed corters in Chicago when I told me that he was coming hear to venture deep into the swamp to find It.
H: Really, tell me your mentor did he have a wound body like appearance, did he have a long white beard warrying old 90's glasses with out of date hiking clothing. E: Yes that's him, so I was right he did come hear. H: Yes he did, he actually approached my friend Ted over hear asking If he could get a ride. When I heard that I told him that were not a tore service we don't take people into the swamp to show them the seanery. Besides what we do hear is to important to be distracted trying to make sure some new be doesn't get killed.
E: I know he told me on the phone. He also said that If he would just venture on his own, he managed to find a opening to beging is expedition without you knowing. That was the last time I heard of him. H: If what you say is true & he went allown theirs a good chance he's dead.
E: O really did you find his body, any signs of a destroyed camp. H: No, but I know enough about this swamp to know that I don't know enough. Swamps like these are filled with dangers, like gaiters, snakes, poyzunis insects, plants & Quicksand that can kill a person instantly & If you don't know what to expect before going in their then your as good as dead.
E: Wait did you say Quicksand, theirs actual out their. H: Yes Quicksand is real. Look I'm sorry about your boss I really am but iver me or my people can't worry about keep them selves alive & you It's just not possible. E: Well for your information I can take care of my self, second I actually have plenty of experience venturing into places like this for scientific expeditions with Professor Gruffalo who taut me everything I know.
Elaine says while putting her fists on her hips showing women superiority.

E: I even have proper hiking clothing at the motel I'm staying in that's a few meters from hear. H: Look I'm sure your vary capable but I can't help you. E: Fin than I guess the Florida National Business employee rights department will get a anonamuse call saying that your operating a business with no proper health insurance. Harkery turns back after trying to walk away giving her a surprise angry look.
H: Fin I'll personally give a ride around the swamp to help find your mentor &b that's It. E: Fin by me. she than walks away with a smug look of accomplishment on her face. The next day Ted helps Harkery get ready for his trip with Elaine.

T: So your finally going on that date. H: Please don't start Ted. T: I'm just saying that this could lead to something. H: All this will give me is a head ache. Be grateful I decided to escort this brat through the swamp & not you or your fellow workers because this women, is stubborn, arigent, full hardy &/T: A sire. H: she's right behind me isn't she. E: Yes she his. When Harkery turned to see Elaine & was greated to the site of a smart strong independent women wearing simple women's swamp hiking clothing with supplies & when Harkery could help but get a hard long peniss that Elaine noticed.
E: You might want to do something about that. embarist Harkery tucked his pennies to the side. E: So what do you think do I look presentable.
H: A, yes, so are you ready to go. E: First you should know that I'm in a relationship with a man that's more of a gentleman than you are so I want to go other some ground rules. Like no looking at my breasts, If you try to touch me in a inappropriate place I will brake hands, I warn you that I can take down jerky men that think they can get lucky with a women like me & finally no sexist remarks or I sware I will comidear this boat & finish my mission on my own. Which she says while having her hands on her hips once again showing women superiority. Which left Harkery all but speechless.

H: Are your serious. first of all, I have no interest in being in a relation ship or having sex with you non so ever, second I consider my self a vary respectful person with men/women alike no matter their age, or race & third If you try to take any of my boats for your self than we'll have a problem. Than they share a aggressive star with each other which made Ted feel vary uncomfortable so he just walked away. So after a few minutes the 2 get on the boat & Harkery starts driving the boat across the swamp towards the spot ware Gruffalo began his gurney.
E: Alright according to info that Professor Gruffalo sent me If we keep going along this creek we should, (PUFF), A gross PEW, "She seas while waving her hand in their air than holding her nose". Did you just fart. H: Actually that unique sent is the sweet smell of swamp gas, & know I no for sure that your were lying yesterday. E: Excuse me.
H: When you said that you have experience exploring swamps like these. If that was true than you'd be used to the smell of swamp gas. Like my dad always said, when some one can handle smelling swamp gas you know he/she is native hear. E: That's ridiculous, were did you dad go to school.
H: Actually he didn't never did my mom or anyone in my family including me. My family believes that you don't need to go to school to know how to live a good life. All we ever needed to know is how to live & maintain this swamp, the only job we have ever known. E: That's crazy, (PUFF) EWW, how people need to go to school to learn how to read, right, do math & so on. H: We hear we have learned how to do all those things just fin without listening to some guy in fancy clothing. E: So you never went to school. Well that explains It.
H: Explains what. E: IT explains, (PUFF), FEW, your bad attitude, your lack of good attire & your ability to uphold proper good higean. You constantly smell like this swamp & why your clearly single. H: Okay smart girl you like to get to know me so well than how about telling me about you. Since we still have ways to go before we reach solid ground.
E: Fin I, (PUFF) Gross, my boy friend's name is Jake, he works in the same science lab as me, our relationship is which is how we met, our relationship is going well, we've been dating for 2 hears & I might not be surprised If he asks to marry me in the near future I have always wanted to be a crypto zoologist since I was 10, only because me parents are scientist bit are retired right know, I studied at all the best schools, & I'm a vegetarian since I love animals. H: MM impressive resume you listed their, I'm imprest. E: Thanks, (FART), Man what is with this swamp. H: Actually that was me farting that time. E: AU your gross.

Than after a few more minutes they reach land ware they see an empty boat that looks like It has been their for months. E: Look that has to be Professor Gruffalo's boat that he used. When they docked close to the boat they examined It. H: Well looks like I will need to talk to my team about keeping a better eye out for abanden boats. E: Judging by the position of this boat & ware this trail goose I think we should go in this direction.

H: Hold your horses missy I'm the experienced one hear so for your safety you should follow my lead. E: O really, well since I have studied the Swamp Ape for years I think I should take the lead, just in case we run into him. H: Trust me, my family & I have lived in this swamp for decades & we have seen no evidence that such a creature exist. E: Well has anyone hear ever reported a really pungent smell. H: What do you mean.
E: Well we believe that people can know If the swamp Ape is around or has been in a certain part of the swamp If they catch a wife of a vary strong musky pungent Oder, that is said to be like a whet dog got sprayed by a skunk, which is why he was first called the skunk Ape. H: Well Elaine I can honestly tell you that no one who works hear has ever described smelling a smell like that. E: O-Really "she says why'll giving him a look that gets people to be more honest".

H: Okay well their has been a few times that my families employees reported smelling this really strong Oder that was worse than swamp gas or swamp/bog mud. Like a skunk sprayed at the same time swamp gas came out of swamp water. E: Then they smelled the creature because that's another description that people have gave. H: Know hold on, their rare breads of skunks hear so that could be It. E: What ever.

So the 2 continued to walk through the swamp, during that time Elaine got Harkery to tell her that his family has never went outside this swamp in decades & he'll never brake that streak, how he's a only child & how his parents died when he was a teen-ager, which made Elain feel sorry for him & has made her to understand him better. As she was saying how sorry she was for his loose she spotted a camp site that belonged to her professor. They ran over to the camp site but when they got their, they noticed that the camp was fully destroyed & their noses were over whelmed with this unbearable sent which made them both say (COFF CFF, AU Man PEW U) using both or one of their hands to cover their noses or wave the smell away.

E: O lord Hark tell is that more swamp gas were smelling. H: What ever this smell is It's not swamp gas. E: Than perhaps he just smelled the stink of the swamp ape. Know hear me out, you have never held your nose the way we are doing right know when you smelt swamp gas & you just said. H: That probably a skunk sprayed around hear & lards pockets of swamp gas is focused hear. E: Your in possible.

She than enters the main tent that was all mangled with no sin of life but torn up sheets, blood & some peace's of flesh & her professors personal journal Which seeing all of that made believe that the swamp Ape killed her professor which lead her to cry. Harkery went close to her, to try to comfort her.

H: Look I'm sorry for your loose, I told that the swamp is a vary dangerous place & weather your friend got killed by this swamp ape or another creature, you should know that people like us were trespassing on their land & If were not careful or not show respect than they have the right to kill us. Know I'm going to call my people to come hear to help clean this mess up than we can/E: I'm not going just let, I owe It to Professor Gruffalo to find solid proof he egzist & this journal has everything we need to continue. H: Know hold on, I promised to help you find your friend & since we have confirmed that he's dead than It's time to turn back.

E: If you can't to go home than go but I'm staying to continue my professors expedition & you won't stop me. She than begins to leave, so Harkery moves in to try to grab her & keep her from wondering off, but she uses some crazy self defense skills & slams Harkery on his back. When he looks up he sees Elains standing on top of him once again doing her women superiority poss than walks off. He realizes that he can't stop her so he continues to watch over her to make sure she doesn't get into trouble. So they continue their hike through the swamp using the professors Journal instructions to navigate. As they were climbing a steep hill they smelled that same pungent stink from the camp but ten times stronger when they got to the top, They held their noses instantly.

E: Au PEU Harkery It's that stink again. H: AU, YA, & It's a lot stronger hear, wait don't move theirs something in the bushes. Harkery sees something in the bushes, & that vary thing was making It's way to them. The two adventurers slowly walked back wards away from the moving creature but the creature came out & revealed It self to be. E: It's him the Swamp Ape. H: I don't believe It. Then the creatures makes a tarifying roar than charges at them. In instinked Harkery pushes Elaine away & tries to fight the creature, but he over powers him easily & is about to crush him but Elain using a camera to take a good picture of the creature with a flash that blinded him than using a harmless smoke boom she recovered from the camp to scare the swamp Ape away, but also cause Harkery & Elain to tumble down the hill handing but & lags first in a patch of Quicksand resulting in them sinking immediately to their wastes & starting to make them sink to their rip cages.

E: AU EWW Harkery please tell me we didn't just fall into what I think we just fell in. H: Well thanks to your stunt we just fell into Quicksand. Seriously Elian what were you thinking pulling a stunt like that. E: Excuse me I was trying to save your life. From the Swamp Ape that you can not doubt know exists. H: Okay I admit It you were right about the swamp ape, but If you gave me time I could have found away to get us out of that situation instead of you going all mission impossible & you know what arguing you about this isn't worth It, we need to get out of this.

E: Well your the big time swamp expert you get us out. H: Okay first of all we can not struggle, any sudden movements would just make us sink faster. So remain still while I find a emergency wroup. E: A what wroup. H: Something my Dad started when he first started running the agency. When ever he or one of his employees found a old/new patch of Quicksand we would find a tree that's some what close to the pit ty a long wroup around that tree & leave It for some one to use If they accidently fell in.

So As Harkery was sinking to his chest & Elaine to her breasts slowly clamming them Harkery looked for a emergency wroup which has no ware to be found.
H: Okay problem I can't find a wroup so this must be a new Quicksand bog that formed around hear reasently. E: Than how do we get out of this BEEP.

H: Just do what I do. A trick that my parents taut me when I was old enough to start learning about the family business. First we slowly try to move our legs to the surface while trying to us our hands to get on our backs. Than we slowly push our selves out of the Quicksand. So the two did just that using a back words method to slowly push them selves out until they got on solid ground. Once they were out they spent a few minutes lying on the ground than slowly moving to the sit up position starying at each other exchanging a relief glance.

Than after Harkery made a call to a local unit to come to their last location to clean up the camp & put a safety wroup around a tree close to the new Quicksand pit they escaped from than making their way to their boat to take them back to the main land while toeing the vacant boat they found before. Ted say them come in & helped dock the boat that looked in astonishment what what happened to the two.

T: Welcome back boss, I see you to fell into some Quicksand. H: We did, a new patch that formed in the swamp, I already called a near by team to take care of that. T: I see, so did you find that professor or perhaps the Swamp Ape.
H: Actually the professor is dead & turns out the swamp ape is real. T: Really. H: Yes so we need to deal with this fast, we need to set up markers around the parts of the swamp ware It lives & put safety measures in place so no one especially our team mates don't run into It by accident & get them selves killed. T: Alright I start forming a plan than. H: Okay, I'm heading inside to take a shower than I'll come over & help out. So Elain your welcome to use our company's showers to clean your self off. E: Thanks for the offer but I might just drive back to my motel & shower their If It's all the same to you. Also If you like I can send you all the info I have on the swamp Ape to help you in this new venture your undertaking. Vary well. Know look before you go I just want to say. E: I'll stop you right their, you don't half to saying anything I know that your sorry for how we started things. So friends. H: Friends.

So Elain starts making her way back to her rented car but stops & decides to run back to Harkery to give him a wet kiss on the check before leaving for real which left Harkery speechless. But this experience taut him that perhaps he should be more open to trying new things & seeing what life has to offer. But first after taking a shower & putting on fresh clean clothes he walks up to Tracey & asks If she wants to go out to this nice bar he knows of that's in the city that he heard about & would like to try, & Tracey says yes

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