A Moonlight Dip (Willing, Erotic, Non-Fatal, Near-Submersion)

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A Moonlight Dip (Willing, Erotic, Non-Fatal, Near-Submersion)

Postby ChaosGlassSpider » Fri May 19, 2023 5:54 am

Abby swallowed the lump in her throat as she looked over the lake. Dark waters danced under the full moon, as insects droned their sordid songs. It was a hot summer night, and Abby could feel the sweat drip across her body. A bead of perspiration trickled its way down her forehead, before falling into her ample cleavage. She watched as it sunk between her breasts, the tanktop leaving little to the imagination. She tried to adjust it out of habit, attempting to hide her buxom form, before stopping herself.

She shook her head, “No, you’re fine Abby.”

“It’s just you now,” she told herself, “not your parents, not your friends, just you.”

She looked back towards the open and inviting lake, before taking a deep breath.

“You can do this.”

Abby took another deep breath, before hooking her thumbs around the bottom of her tank top, and lifting it over her head.

It was a liberating feeling, feeling the hot air against her bare breasts. She’d never expected to feel this in her life, the freedom of nudity. Such things were always shunned by her family. She grew up in a fairly conservative Christian town, and her family matched that utterly. Day in, and day out, her mother would ingrain the beliefs of how a good, “proper” lady should act.

“You must tend to the household, Abigail. You shouldn’t question your husband, even if he’s wrong. Remember, Sunday is the lord’s day. Don’t wear such slutty clothing, Abigail, don’t you know whores go to hell?”

And Abby utterly hated it. Hated every second of those damned teachings. Of course, she still loved her parents, but if she had to spend another minute listening to her mother rant about how “new age” women were ruining society, she was going to tear her hair out.

And so, the minute Abby turned eighteen, she moved out. She got a job apprenticing for a mechanic and moved to a nearby, more open-minded, town. She rented a house at the edge of the woods, a short distance away from a secluded lake. It was nice, quiet, and far less judgmental. She dressed more openly, no longer wearing those stuffy, overly conservative dresses her parents filled her wardrobe with. It felt as if the entire world opened up in front of her, and she was just now beginning to explore it.

Which all led up to Abby, bare naked and gently folding her clothes behind a tree, her statuesque body covered in darkness. Skinny dipping was one of those forbidden acts she’d heard about in her youth. Activities only the promiscuous and sinful indulged in. Allowing the world a view of your naked body? It was an affront to everything her mother taught her.

Which only made her want to do it more.

Once she was finished folding, she stood up, feeling her long, curly, black hair fall against her back. She felt some loose strains tickle at her softly freckled cheeks, before brushing them away, She curled her bare toes against the wet dirt, feeling it squish between her toes. The ground was nice and cold, compared to the pestering heat of the night. She heard her heart beating in her chest as she padded, barefoot and nude, towards the lake.

When she reached its shore, Abby briefly marveled at how pretty the site was, how the moonlight frolicked along the water’s edge. The full moon was high in the sky now, washing her nubile body in its light. She took one more deep breath, to steady her hammering heart and flushing cheeks, before taking one last look at the undisturbed waters.

She took a shaky step into the water, feeling the coolness on her feet. Abby took another step, before beginning to run into the water. Her strides were graceful at first, up until the water reached her hips. She blushed as the water touched her thighs and her intimate regions, before pressing forward. Her movements were janky and uncoordinated as she moved clumsily forward. Soon, the water graced her chest and shoulders, and Abby broke into a full-on swim.

She alternated between different strokes, starting at a clumsy dog paddle, before switching to an equally clumsy front crawl, and settling on a breaststroke. She relished the feeling of water cascading over her nude body. It was liberating, to leave herself open to the world. Soon, Abby couldn’t feel the muddy sediment underneath, as she neared the center of the lake. Midstroke, Abby dove into the water, taking a deep breath before plunging downwards. She felt water rush into her ears as she blindly descended into those dark waters. She took another stroke down before buoyancy worked its magic and she was forced toward the surface.

She broke through the surface, softly gasping for breath. The water was cold, probably colder since there was nothing between her and the lake. But, Abby didn’t mind. It was refreshing, especially after the hot days and nights of summer. The cold water also seemed to sharpen her senses, somewhat. It was like she could feel every centimeter of her body all at once, feel the water touch her nude body, entering all of her pores and openings. She blushed a bit as she caught sight of her hardening nipples, a pleasant warmth building inside her as she trod water.

She smiled though, her chin dipping into the murky surface. She imagined how the people at home would react, seeing her nude and swimming in a murky lake, her bare sex open to the world. She chuckled at the thought for a bit, before slowing her tread. She gently floated there, listening to the sounds of the woods, the occasional crack of a tree branch, and the hooting of a nearby owl. She felt water rush into her ears as she sunk a bit deeper, shutting out the gentle noises of nature.

In response, Abby kicked her legs out, maneuvering herself so that she’d be floating on her back. She felt the water touch her cheeks, and her hair fanned out across the surface. She stayed like that for a moment, watching the stars and listening to the drum of her heartbeat. It was dreamlike, in a sense. Like she had been transported to a different reality, away from the insecurities of her past. Abby was so mesmerized, she didn’t notice that she had precariously floated into a mud pit. The sediment here had risen and become fully saturated with water. In the daylight, it would’ve stuck out like a sore thumb. But here, in the darkness of night, it was nearly impossible to differentiate between murky water and a mud pit.

It wasn’t until Abby’s head softly bumped into a half-sunk tree trunk that she noticed her predicament. Her eyes fluttered a bit wider, first noticing how strange the water felt between her toes. It felt sticky and soft, and as she wriggled her toes, she wondered where the water had gone. She tried to get her feet underneath herself but felt the mud resist her. It clung to her body, holding her down like a malicious predator.

“Wha-” she began, “what’s going on?” she tilted her head forward, and her eyes widened at the sight before her. What was once lake water had morphed into a mud pit! The only thing above the surface was her chest, erect nipples sticking out of a coat of dark mud. She winced, gritting her teeth. She struggled there, pulling herself forward in a vain attempt to free herself.

“Damnit, how could this have happened,” she whined, accelerating her struggles. She grimaced as she wrenched one of her arms free, before looking behind her at the dead trunk. It was quite large, with several branches still attached. With a huff, Abby grabbed at one of the thicker branches and pulled herself upward. The muck rebelled against her, holding tight her legs and waist. There was a rising warmth between her legs, and Abby was forced to stifle a moan. Soon though, the mud relented and Abby felt its vice grip abate. She breathed a sigh of relief, hefting her other arm around the branch to support herself.

She stayed there, nude and panting. Her feet still remained stuck in the mud, but at least the rest of her was free. Her heart hammered in her chest as she struggled to hang on. Abby didn’t think skinny dipping would be dangerous, not in the least. And yet, here she was, naked and fearing for her life. She focused on her breathing now, dutifully ignoring the pain in her arms, and the growing warmth in her chest and groin. She crossed her legs, a habit she had picked up as a sexually repressed teenager. Whenever she felt her heart flutter with lust, she would cross her legs, a sign to herself more than others that she wouldn’t be swayed by temptation. Now, however, nude and covered in muck, this only seemed to fuel the fire. Her muddy thighs smushed together, sludge oozing deeper into her crevices. She released a moan, before shutting her eyes and gritting her teeth.

“I just need to,” she began, before being cut off by another moan, “I just need to clean myself off.” Abby brought a shaky hand toward her thighs, snaking the other around the branch to keep herself steady. Dirty fingers brushed away muck and dirt from her thighs and bush, muddy clumps falling into the swamp below. In her struggles, swamp muck had seeped its way inside her, and with quivering fingers, Abby moved toward her nether regions. She’d hoped that brushing away the muck inside of her would alleviate the sexual pressure building inside her. Instead, Abby cried out the second her fingers graced her labia.

“Oh dear,” she said, voice laced with need. She was still a virgin, even after moving away. She had been so busy, she had nary the time to relish her new sexual freedom. Up until now. Abby struggled to resist her wild, sexual urges. But her fingers seemed to grow a mind of their own, as they stroked her muddied pussy. Heat rushed into her dirtied cheeks, and she couldn’t help but thrust into her hand. She moaned, lust briefly overtaking her rational mind. She was pent up, and she knew it.

She traced her fingers slowly up the length of her soaking pussy. She had experimented a couple of times as a youth, but could never truly commit to it. Self-pleasure was a sinful act, but at the moment, Abby was steeped in sin. It took a bit of feeling, but she soon found her prize. Abby screamed when her fingers stroked it. Her clitoris has already been gently touched by the swamp, but now, she could give it the attention it so sorely deserved. Heart aflame, she feverishly rubbed her clit, mud and bodily lust aiding in her endeavor. She squealed and bucked as her pleasure bloomed. She strained her other arm trying to keep herself upright, but she ignored the dull pain that radiated from it.

“F-fuck,” she moaned, “this is, oh my.” So entranced by her lust and sexual awakening, she didn’t notice the branch she was desperately holding onto beginning to sag. Until it was too late. A sudden crack ripped Abby from her sexual trance, and before she could react, the branch snapped in half. With nothing supporting her, Abby fell back into the treacherous mud. She shrieked as gravity took hold. Sludge cascaded outwards, and Abby immediately sunk to her navel.

“Oh no, this is bad,” Abby said, looking around frantically. The trunk was still behind her, with branches still within arm's length. But as she tried to reach up for another, pleasure lanced through her. She moaned into that dark night, feeling thick mud enter inside her. Her foray into self-love had opened the lips of her pussy, forming an excellent entry point for the devious swamp. She screamed as it assaulted her clitoris, molesting and caressing her every crevice.

“I need to,” she stammered, fighting off her needy body, “I need to get out here.” She struggled against the mud, but it only seemed to bring the muck deeper inside her. Soon, she was mere touches away from climax. A half-hazard reach for a branch broke whatever resolve Abby had.

“I’m cumming!” she screamed, the climax hitting her like a train. She squirted into the mud, bucking and jerking her limbs like a trapped animal. The warmth was so intense, it seemed to knock the wind out of Abby, leaving her with stars in her vision. When she came back to conscious thought, the mud had begun to consume her ribs and was making its way toward her breasts. The remnants of her first climax lingered, and a second was not far behind. Abby looked down, and her breath hitched as she saw that she was still sinking. A part of her was terrified of the mud, of how it clung and held her like a raucous lover. Another growing, overwhelming, part of her wanted nothing more than to sink deeper into the muck, to feel it caress her nubile body. She panted as the mud inched closer and closer to her face. There was a pressure to the morass, like a serpent, the mud seemed to coil itself around Abby’s nude form. She took a deep breath, a part of her relishing the pressure. She watched her chest rise, her nipples, hard as bayonets, begged to be touched. Her black hair was woefully streaked with mud, some of it even began to dip into the mud again.

She signed, her breath hot. She knew what she needed. She needed to get out of this mud, clean herself up, and go to bed. But her body had other ideas. Her pulsing heart and clitoris were a testament to that. Abby tentatively brushed away some mud on her chest, her fingers grazing her erect nipples. She moaned again, this time making no effort to hold it back.

“I need to get out of here,” she said, voice quivering. Abby attempted twisting her body, but this only served to work the mud deeper inside her. Her cheeks blazed a bright red, despite the mud that stained them. Abby pressed her hands against the mud, attempting to raise herself out of the swamp. All she succeeded in though was pressing her hands deep into the swamp sludge. She yelped, and in a panic, she ripped her arms out of the mud’s grip. However, to her horror, and arousal, she had sunk deeper again. This time, the mud was just below her ample breasts.

“I need to,” she began, her breath hot and heavy, “need to.” She trailed off as she felt the mire grab at her breasts. There was a primal hunger inside her, which needed to be satiated. A shaky, mud hand went to her breast, fingers squeezing her erect nipple. She moaned aloud, throwing her head back. She was breathing heavier now, out of both exertion and lust.

“I-I need,” she whimpered, feeling sweat flow down her cheeks. She took one last look at her muddied hand, and with a sudden inhale, speared her hand into the dark mire. There was a slight splash as Abby’s hand dove downward toward its destination. Her legs opened out to help show her hand the way, and soon she found purchase.

“Oh fuck!” she screamed, throwing her head back again. Her muddy hair began to splay out across the muddy surface, as she vigorously rubbed her clit and nipples. She humped into the mud, throwing decency to the wind. Her eyes widened, and her heart quickened as the quicksand toyed with her body. She looked down and saw the mud push her breasts upwards, and Abby couldn’t help but grin.

“Take me,” she begged, “take me please.” She had spent her whole life denying herself this release, and now that the sexual dam was broken, she couldn’t help but dive headfirst into temptation. Mud fingers groped and prodded, as the quicksand took Abby’s hard nipples. She screamed in delight as the climax hit her, with another just over the horizon. She bucked her legs into the muck, driving her deeper still.

The silt climbed over her breasts, caressing and fondling as it went. A bit of mud erupted from under her chest, splashing outward from her cleavage like a fountain. Abby giggled at that, reminding her of a porn video she once saw. A woman had given a man a boob job, and his cum had squirted all over the woman’s well-endowed body. Abby couldn’t help but picture herself as that woman, and the swamp as the man who’d climaxed. This only fueled her lustful fire.

“Fuck,” she moaned, “fuck me, please! I need this so bad!” The mud seemed to oblige, as it overtook her chest and climbed up her shoulders. Under the surface, Abby furiously rubbed, squeezed, and kneaded the mud into every crevice on her. She humped the mud like a lover, grinding against its form. She panted and whimpered as this continued, her movements sending ripples throughout the muddy swamp. Her hair was fanned out around her now like a muddy halo. Soon, the mud finished consuming her shoulders and moved on to her neck. Abby shuddered as the swamp touched her delicate throat. It applied a delicious pressure, akin to being choked. She opened her mouth and took a deep breath, only for the mud to resist her advance.

“Ugh,” she croaked, “take me please, I’m all yours.” It was getting hard to move in the muck now. The pressure and the thickness had risen as she sunk, but Abby managed. Her hips burned, and her clitoris had engorged due to her arousal. And yet, she couldn’t stop.

Abby screamed as the climax was mere strokes away. The mud had finished up her windpipe and was climbing up her chin now. She couldn’t muster the strength for words. Instead, she relied on whimpers and moans now. She was being choked and fucked and fondled, all at the same time, and Abby was having the time of her life. Her tongue lolled in her open mouth as she took in shaky breaths. Oh dear, is this what I have been missing, Abby thought, as she continued to stroke her clit. She closed her eyes, in preparation for the orgasm of her life.

“Oh…,” she softly whimpered, feeling the mud kiss her bottom lip. Her body was rubbed raw from the mud. It was stimulating her entire being, entering every crevice and fold. She was both a damsel in distress and a passionate lover. Pleasure coursed through her entire body, and Abby opened her eyes for a brief second. She saw how perilously close the mud was to her head. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted her dark hair, now utterly dirtied with mud, spread across the dark surface. For the briefest of moments, she contemplated the danger she was in, but this fear quickly turned into morbid arousal, and Abby resumed her sexual depravity with increased fervor. Her orgasm was reaching a terrible peak, so Abby tilted her head back to keep her mouth free.

“I’m,” Abby weakly began, voice a quiver with wanton need, “cummin-”

Abby was cut off by a shrill scream that came from deep inside her. This orgasm was stronger than the rest, hitting her like an atomic bomb. She quivered and squirmed in her muddy prison. Her mouth was open agape, and her eyes widened. Her vision swam as passion and lust exploded out of her. She skyrocketed to heaven, from the deepest pit of temptation. She was a maiden lost in the ocean of lust. The mud held her tight, choking and fucking her as she involuntarily struggled. And when one orgasm subsided, another quickly took its place, and Abby was reduced to a whimpering mess. Dark mud stained her chin as she threw her head back in vain, before moving forward again, feeling the mud kiss her lips. She had no words, no thoughts. Just pure, unadulterated pleasure. Her nude body was imprisoned, sunken up to her chin. But Abby couldn’t have been freer.

The first thing Abby noted, when coherent thought returned to her, was how pretty the moon looked tonight. It shined brightly in its completeness, with nary a cloud to disrupt its radiance. Her head was tilted back at an angle, to keep her quivering lips free of the muck. Abby didn’t mind though, not at the moment. She floated there, precariously deep in swamp quicksand, naked and basking in the afterglow.

“Oh my,” she said, her voice almost a whisper, “that was amazing.” She was exhausted, her sexual escapades having sapped her of most of her stamina. Her hips and legs ached, and she took hard breaths to resist the mud’s crushing hold on her. And yet, Abby couldn’t help but blush as she gently swayed her hips against the mud. Despite her exhaustion, her libido remained, as did the mud inside her.

“I really lost my virginity to a swamp, huh?” she mused, before giggling, the muddy surface quaking ever so slightly with her movements.

“Momma woulda called me a whore right about now,” she continued, bringing about more giggles. Abby thought about how this all began, with a simple skinny dip. How she thought how scandalous it was, to be swimming out in the wilds, with nothing between her pure body and the sinful world. Now here she was, chin-deep in sin, and Abby couldn’t have been happier.

“Well, fuck you momma!” she said, her giggles turning to laughs. It was a challenge, laughing from within her muddy prison, but Abby got through it. She took deep breaths between jubilant laughs. Before, she wouldn’t have dreamed of saying such things, even in private. It was a sin to disrespect your parents. But now? She couldn’t care less.

“I must look insane,” Abby said, laughter dying down, “Heck, I must be insane.” She cast her gaze down towards the mud. There were little puddles of murky water strewn about, some of them were close to her mouth, and Abby noticed how thirsty she was. An idea crossed her mind, and she briefly dismissed it. That’s disgusting, she thought. Then she noticed that she was still naked in a swamp, and changed her tune. She leaned forward, pursing her lips like she was giving a kiss to her first lover, and took a sip from one of the murky pools. It tasted like dirt and mud and felt gritty on her tongue. And yet, Abby drank eagerly from it. When she finished, she tilted her head back to its previous position and savored the dirty liquid as it quenched her parched throat.

She floated there, relishing the mud’s hold on her, and the earthy taste which invaded her mouth. She rolled her thighs and felt the mud roil inside her pussy. She couldn’t help but blush again. Abby bit her lip and turned her head to look at the tree trunk behind her.

Abby sighed, “I should really get out of here, though.” It was a struggle to get one of her arms out. But, with a huff, she wrenched it from the mud’s grasp and reached for an unbroken branch. Dark sludge covered her arm like a second skin, some of it dripping off to join its brethren.

“Almost got it,” she said, arm stretching to reach the branch. Her fingers graced its rough surface, and with a sudden burst of energy, Abby wrapped her fingers around the branch. She sighed, slightly exhausted by the effort. She hadn’t risen from the mud’s grasp at all, but that was something she could work on now. Closer her eyes, Abby focused on her arm, and with a huff, pulled upwards with all the strength she had.

And proceeded to give up two seconds later.

Her buxom body fell back into the mud, settling back to chin depth. Abby softly panted, before dropping her arm back into the muck, watching as the mud quickly consumed the limb. She was physically drained and needed rest more than anything. Instead of returning to her escape efforts, Abby breathed a soft sigh and reclined her head against the mud, relaxing. It’s fine, she thought, the night’s still young.

Abby’s relaxation abated, though, when she felt a familiar warmth between her thighs. Her cheeks began to heat up and take on a rosy blush. She whined under her breath, slightly lamenting her sexual needs. Already, she could feel her nipples hardening, her clit quivering from the mud. Abby bit her lip, stifling a moan.

A quick one shouldn’t hurt, right?

With minimal deliberation, Abby dove her hand toward her nether regions, driving the other one to her needy breasts. The reaction was almost immediate, as warmth surged throughout her person. She writhed and whimpered again, with less intensity than before. And yet, Abby continued to sink. She felt the mud begin to peck at her lips, and so she tilted her head back. Muddy fingers cradled the back of her head as she continued to make primal love with the Earth.

“Take me,” she moaned, “take me deeper.” The mud obliged, crawling up the sides of her face. Her climax was quickly building, the warmth spreading outwards from her groin. There was no need for extravagance this time around. Abby squeaked when mud stopped up her ears, silencing the outside world. Now the only things that accompanied her were her labored breathing and hammering heart.

Abby cooed when the mud touched her burning cheeks. It was like a lover’s kiss as she made passionate love, and Abby had passion in spades. Abby quickened her pace, as her climax was fast approaching. In response, the mud seemed to quicken its pace as well, as Abby could taste mud and dirt at the edges of her mouth. Instead of shutting her mouth, however, Abby left it open, accepting any watery offerings the swamp provided. Murky water dribbled into her mouth now, and Abby drank it liberally.

“Give it to me,” she whined, “fuck, I’m so close!” Abby could feel her orgasm was mere touches away. In a show of lustful curiosity, Abby opened her eyes. She was greeted with a muddy funnel, a swampy meniscus, over her face. She had a single window to the outside world. The edges of the mud held their shape, keeping her safe from suffocation. She imagined that, from the outside, she looked like a helpless damsel that was seconds away from disappearing into the mud. The mud was crushing her at this depth, her breathing coming in through quick gasps. She could barely move now, her limbs barely making a dent in the sludge. She was Eve in the garden, getting consumed by the Earth itself.

There was no fanfare with this climax, no earth-shattering cry, no scrambling limbs. Abby let out a soft, drawn-out moan, and writhed for a brief moment, before ceasing. Her heart hammered in her head, her breathing was ragged and hard. Her eyes watched the meniscus, arousal making her hope it would collapse, rational making her pray it doesn’t. Mucky walls stood tall, and Abby took shaky breaths, enjoying the afterglow of her latest sexual conquest.

There were no words of amazement, no sudden epiphanies, and no words of freedom, just soft whimpers, and moans. Abby floated there, her face framed by the mud. She didn’t say anything, instead, she took a deep breath, and rolled her shoulders. She felt herself sink a bit deeper, before smiling.

I’ll try to get out later, she thought, before relaxing in her muddy prison. Her heart beat in her ears, and her breathing steadied. She wriggled her legs a bit, but the mud heavily resisted her movements. She giggled a bit at that, at how free she felt, despite the fact she could barely move.

Oh, how ironic, she happily thought.

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Re: A Moonlight Dip (Willing, Erotic, Non-Fatal, Near-Submersion)

Postby ghostofmyeyes » Mon May 22, 2023 11:52 pm

Love your work on DA, and am glad to see it here. You have a very satisfying way of writing a "choose your own" ending, and of covering both the peril and pleasure angles throughout.

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Re: A Moonlight Dip (Willing, Erotic, Non-Fatal, Near-Submersion)

Postby Theo » Thu Jun 08, 2023 4:56 am

I also enjoyed this one. Small critique: I do question how she could’ve floated into such a thick mud hole. I mean, that close to the water I think it probably would’ve been some pretty watery mud. But then again, maybe it’s best just to enjoy the story, and not apply too much logic to it. It is a fantasy after all :P

Thanks for sharing these two stories, can't wait to see more of your works :D
Finally broke down and went to see a psychologist. She told me I just have an overactive imagination—and it really excited her. We're going sinking next weekend. Theo's AI Quicksandbox New stuff every weekend (unless life gets in the way)

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Re: A Moonlight Dip (Willing, Erotic, Non-Fatal, Near-Submersion)

Postby klib21 » Fri Jul 07, 2023 9:23 am

Wow, that was great!

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Re: A Moonlight Dip (Willing, Erotic, Non-Fatal, Near-Submersion)

Postby Solrex » Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:49 pm

This makes me realize it's not necessary to write the escape. But I still wanna know how she escapes.

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Re: A Moonlight Dip (Willing, Erotic, Non-Fatal, Near-Submersion)

Postby cbqdbq » Sat Jul 15, 2023 3:40 am

ending on a cliff hanger! She is looking up through an opening that could close up any moment and then you write that she sank just a little deeper! wow. i cannot help but think that she is going to sink a little deeper again and maybe even one more time after that and the opening begins to slide down and over her sweat-soaked face and the mud will get to seal its union with her and she just makes the best of it by imagining it finally answering her invitation to it and allows it to make her one with it.
compeled by qs, demies by qs

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