Losing a bet

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Losing a bet

Postby DJlurker » Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:14 am

At long last, here it is, the sequel to "Evening dress in the swamp"! I've darn near burned out my muse writing this one... so sit back, read, and enjoy! 8-)

"And the Wild Bears have beaten the Warriors! Unbelievable!"
The TV set showed a group of uniformed men all crowding around and celebrating, with a screaming chorus of fans in the background.
"Can you believe it?" the other announcer spoke up. "For the first time in forever, the Wild Bears are headed to the playoffs…"
"Yeah, I mean, you'd think the Warriors losing their star player to an injury wouldn't have mattered against this team, but obviously it did!"
The dark-haired husband and his platinum-blonde wife sat staring at the TV in stunned silence for a few more moments, before the woman turned to face her spouse.
"Dear…" she began. "Remember what you said a while back?"
He blinked a few times in confusion. "What's that?"
"I asked you when you might join me for a -ahem- mud bath, and you said, 'Maybe when the Wild Bears get in the playoffs'…"
He jerked in surprise. "Wh- You REMEMBER that?!"
She smiled. "How could I forget?"
"B-but that was just a joke…"
She shook her head. "You sounded serious enough to me, and I agreed." She slowly shifts closer to him… "Surely my dear, LOVING, husband wouldn't go back on his word, would he…?"
The husband gulped. He was cornered, and she knew it…

And so, on a clear night with a full moon, husband and wife were hiking through a familiar swamp, with the wife in the lead...
"I feel like I'm being led to my execution…" the husband muttered under his breath.
"I heard that," the wife retorted. "Be a man and suck it up."
Soon they emerged into a clearing, where the moon light reflected off the shiny surface of a decently-sized bog, albeit a different one from where the wife usually wallowed…
"And here we are," she declared. She turned to face her husband. "Time to strip down, dear."
He heaved a sigh, before reluctantly beginning to disrobe. "Still can't believe I'm doing this…"
"Oh, stop complaining. Look, this pit's got really thick mud, so it's almost impossible for you to drown in it, OK?"
"You sound as if you speak from experience, madam…" he muttered as he finished stripping down to his boxers and socks.
"That's probably because I do. And besides…" She grinned like the Cheshire cat. "It means you'll sink slowly… because I want to savor this…"
He shivered, and not from the cold. "Hope you're OK with me leaving my socks on… I dunno how cold that mud will be…"
She rolled her eyes. "That's fine, it's not like you're going headfirst or anything. Come on now, in you go."
He groaned before obediently kneeling to the ground and crawling out to the center of the pit. He then attempted to stand up, which caused the mud to consume his lower legs up to the knees… Yep, it was cold alright.
His wife carefully walked around the edge to get a better look at him as he began to sink. He pumped his legs a little, and settled to his lower thighs.
"Hope you're enjoying this…" he muttered.
"Oh yes…" she replied.
It was getting harder for him to move his legs in the bog, as his boxers began to get dirty. (Wow, she wasn't kidding, this really is thick stuff…) he thought to himself. He shivered as he felt the cool mud begin to envelop his testicles, then his penis… How his wife found this arousing, he'd never understand…
"Crud," his wife suddenly spoke up, "I gotta take a leak…" She turned around and began to walk off…
"W-wait, don't leave me!" the husband panicked, as the quicksand flowed around his waist.
"Crybaby. I'm just going beyond the tree-line, OK? Be right back." She vanished into the darkness.
Gulping, the husband looked down at the surface of the muck, which was nearing his bellybutton. He really hoped she wouldn't be too long…

Unlike his wife, when he had fallen into that muck where'd they first met, the experience had left him traumatized. Especially when the woman who would become his wife had attempted to rescue him, and fallen in with him…
Sure, they had been rescued in the end. But for several weeks afterwards, he would have nightmares where the rescue never came, and the lady's last kiss was soon replaced with dark, choking mud, and they vanished with no trace…
It got to the point where he could no longer sleep, and out of desperation, contacted the woman who had been sunk with him, to see how she had coped… Needless to say, he was thrown for a loop when he learned she had developed a fetish out of it.
Out of pity, she invited him to one of her mud wallows as a spotter, to show him that quicksand wasn't that dangerous when you knew what you were doing…
Sure enough, seeing her sink deep into quicksand and then slowly work her way out of it proved to be somewhat therapeutic. Her deciding to cuddle with him in bed that night certainly didn't hurt… The nightmares stopped, but he wasn't going to try and press his luck with mud bogs anytime soon, either…
At least, until he had made that silly bet with her...

The thick mud was up to his chest now, and his fear lessened a bit upon realizing he had stopped sinking. His arms rested on the surface, and it was a little harder to breathe, but not too much…
(Stay calm,) he thought to himself. (This isn't like that first time, you're not gonna smother, mud's way too thick for that…)
"Dear…" A voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked up, and gasped.
She was no longer wearing her hiking attire, but dressed in a familiar-looking ensemble… A dark, long-skirted evening gown with thin shoulder straps and matching full-length opera gloves, contrasting perfectly with her pale skin and light hair. The moonlight shining on her hair almost made her look like a mystical spirit… Her blue eyes seemed to sparkle as she posed seductively for him, showing her leg through the slit in the skirt.
"Like what you see?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.
He gulped. "Y-yeah… but I thought I was the one putting on a show for you."
"What can I say? You looked a bit lonely, so I thought I'd join you…"
It takes him a moment to process what she just said…"Wait, join me?!"
"That's right…" She is already crawling across the bog towards him. "You gave me my show, so now it's your turn…"
She stops in front of him, a little bit more than arm's length away. Sitting up on her knees, she begins to shift back and forth, causing the quicksand to begin consuming her…
In hindsight, he really should have seen this coming. He doesn't mind that she is just out of reach, because from this distance, he can see everything… her knees vanishing, her hips slowly twisting in the mire's embrace, her slightly jiggling bosom, her serenely smiling face, her shoulder-length hair shifting with the breeze… He'd watched her sink before, but never from THIS perspective… He almost felt like pinching himself.
This beautiful goddess, willingly sinking into the quicksand in front of him... was his wife. His wife!
It hadn't been the first time he'd had such thoughts… and suddenly, the mud didn't feel so cold… In fact…
As her belly disappeared, he felt a familiar reaction in his groin area. He felt his face heat up as he began to go erect, his penis somehow finding it's way though the opening in his boxers… (Thank goodness this mud isn't translucent or something,) he thought to himself.
His wife was now pushing her arms into the quicksand, up to her elbows, before seemingly trying to pull the mud up. Of course, this resulted in her going further down, until her breasts begin floating on the wet surface, her hardened nipples poking out against the fabric of her dress…
At first, he'd thought she'd pushed her arms straight down, until he sees her right hand emerge slightly from the muck, almost as if trying to paw her way out. Her eyes meet his, and she smiles again.
"I hope I look as sexy to you as you do to me…" she whispers.
"Oh hell yes," he responds. In the soft moonlight, it looks almost as if her dress and the still-visible rims of her gloves are merging into the mud itself… His erection throbs in response, and he has to breathe deeply to re-compose himself. This action doesn't go unnoticed by his wife...
"Getting a bit turned on, are we?" she teases.
(Crap, busted,) the husband thinks to himself. "W-well, how could I not be? After the show you gave me, what'd you expect…?"
"Sounds like someone isn't so afraid of quicksand anymore."
He blinks in surprise at this statement. Sure enough, he realizes his fear has almost completely vanished. "Not when you're with me, anyway… you're the expert in this stuff, after all."
"Mmm, flattery will get you everywhere," she coos. Her hand emerges a bit more from the quicksand. "Pull me closer…"
As if in a trance, he reaches forward, getting a firm grip on her wrist, and pulling as hard as he can. She does her best to help, by twisting her body in the mud, loosening it just enough to move through it…
When she gets close enough, she wraps her free arm around his neck, and pulls him into a deep kiss. He inhales sharply though his nose as he feels her bosom begin to press against his own chest, the slowly displacing mud bulging between them at first, before flowing away…
(This is near heaven,) he thought, (I could die a happy man right now… not that I want to…) His train of thought was abruptly derailed when he felt something gripping his erection that was NOT quicksand… He broke off the kiss suddenly, gasping…
"Ah-ha, found it," she smirked. Her blue eyes seemed to sparkle mischievously.
"S-so what are you going to do with it?" he queried nervously.
"What do you think?" she whispered. He suddenly felt the head of his erection pressing against her nether lips. His green eyes went wide.
(She's not wearing panties!) "Y…y-you can't be serious! Here? Now?!"
"You have no idea… how long I've fantasized about this…ever since we married…" She begins to guide him into herself. "Please, dear…"
He shudders, and his hips thrust forward instinctively, pushing him deeper into her, and she responds in kind, taking him in the rest of the way…He moans at that familiar sensation of her vaginal walls pulsing and caressing his penis, only now lubricated by wet, gritty sand…
"H-holy…" he begins.
"Don't you dare cuss," she warns. "You'll break the mood…"
He catches himself. "S-sorry…" His arms reach under his wife's armpits before gently wrapping around her body… her free arm disengages from his neck and gently grasps his shoulder instead, while her submerged hand slowly works around to his buttocks, to ensure he can't escape…
Then they begin to move, slowly at first, constricted by the thick quicksand surrounding them… but as their joined hips shift back and forth, the mud begins to loosen somewhat, allowing them to settle into a more natural rhythm.
"Oh yes…" she moans. "Do me, dear, do me hard…"
"Oh yeah," he responds, "You know I will…"
There are no more words, only gasps and moans, with the occasional brief lip-lock as the couple make love to each other in the quicksand… The bog itself seemingly serenading them with thick sucking and burping sounds caused by their motions…
The husband pulls away a little, and looks down at his wife's bosom, the mud having already devoured her nipples, now rising towards the hem of her evening gown… He thrusts harder into her in anticipation, eliciting a groan of intense pleasure from her…
Soon enough, the muck crests the hem of her dress and flows into her cleavage, which sends her over the edge.
"Ahhhhhh!" She cries out in ecstasy, as her entire body shakes with an intense orgasm, causing her vagina to clamp down hard on her husband's penis...
His eyes roll back in his head as he ejaculates, hard, his testicles working overtime as he shoots an indeterminate amount of hot semen deep into his wife's uterus… pain mixing with pleasure as her hand pinches his shoulder tightly…

He slowly rouses from his lethargy, his shoulder and testicles still sore… He becomes aware that his forehead is resting against his wife's forehead, and they are panting in perfect sync with each other…
Surprisingly to him, they've only sunk to the tops of their shoulders in the bog. (Thought for sure we'd be up to our chins… don't think I've climaxed that hard since our honeymoon...) He hears his wife groan as she begins to come back to her senses, blinking with clouded eyes, before focusing on her lover. She licks her lips, before engaging him in another deep kiss…
Their tongues duel with each other, the action seemingly restarting their saliva glands. Soon their dry mouths are moist once more, and they pull away from each other.
"So…" she begins, "How was that for your first time?"
"Well… I can safely say, it's one bet I'm glad I lost." He smirks at her, and she smirks back. "So, how do we get out, Miss Mud Expert?"
"Hmm, well, we've sunk past our natural buoyancy point… so a little wiggling about should get us back up to our chests…" She begins to methodically shift herself around, and her husband does his best to follow her lead. He finds it becoming easier to breathe as the pressure of the mud on his chest eases off. Once they are back up to chest level, they take a moment to catch their breath…
He can't help but notice that his wife's cleavage appears to still be filled with mud. He gently presses a hand against her chest, causing mud to flow up and out over the hem of her dress, unevenly coating his hand…
"Ooooh, you dirty, naughty man," she playfully jabs at him.
"I think the pot's calling the kettle black," he retorts.
She shakes her head. "Wrong, because I'm a woman, not a man."
He can't help but wince at her witty comeback. "Touché…" Something suddenly occurs to him. "Oh, damn…"
"What? What is it? Oh, did I pinch your shoulder too hard?"
"Wh- no, that's not it…" He bites his lip. "…I lost my socks."
"Y-you lost your…pfffft!!" She dissolves into giggles upon his remark, putting a hand up to her mouth…
"It's not funny," he muttered, "my feet are already starting to get cold, especially now that we just had sex…"
"S-sorry, sorry, it just struck me as funny…" Her grin segues into a smirk, as she gently caresses her husband's cheek. "Anyway, you're right, we should get out. So, first obviously, we have to -ahem- separate, and then…"

It took him a bit longer than he cared to admit, but thanks to his wife's instruction, he was able to extract himself from the thick mire, and crawl alongside her back to solid ground. He strips her muddy dress off, and the two take turns wiping mud off each other…
"We should do this again sometime," she proposes.
"Hmm, sure… emphasis on 'sometime'…"
"And what is *that* supposed to mean?" she glares at her lover, causing him to recoil slightly.
"Hey, don't get me wrong, I did enjoy our little mudding session… it's just…" He takes a breath. "Next time we have sex, I'd like to do it on a nice, firm bed. That's not too much to ask, is it?"
She blinks, and then smiles at him, before kissing him on the nose. "Deal."

So what did you think? Awesome? Garbage? Somewhere in between? Critique and let me know!
Last edited by DJlurker on Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Losing a bet

Postby PM2K » Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:34 pm

Nicely done! :D

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Re: Losing a bet

Postby Ace » Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:14 am

I enjoyed this story thoroughly (twice!). Reluctant male victim/dominant female is probably my favorite scenario.

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Re: Losing a bet

Postby sinkwithme » Sat Mar 21, 2015 7:07 pm

Very enjoyable! I don't think there are many of us here who don't dream of this scenario. You have more than done it justice. (I must admit though I was hoping they'd get too carried away and go under.) Thanks for this great submission.

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Re: Losing a bet

Postby DJlurker » Sat Mar 21, 2015 7:20 pm

Ace wrote:I enjoyed this story thoroughly (twice!). Reluctant male victim/dominant female is probably my favorite scenario.

Thanks, Ace. :) I didn't really see my story as a FemDom kind of story- mostly because the stories I read involve a gruesome end for the male, and the Dom!female hardly even getting dirty. :x I likened my story more along the lines of the oldies "Streambed" by FredJ or "Fun with Dick and Jane" on Kaol's site way back. The major difference between those stories and mine is that it's the female who sank first, and then the male joins her later, before he takes charge of the rescue. Here, the roles are reversed. :P

sinkwithme- I'm not a fan of death in QS stories, though one notable exception is velocity88's romantic "Together Forever". In fact, I looked back over that story for research when I was planning the "hot and steamy" part of this story.

Anyway, thanks again for the comments and approval. 8-)

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