Lei Fang and the Quicksand Cave (second part added)

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Lei Fang and the Quicksand Cave (second part added)

Postby DJlurker » Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:40 am

Hello again! After writing that short story for my Lei Fang In Quicksand request by RBX2, my muse just wouldn't quit bugging me... So, here's a prequel of sorts, showing how Lei Fang came across the mud pit in the first place...

Lei Fang and the Quicksand Cave- Prequel to ‘Lei Fang In Quicksand’
By DJlurker

“AAAAAAAAHHH!! Lei Fang! Achtung! HELP!! HYAKKU!!”

A panicked voice echoed throughout the underground cavern. Hitomi mixing languages together was *never* a good thing, as Lei Fang had learned. She immediately turned around and ran back up the way she came…

It had been Hitomi, the high-spirited German karateka, who had happened upon the cave while wandering through the woods not far from Lei Fang’s dormitory. Thankfully she knew better than to try to explore it herself, and had convinced (read: pestered) her friend and sparring partner to go spelunking along with her.

The two of them had come across a split in the path, and decided they would each take a different path- Hitomi to the left, Lei Fang to the right- and agreed to yell if the other found something interesting. But what the German girl had found was apparently more ‘dangerous’ then ‘interesting’…

Lei Fang nearly dropped her flashlight as she skidded to a halt at where the cavern split, before turning around and running down the left path, Hitomi’s screams still echoing through the tunnel… The Tai Chi Quan student’s mind racing with possibilities as to what Hitomi had gotten herself into…

She saw a dull light further down the tunnel, too reddish to be given off by Hitomi’s own flashlight. Rounding a bend, she suddenly found herself at the opening of a large, natural underground chamber, composed mostly of orange-brown rock. The source of the dull light was a small river of magma at the far end of the cave. And about 4-5 yards in front of the lava flow was…

“Hitomi!!” The light brown-haired German was buried up to her waist in the cave floor, which looked deceptively solid… Her flashlight was only a few feet away, but it seemed to be laying on solid ground, which meant Hitomi herself must have been relatively close to the edge…

“Lei Fang!!” the karateka cried when she made eye contact. “It’s quicksand!! HELP ME!!!”

“Hang on! I’m coming!” The Chinese woman began to make her way down to her friend, only to slip on the smooth floor, falling on her butt before sliding down, trying futilely to dig her heels into the ground to stop herself… Her legs ended up plunging into the mud right in front of Hitomi, her flashlight tumbling down and into the quicksand, its weight quickly dragging it under…

“Oh nooooooo!!” Hitomi squealed in despair. “Now you’re stuck, too! We’re doomed! Doomed to disappear in the quicksand and never be seen again…!”

“Um, Hitomi…” Lei Fang tried to cut in.

“I know, you’re sorry… but it’s *my* fault we got stuck here in the first place! Oh, why did we split up?! You could have caught me before I slid down here and this never would’ve happened…”


“And what’s worse is that they’ll never find our bodies because they’ll be buried in this cave where nobody’ll think to look and-“

*CRACK!* The palm of Lei Fang’s hand struck her friend squarely in the nose, not hard enough to break it, but it definitely registered.

“OWW!” cried the karateka as she put her hands over her face. “What’d you do that for?!”

“To get you to *calm down*,” Lei Fang answered firmly. “First of all, yes my legs are stuck, but my butt’s still on solid ground- I’m right at the edge. Second, if you’d just stop and take a breath, you’d realize you’re not sinking anymore!”

“Huh? I’m not…?” Hitomi looked down, and saw that her bosom was pressing into the mud, but she indeed was not descending any further. “*Oh!* I guess you’re right…” She started giggling in relief. “Wow, I guess I’m an idiot, huh?”

Lei Fang rolled her eyes. “Sometimes you are, but at least your heart’s usually in the right place. Anyway, don’t start trying to push yourself out with your arms, you’ll just get them stuck, and we don’t want that…”

“I know that!” Hitomi shot back, as she held her arms out straight. “I’m not *that* stupid!” Taking a breath to calm herself, she continued, “But *you’ve* got a plan for getting us out, right?”

The Chinese college student bit her lip. “Well, first, I need to get myself out…” Bracing her hands behind her, she began to try and shift her weight backwards… it was slow going, as the thick mud seemed to clamp down on her trapped limbs with every movement… But her Tai Chi Quan training served her well, as she made slow, methodical movements, gradually pulling her legs free…

Then, with a sudden *shllupp!* they came loose, causing Lei Fang to fall on her backside from the inertia. She groaned as she pulled herself into a sitting position, wiping some of the muck off her legs. “OK, I’m out…”

“Hey, I just got an idea!” Hitomi spoke up. “Maybe you can use your legs to hook around me and pull me out that way!”

Lei Fang blinked in surprise. That actually wasn’t a bad idea… But she was going to need something to grab on for leverage. Looking around, she saw a small stalagmite protruding from the ground, only two feet away from the edge of the quicksand.

“All right, let’s give it a try…” She slid herself forward, positioning her long legs on either side of Hitomi, who tried to help guide them with her hands. Lei Fang then got a firm grip on the stalagmite with her left hand, before locking her legs around Hitomi at the ankles. “OK, here goes…!”

Once again, she started to try shifting her weight backwards, using the stalagmite as an anchor, gritting her teeth with exertion as she tried to pull her friend forward… but she didn’t seem to be making much progress.

“Hitomi!” she gasped, “Try twisting your body, loosen up the mud a bit!” The German nodded, bracing her arms on Lei Fang’s legs, before twisting her body back and forth as much as she was able…

“Lei Fang! I think it’s working!” The karateka felt herself slide down into the mud another inch. “Ack! I’m sinking again! Start pulling!” Her friend promptly set to work again, pulling herself backwards while keeping her long legs tightly wrapped around Hitomi… This time, she got results, as Hitomi’s stomach slowly emerged from the quicksand. “It’s working! It’s working!” Hitomi cried excitedly, twisting her hips to loosen the mud more…

Suddenly, with a loud *ssshh-ggloop!” the quicksand’s suction was broken as the German girl’s hips finally pulled free, followed by her legs. Soon, Hitomi was laying completely on solid ground. “I’m out!! Yahoo!! You did it, Lei Fang!”

Lei Fang promptly collapsed, her chest heaving as her legs’ death grip on her friend finally came undone, allowing Hitomi to crawl up next to her. The college student turned her head to look at her companion’s smiling face. “That was a close call, huh?”

“Yeah,” gasped Lei Fang, “it sure was… Hahhh…” Nothing else was said for a while, as the two ladies recovered from their harrowing experience with the cavern quicksand… Eventually, Hitomi got up on her hands and knees, crawling over and retrieving her flashlight.

“Looks like it’s up to me light our way outta here, since your flashlight went bye-bye in the quicksand…” A shiver of fear passed through Hitomi as she contemplated the fate that nearly befell her…

Lei Fang pulled herself back up into a sitting position. “Yeah, that’s gonna cost a pretty penny to replace… but better a flashlight than us.”

“I one-hundred percent agree with you, Lei Fang,” Hitomi nodded. “But, what are we gonna tell your college classmates when we get back? They’ll probably laugh at us, being all dirty like this…”

“Don’t see why we can’t just tell them the truth,” muttered Lei Fang as she slowly stood up. “And as far as being dirty, I think there’s a river not too far from the cave entrance, so we can wash off a little bit there…”

“OK, then! Let’s get outta this deathtrap!” Hitomi grabbed her friend’s arm in her left hand, carrying her flashlight in her right, pulling her along as she made her way back up the incline to the exit…

Little did Lei Fang know, she would be visiting this place again in the not-too-distant future…

Part 1- End.

Stay tuned for Part 2- Perverts and Exercises! 8-)
Last edited by DJlurker on Mon May 01, 2017 9:21 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Lei Fang and the Quicksand Cave

Postby PM2K » Tue Jan 19, 2016 5:26 am

Nice! :D

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Re: Lei Fang and the Quicksand Cave

Postby DJlurker » Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:45 am

At last, here's the second and final part... enjoy! 8-)

Part 2- Perverts and Exercises

"Miss Lei Fang, you have a package…"

"Coming!" The door to Lei Fang's dorm room opened, revealing the lady herself, her hair done up in its usual braids, and a pair of glasses on her face. "Who's it from?"

"Most likely, one of your adoring fans. Sign here, please." The postman held out a clipboard with a pen under his thumb, while hefting a flat, medium-sized box wrapped in brown paper in his other arm. Lei Fang took the pen and inscribed her name on the line in perfect Chinese lettering. She then gave back the pen while taking the package off the postman's hands. "Hmm, this address seems familiar… Can't put my finger on it though…"

"Maybe it's from your boyfriend?" the postman joked.

Lei Fang gave him a disdainful look. "One more comment like that and you'll be getting delivered to the hospital, buster…"

The postman raised his hands and backed off. "Er, have a good day then!" he said quickly, before turning and walking off at a brisk pace. The college student sighed before closing the door. Setting the package on her desk, she took out a pair of scissors…

"Well then, let's see what we've got here," Lei Fang mumbled as she cut open the outer packaging. Setting the scissors aside, she pulled the box out before lifting the lid off...

And being confronted with a pair of fancy black boots and a mass of black leather. The blood drained from Lei Fang's face as she reached into the box and pulled out the leather...

(OH NO.)

...skimpy party dress that was clearly cut to expose quite a bit of skin. There was even a matching pair of long black leather gloves in the bottom of the box.

NOW she remembered where she'd seen that address before... Around the time of the second Dead or Alive tournament, she'd received a similar outfit from a fan who was clearly a pervert... She'd hidden it away in embarrassment, though she couldn't bring herself to get rid of it outright. Perhaps it was because she'd started to develop romantic feelings for Jann Lee, and a part of her mind wanted to try seducing him, though her rational mind knew better... After defeating him in the fourth tournament and gaining a degree of respect from her rival, she'd finally sent the dress back with a brief note: 'It didn't fit. Get your measurements right next time, buster.' Not that she had ever tried it on per se, but she figured it probably wasn't a good idea to write what she REALLY thought of the idiot, having become a bit of a celebrity as a 'DOA veteran'…

Unfortunately, that little white lie had now come back to bite her. Searching through the box, she found a note from her 'biggest fan', saying he'd made careful observations of her body figure from tournament videos, and was certain he'd got the measurements right this time, ending with a 'Hope to see you wearing it soon!"

Lei Fang gritted her teeth, growling as she crumpled the note into a tiny ball and hurled it into the trash bin. She was seriously considering taking those scissors and cutting this hentai dress into a thousand pieces… or maybe just covering it in grunge and mud and-

"Heeeeeyyyy…" The Chinese woman's eyes lit up as she had a sudden epiphany. Looking down at the dress, she stated, "Maybe I've got a use for you after all…"

Two days later…

Lei Fang paid her fare as she stepped off the bus, dressed in casual clothes with a gym bag over one shoulder. She watched the bus drive off before turning and walking into the woods…

She'd told her friends at college that she was heading out here to do some private training/exercises, which caused some of them to prompt, "Watch out for the quicksand cave!"

"I know where that stupid cave is!" she'd shot back, and indeed she did, for that was exactly where she was headed…

It had been a crazy, insane idea that she hadn't been able to get out of her head… As she recalled trying to move her legs through that thick cave mud, it struck her that it might actually be good exercise for her legs. However, she didn't want to sully any of her good outfits doing so… She'd considered wearing a swimsuit instead, but she wan't too keen on wrecking any of those, either…

But now, thanks to a certain hentai fan, she now had an ensemble she didn't mind wrecking one bit.

Once she had gotten a fair distance into the forest, she stopped and set her bag down, before undoing her braids, letting her dark brown hair, slightly longer than shoulder-length, flow free. Hopefully this would prevent others from recognizing her right away… Putting her ties and pins into a small compartment on her gym bag, she zipped it up before standing and continuing onward…

Soon, she stood at the entrance to the cave where she and Hitomi had had their little misadventure. Lei Fang glanced around quickly to see if anyone was nearby, before entering the cave… Once inside, she pulled out a brand new flashlight she had bought yesterday, more compact than the old one, using it to light her way down the tunnel.

(Hope there's no predators living in here,) she thought she made her way through the cave, eventually coming to the familiar split in the path, promptly going down the left tunnel… soon she emerged into the quicksand chamber, making her way down the side, not wanting to slip on the smooth incline in the center, like last time… (Probably how Hitomi got stuck,) she mused. The college student set her gym bag down, before standing up her flashlight between two rocks, the beam making the entire chamber just a little brighter. She then unzipped her gym bag, puling out the black leather outfit, gloves and boots.

Lei Fang changed quickly, not wanting to be seen naked despite being hidden in a cave... To her embarrassment, the skimpy dress and gloves did indeed fit perfectly, like the pervert had claimed.

(I would just *die* if anyone saw me dressed like this,) she thought as she finished pulling on the boots, before standing up, smoothing the leather fabric of her outfit. Slowly making her way to where she was fairly certain the solid ground ended and the mud began, Lei Fang sat down and scootched forward, seeing the heels of her boots carve shallow troughs in the quicksand, before pressing her legs down into it...

It was just as thick as she remembered, resisting any efforts by the Tai Chi practitioner to bring them up. She slowly moved one leg, then the other, in slow practiced motions through the mud, breathing slowly and deliberately from the exertion. She was certainly getting a good workout from this... But she was surprised at just how nice the quicksand felt as it flowed around her legs. She'd heard about mud bath treatments in spas that were supposed to do wonders for the skin... Could this be a natural version of that spa treatment?

(You are NOT seriously thinking about actually sinking into this stuff,) her rational mind reprimanded her. (Remember how tough it was getting Hitomi out?) Not that she hadn't done some research on how to escape from quicksand after that incident, but still… Looking down at her dress, she couldn't help but think of how fun it might be to play damsel-in-distress…

Extracting her legs from the muck, Lei Fang began to slowly crawl out on the surface of the quicksand… (If I stay close to the edge, I should be OK,) she thought as she turned herself around, facing the entrance to the cavern, sitting back with her legs straight out. Taking a breath to steel herself, she slowly pushed her legs into the mire once more, before pushing the flaps of her dress down into the mud, so they didn't stick up awkwardly later…

Attempting to 'stand up' in the quicksand, she blushed as she felt the warm, thick mud press upward on her buttocks, before slowly consuming them. The Chinese woman's body shivered involuntarily, causing her to sink a little faster, now up to her waist…

(Am I… enjoying this?) Lei Fang thought to herself, (honest-to-goodness *enjoying* this?) She shivered again, as she twisted her hips, the muck taking her in to her exposed belly-button in response… Her heart felt like it was going a hundred miles a minute from all the mixed emotions she was experiencing.

As she sank in, the Tai Chi student felt something brush against her left hip… a rock, perhaps? Curiously, she pushed her left arm into the quicksand to see if she could find it… After a few seconds of fumbling, her gloved hand closed around a familiar shape.

(My old flashlight!) Apparently it hadn't sunk that deep after all… (Might as well pull it out…) Pulling up, Lei Fang immediately felt the mud's suction clamp down on her arm, which in turn caused her to sink to her ribcage in the muck. The young woman then tried shifting her trapped arm from side to side, slowly working it upward… then with a *plup!* her flashlight pulled free, briefly swinging her arm into the air from inertia. Twisting her body, she hurled the flashlight toward the exit, hearing it clatter as it landed on the stone floor.

That action caused Lei Fang to sink another inch, causing her to shiver as her bosom started to press into the mud. Breathing deeply, she let her gloved forearms lay on the surface of the quicksand as she looked down, seeing her nipples poking out against the thin leather... There was no doubt about it now- she was definitely turned on. She appeared to have reached an equilibrium, floating chest-deep in the thick mire, not descending any further at the moment, though she knew that could change if she started pumping her legs again...

Feeling the mud starting to dry on her left arm, Lei Fang decided to push it back down into the quicksand at her side, before tugging at it, feeling the thick suction. Part of her wanted to push her other arm in as well, but she didn't want to get helplessly stuck down here, either. Instead, she pushed her right arm into the mud in such a way that her hand was only an inch or two below the surface. Taking a breath, the college student began to halfheartedly struggle in her entrapment, pulling at her sunken arms and legs, moaning at the feeling of the thick muck sucking and sliming against every inch of her submerged body...

"Help," she gasped quietly, "I'm stuck in quicksand... it's sucking me down... I can't get out... somebody help me... Jann Lee... Hitomi... anyone..."

After a few minutes, Lei Fang stopped, panting, a light sheen of sweat covering her face and shoulders. Despite her fatigue, she still felt a thrill from feeling so stuck and helpless, all alone… Though, she still felt reasonably confident she could escape with careful movement. But not yet… some part of her still felt unsatisfied… then it hit her.

(I want to feel this… this mud… over my whole body… I have to…) Lei Fang started struggling again, but this time with purpose, not to escape, but to be captured more completely… She shuddered as she felt her bosom press deeper into the mire's embrace… The thick mud pressing into her cleavage as it slowly engulfed her breasts… Feeling her stiff nipples slowly consumed from underneath, eliciting a loud moan from her lips… Soon she had worked herself down almost to the tops of her shoulders in the quicksand, but despite her struggles and quaking body, she couldn't bury herself any deeper, despite still not feeling a bottom with her feet- the mud was simply too thick to take her in any further, causing Lei Fang to groan in frustration. "I wanna go deeper…"

Then, an idea struck her. She started to lean back, feeling the quicksand rise up her back, before flowing over her shoulders, sealing them within its thick, warm mass. The Chinese woman continued to push herself backward, until she felt the back of her head press into the mud, which cradled it like a warm, moist pillow. Her long brown hair was spreading around her head on the surface, while the muck lapped at where her neck met her chin.

Lei Fang sighed in contentment at the feeling of her whole body encased in warm, thick mire… the mud pressed in on her chest, restricting her breathing, but it only added to the overall experience. Whatever remained of the college student's rational mind was telling her it might be hard to escape being buried so deep, but she didn't really care at the moment. She slowly squirmed and undulated in the quicksand, moaning at the sensation of its all-encompassing, caressing touch… Feeling herself slowly drift off…

"Someone help me! I'm sinking!"

Lei Fang, still clad in her skimpy leather dress, looked down in horror at the dark brown muck that encircled her waist. Hearing laughter, she looked up to see a man standing at the edge, flanked by two masked mooks armed with assault rifles. He looked like a cross between Leon and Bayman, with the obligatory 'evil villain' mustache…

"Scream and squirm all you like, little girl… no-one will come to save you!" He declared in classic over-the-top villainous fashion. "Especially not your Bruce Lee-wannabe boyfriend! My elite group of assassins will see to that!"

"Noooooo!" Lei Fang cried in despair, as she tried to push herself out of the quicksand, only succeeding in getting her arms stuck, now sunk to her breasts…

"WAAAA-TAAA!" A kiai resounded from behind the villain, just before the mook on his right was kicked hard from behind, falling into the quicksand, which swiftly took him under…

"Jann Lee!" Lei Fang exclaimed with glee, even as she sank to her shoulders. The Jeet Kune Do practitioner swiftly attacked the other mook before he could bring his rifle to bear, slugging him in the head several times before finishing with a one-inch punch to the gut, sending the mook sprawling into a tree, knocked out.

"Impossible!" the villain screamed in dismay. "My elite assassins-"

"Are all taking dirt naps!" Jann Lee cut him off. "You obviously forgot you were sending them up against the Dead or Alive tournament champion!" With that, he punched the villain in the solar plexus, following up with a quick uppercut, then a roundhouse kick, which sent the evil man spiraling, his eyes rolling up in his head, eventually landing face down in the mud. Jann then nonchalantly walked on the villain's body, one foot on the man's head, before reaching his hand out to Lei Fang. "Here, grab on…"

Lei Fang's right arm emerged from the quicksand as she tried to reach for her rival's hand, now sunk to her chin… "Come on, don't be a wimp!" Jann Lee encouraged.

"I can't," gasped Lei Fang, "The mud's too thick… too sticky… too…"

Lei Fang jerked awake with a start, seeing the ceiling of the cavern, her muck-covered right arm reaching into empty air... her lips felt dry and cracked, and her throat slightly parched...

(How long have I been here?) she wondered. (Geez, I'm thirsty... Note to self- next time, bring a water bottle...) She started shifting her weight forward, gasping for air as the thick mire pressed on her chest... Using her free arm as leverage, she slowly managed to work herself upward, until her mud-coated breasts had emerged from the quicksand. Taking a moment to catch her breath, Lei Fang then used her free arm to wipe the thick mud off her shoulders and chest, all the while pondering the surreal experience she had just undergone...

"One h…" Her voice cracked, forcing her to swallow to try and get some moisture back in her throat. "One heck of a mud bath…" Now that her rational mind was reasserting itself, she wondered what had driven her to go so far… What the heck had come over her? Either way, it was time to get out. Lei Fang slowly worked her other arm out of the mire, the same way as when retrieving her flashlight, though it was easier due to less weight. Once that was done, she leaned back again, pulling her bosom clear, arms braced on the surface as she began to move her submerged legs up through the mire in deliberate, methodical motions…

From an outsider's perspective, it looked like nothing was happening despite Lei Fang's efforts… But after a few minutes, she finally saw the toe of her left boot emerge, then the knee of her right leg… she shifted her pelvis from side to side, trying to lessen the weight of the mud pressing down on it…

She was forced to stop for a moment, panting from slight exhaustion, before resuming her escape attempt. Finally, her right leg pulled free with a thick sucking sound. The college student then dug away at her right side by her hip, before shifting her whole body to the left in an attempt to roll over… After a few tries (and some more digging), she managed to turn herself on her frontside, now laying flat across the surface of the quicksand. "Finally… about time…" she groaned, before turning herself around and crawling towards terra firma. Her gaze locked on the small stalagmite she'd used when rescuing Hitomi from the mud trap, slowly moving herself toward it… She felt the ground underneath transition from soft mud to solid rock as she crawled forward, but didn't stop until she reached the rocky protrusion, letting herself collapse on the ground. "Now *that* was a workout…"

Lei Fang rested for a short bit, before pulling herself up into a kneeling position, before starting to wipe the clinging mud from her lower body… She couldn't wait to get out of here and to the river where she and Hitomi had rinsed off before, not just to clean up, but to get a drink to relieve her dry throat. Not wanting to sully her casual clothes by putting her old flashlight in her gym bag, she instead swapped the batteries between the old and new flashlights, putting her relatively clean new flashlight in the gym bag instead. Fortunately the old flashlight still worked, so she held it one hand, her gym bag in the other as she slowly made her way up and out of the cave…

As Lei Fang approached the cave entrance, however, she realized she'd be hard-pressed to explain herself if she was spotted in her current state... Pressing herself against the wall, she slowly peeked out and looked around... Thankfully, there appeared to be no one in the immediate area, so she quickly dashed out and down the trail to the river. Once she got there, she only paused to drop her flashlight and gym bag on the ground before diving in...

"KYAA! C-c-cold!" She'd gotten so used to the sensation of being immersed in warm mud that the relatively cool temperature of the river water caught her off guard. She stood up, shivering, rubbing her upper arms with her gloved hands, water and dirt dripping off her lithe body. Fear of being seen in such a hentai outfit overtook her again, however, causing to kneel down in the water, quickly rinsing off her body below the neck as best as she was able… Stepping out of the stream, she pulled off her gloves before sluicing as much water off herself as she could. Then, she pulled out her casual blouse from her gym bag, laying it on top before pulling off her boots. Taking a quick look around, she swiftly stripped out of the black dress, grabbing her blouse and pulling it over her head, breathing a sigh of relief as she fixed the collar. The Chinese woman then proceeded to re-dress herself in the rest of her casual clothes, before stuffing her flashlight, dress, gloves and boots in the bag, zipping it up before standing and hanging it over her shoulder. She still smelled a little bit of mud, but she figured she could explain it away, by saying she tripped and fell in some muck by the river or something.

While walking the trail back to the bus stop, Lei Fang's mind went back to the dream she'd had while dozing off in the mud pit… She didn't doubt that Jann Lee would likely try to save her from quicksand in real life, but… how would he react if it was clear she didn't want or need saving?

Her rational mind promptly lambasted her for even thinking of trying to seduce him in such a manner… but the idea wouldn't leave her head. Of course, how would she even lure him down into that cave in the first place? Trying to call him for help on her cell wouldn't work- there would obviously be no reception down there…

(Wait a minute…) she suddenly thought, (What if I told him that cave was my 'secret exercise spot'? I wouldn't exactly be lying, since that was my original intent with that place anyway…) A smile tugged at her lips, which eventually evolved into a giggle as she started jogging down the path… this idea would either succeed epically or fail miserably, but she had to try…

As she relaxed in Jann's embrace in the chest-deep mud, her head resting on his shoulder, her gloved arm laying against his chest, Lei Fang couldn't help but think to herself, (Epic success… he took the bait hook, line, and sinker. And this is one catch I'm never throwing back!)

"Secret exercise spot, huh?" Her rival-turned-lover finally spoke up. "More like secret seduction spot… and where'd you get that outfit, anyway?"

"Perverted fan," Lei Fang giggled in response. "You obviously think he's got good taste…"

Jann Lee heaved a sigh. "You win this round, Lei Fang… but don't think it'll be so easy next time…"

Lei Fang lifted up her head to look him in the eye. "I sure hope not… I do prefer a challenge, after all," she stated, before pressing her lips against his once more…


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