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Re: Removed

Postby Viridian » Tue Aug 26, 2014 5:25 pm

You - well, I think you honestly (subconsciously?) WANT to provoke unpleasantness. Honestly, I think you have issues.

Frankly, this is pretty much the only reason behind incidents and bans concerning any individual member. I call this the "bomb" effect.

User has _________ condition. Fill it in with whatever - homosexuality, bipolar disorder, multiple personalities, delusions of grandeur, anxiety, ultraconservatism, etc. User wants to be accepted into community. User doesn't want to be judged. User doesn't want the community to push the "big red button". User constantly waves the big red button in everyone's face. Button gets pushed. User explodes.

It's not you, your preferences or your conditions that matter. Who you are is of little relevance on the internet. As an online community, we value contributions and interaction. What ticks people off is behaviour. Certain behaviours are viewed as excessive and inappropriate, which causes annoyance and frustration. As many have stated, all we want to do is share our work and our interest without the drama and political BS. We're not interested in past histories.

I'll use myself as an example.

I suffer from depression. It's a sensitive issue. I've come across others on the forum who have also expressed that they have depression. It may be a driving force behind my desire to create works of art. But, let's say I'm new to the forum. My first post is "Hey guys! I'm depressed, and I hope no one holds that against me". I submit a few stories. People like them. "Thanks guys! It means a lot because I'm depressed". I start prefacing all my stories with "This is for all the depressed people out there". I go into another thread and go "Thanks, I've been feeling depressed all day and this made me feel better".

There's a point where someone will say "You're depressed, we get it". Then the bomb effect kicks in. I do the whole "**** THE COMMUNITY YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE" meltdown.

And before someone points out the bias towards anyone with a condition, let's use a completely innocuous example. I also happen to be Asian. I have a preference for Asian women. Quite a few of my stories feature Asian women - it's something I tend to naturally fantasise. Imagine if I start going into threads saying "Hey, we need more ASIAN women in these pictures!", "Could you draw more ASIAN girls?", "Thank you for this ASIAN video! It's so rare to see ASIANS represented this way!" Then when someone points out my obsession with Asians, I go "What the **** racist pig **** THE COMMUNITY IF YOU'RE ASIAN POST SOMEWHERE ELSE **** YOU MAJORITY".

Bottom line is: people don't give you shit because you're gay, manically depressed, Asian, mutant, or whatever. People give you shit if you're annoying.
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Re: Removed

Postby DaegonNeo » Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:27 am

I remember when my Grandmother used to tell me, "If you want to be friends, don't talk about Religion, Sex, or Politics." If you bring up any of these topics, you can bet you're going to lose friends. If you comment on any of these topics, you're going to lose friends.

Now, since we're here on a site that is devoted towards a particular topic that is a turn-on for most of the members, it's not so taboo to talk about sexual topics. However, you still need to be a little diplomatic about it. Whether you enjoy vanilla afternoon delights or cutting people and sticking your choo-choo in the volcano...there's got to be a little bit of maturity and delicacy about it.

Lomax wrote: Some people have a problem with gays. I have no patience with them - such prejudice really ought to have been consigned to history by now. But that doesn't mean that you should jump up and down, waving a pink flag, daring people to take offence - and then launching into full outrage (no pun intended) mode when they do.

Exactly. I don't have a problem with people, but pretty much everyone has a problem with fight-mongers. I have my opinions on sex, religion and politics, but I try to keep them to myself. If you want to argue points of view, you gotta learn to agree to disagree, and not let it get too personal for you.

If it's personal, maybe you shouldn't be talking to the internet...
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Re: Removed

Postby Weapon X » Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:06 am

Buy bye.

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Re: Removed

Postby Ace » Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:34 am

Honored to be mentioned B-)

He must have a thing for me, to have kept me so at the forefront of his thoughts all this time. I won't say I haven't been approached by gay men before. I'm not offended, more flattered, really.

And yeah, it was no secret whatsoever that these three accounts were all the same guy, even to someone like me, who only bothered to read a very small handful of their posts.

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Re: Removed

Postby Viridian » Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:44 am

We don't have time for drama. We're just here for the quicksand.

Topic locked.
Viridian @ deviantART:

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