Undiscovered Lands (Public RP for you to join)

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Re: Undiscovered Lands (Public RP for you to join)

Postby glorfindel01 » Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:56 pm

victor blushes and a soft stomach growl question:
you let me bite a little piece of that bird?

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Re: Undiscovered Lands (Public RP for you to join)

Postby Conspiracy101 » Mon Jun 16, 2014 1:26 pm

Jason sat down around the fire with the rest of the group and Amanda by his side. He thanked Emily for the meal and decided he needed to speak up about his concerns with what happened.

"So I just want address something with the whole group since we are all together and safe now. What just happened definitely could have gone a lot worse for several of us had we not shown up. I'm not going to just criticize and judge for what happened, I just want everyone to stay safe. From here on out we need to be paired with someone any time we need to go anywhere, and I mean anywhere for any reason. And when you leave, tell the group where you went so we know where to go. The last thing we need is to repeat what just happened and run the risk of more of us getting in harms way trying to go help others. I hope that seems reasonable."
"Some times fear has the appropriate response"

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Re: Undiscovered Lands (Public RP for you to join)

Postby Viridian » Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:27 pm

Victoria pondered Jason's advice. He had a good point. He knew how to survive. Glancing at Amanda, Victoria sneered at her in her mind. Amanda wasn't a strong one, but she had found someone who was. Clearly, the two of them had made some sort of connection. She assessed the other potentials. Patricia had foolishly gotten herself into trouble, but seemed to be all the wiser for it and may prove to be a reliable partner. Jessica had also shown guts in her rescue attempt. Victoria ate her meal, observing how these two would respond to Jason's suggestion.
Viridian @ deviantART: http://viridianqs.deviantart.com/

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Re: Undiscovered Lands (Public RP for you to join)

Postby glorfindel01 » Mon Jun 16, 2014 6:59 pm

victor look both talk and nods:
this site is very dangerous, we have to stay together to protect the group, I have not many skills, but I'll try to help the group

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Re: Undiscovered Lands (Public RP for you to join)

Postby tenenbaum » Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:59 pm

Amanda scoots closer to Jason, their legs touching. She's spooked by Patricia's near-death experience and how it'd taken most of the party to save her. She knows it's as important as ever to keep Jason close. Amanda had no idea what to do to help. She bites her bottom lip and closes her eyes briefly, putting herself in Patricia's shoes moments ago. A sense of panic makes her heart race.

Despite Jason's strength, Amanda is concerned about Victoria. She eyes the beauty, concerned she misplayed her effort to make friends earlier. At Victoria's suggestion they find someone strong, Amanda had hoped to take the lead to lure Jason to help them both.

Instead, if they were pairing off, Victoria might feel double-crossed.

Amanda worried that could backfire later. She played with her hair and crossed her legs. Saying nothing. Eating nothing. Trying to decide if she could fix this or if it was too late.

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Re: Undiscovered Lands (Public RP for you to join)

Postby Conspiracy101 » Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:10 am

Jason smiled, feeling Amanda come closer to him. He appreciated Victor's humility, a rare trait in people these days.

"Don't worry about being well skilled with anything in particular Victor, as long as we can all work together then there's something we can all contribute to this expedition. I definitely hope no one thinks I'm trying to boss you all around or put myself above anyone. I just figure if and when there are tasks at hand that require us to split up that we have someone by our side in case something happens. Kind of like what just happened with Patricia. If one of us had been with her from the start then they could have helped right away, or gone to get the rest of us sooner."
"Some times fear has the appropriate response"

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Re: Undiscovered Lands (Public RP for you to join)

Postby hawkmaster91 » Tue Jun 17, 2014 1:20 am

Emily approaches the like wise soft spoken Victor. "How about we pair up, you are the first person in a long time not to judge me or have eyes for me. It's refreshing, as for me I bring the only gun here, survival skills taught by my marine corps father, and I would like to think similar personalities"

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Re: Undiscovered Lands (Public RP for you to join)

Postby tenenbaum » Tue Jun 17, 2014 3:22 pm

"Fine," Amanda said, standing up. "I'll be the lame one and the first to go to bed. I'm exhausted." She grinned, put a hand to Jason's shoulder, and went back to the tent.

Inside, she disrobed to her underwear - too fancy for the jungle - and laid down to try to sleep. As soon as her head touched the ground, it was clear it was going to be a long night. The panic in Patricia's face was stuck in Amanda's mind. She closed her eyes but wasn't sure if she'd be able to sleep.

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Re: Undiscovered Lands (Public RP for you to join)

Postby glorfindel01 » Tue Jun 17, 2014 3:24 pm

victor gives a slight jerk, is not used to the company:
Of course, anyone is welcome, is there anything to do today?

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Re: Undiscovered Lands (Public RP for you to join)

Postby Viridian » Tue Jun 17, 2014 3:58 pm

Amanda's tent flap rustled, stirring her from her attempt to sleep. Glancing up, perhaps expecting to see someone, she showed some surprise when Victoria laid down beside her. "Did you forget that we were sharing a tent?" Victoria asked, bemused. Victoria noticed her things weren't where they were left. Something had been going on inside the tent. She too got comfortable for the night. The humid jungle air made it hard for her to sleep with much on, so she slept topless. She sensed Amanda trying not to glance. Amanda seemed unusually withdrawn, like she was trying to hide something. Victoria hinted at a smile. "You seem a bit tense. Would you like some...relief?"
Viridian @ deviantART: http://viridianqs.deviantart.com/

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