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Island in the Lake - a tale of discovery

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:08 pm
by bikerdick9
introduction.......( a story written a few years ago )

Wow what a place. People that love to sink in the mud! I have browsing around the web looking for places to go mud wallowing, because my favorite places are only available in September. That is because then the river gets low enough to uncover the best places. Sometimes the water is low enough in August and October. I have been playing in the mud since I was little and would wade barefoot along the river edge and sink up to mid calf in the goo. But it was several years ago before I really got back in to it. (G) I have to relate my first deep mud experience a few years ago, followed by several others.

CHAPTER 1 Windsurfing and renewed acquaintance

A friend and I were talking about an easy place to try wind surfing. He mentioned a nearby lake, which would be perfect because there is no current to sweep a beginner away. Three friends and I went there one Saturday morning equipped with a board, canoe and inflatable kayak (mine). I had not been to the lake for a long time and when we got there I noticed and island in the middle that I did not remember. My friend said that it was dredged up last winter and was a shallow spot that was piled up with stuff dredged from around it to make the lake water change more often. It is connected to the big river by two small creeks.

Well we got there early in the day, about mid morning and there was no wind, so we decided to paddle out to the island and explore while waiting for the wind. I was wearing Speedos and one guy had on nylon running shorts and the others had on cutoff Levis. One pair was pretty worn out with skin showing in back. It took about a half an hour to get there. We noticed, as we got closer that it was like most of a circle of piled up dirt and then a pumper dredge pumped the lake bottom into it. The side we approached did not have the wall on it and sloped up from the water. The surface was fairly hard and had cracked as it dried. The plates were about a foot across with one to 3 inch gaps between them. Well we beached our boats and carefully tested the surface. It supported us okay and we started across to the piled up dirt on the other side, a couple hundred feet away. There were some low areas where the water had run off when the dredging was done.

After a cold brew out of the cooler, out came the Frisbee. We tossed it around some on the harder stuff and were able to step from pad to pad. Next thing you know I stepped in a crack and went in over my knee. hmmmmm. Out came a dirty leg. Soon there was another step in a crack and two of us were getting muddy. Well, thinks me, lets have some fun, so the next time I got the Frisbee I tossed over towards a low spot that wasn't dried and cracked and one of the guys runs after it. Well guess what happened next................yep he runs after it and: slop, glop, is in over his knees and misses the Frisbee. He keeps after it and comes back with mud up to mid thigh and a grin. I'm grinning too. He flings the Frisbee onward. By the time it comes back to me it seems everyone is aiming for one of these soft spots, and I end up in one past my knees too, but rather than try to get out right away I push one foot down deeper and it sinks further. My left leg is in about by the top of my thigh and the mud is nice and smooth like pudding, and warm too. By the time I get the Frisbee and myself out I am mud almost to my Speedos, which are starting to bulge, and my arms are covered up to my elbows. The Frisbee is muddy and slings it when thrown. Everyone is laughing now and is getting dirty. Well a couple more rounds and one wise guy flings the Frisbee to the middle of a larger wet spot (its my turn again) So off I start.......hmmm this looks for appearances, I start around the low spot staying on the pads to get to the other side because the Frisbee is only about 10 feet from there instead of 20 or so from where we were tossing. I'm thinking I've done this before and its only 2 1/2 feet deep so here goes. How wrong I was......first step off the hard pads and onto the soft stuff I'm in to my crotch. Oh this feels so good squishy warm mud caressing my legs. I try to step ahead to the Frisbee, pulling one leg up while the other sinks. The others are watching and laughing.."Don't sink" I manage a couple steps towards the Frisbee while trying to balance with my hands on/in the mud. AHAH I've got it in my hand; and throw it back the way I waded out to it. Turning around was not easy because my legs were totally immersed in mud and there was nothing down there to push against. Following my footsteps back, I am in the mud to my navel and arms are covered. My buddies had walked around to this side of the low place and were standing on the pads, watching and grinning. I noticed that the nylon shorts and shredded 501 cutoffs were fitting tighter in front with a bulge. Oh my! thinking about my own situation of straining Speedos. I worked my way back to where they were standing with silly grins and flung a gob of mud at them, thinking I was getting even. Well little did I know what was next. As I started to pull myself up on a pad next to them the whole world tilted towards me and two of them were in the mud alongside me. This opened up the crack and the third guy in the newer cutoffs slid into the crack until his cutoffs were in the mud. Well now we were all into it at least up to our shorts and the three guys with bulges on the same side of the pad, sunk into our navels and no bottom under us.

OH damn, here I am at work typing this and getting excited. I just looked down and there is a big dark wet spot on the front of my khakis !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm stuffing a paper towel into my pants and pocket. Hopefully it will dry before I have to leave my desk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soon the three of us on the wet side were trying to get up, and thrashing around flinging mud. I grabbed one of them with the nylon shorts and tried to pull myself up. This ended up pushing him down to his nipples in the warm creamy pudding and my excitement rubbing against him. He squirmed and I slid down rubbing my leg all the way down his front. I could tell he was excited too and his eyes were looking at me with a dreamy kind of look. The other two guys managed to get out of the mud and looked real covered with big gobs of it dropping of and splatting on the ground. The shredded cutoffs were squirting mud out of the thin fabric in back and a new torn area in front. One of them went for some beers from the cooler and we sat up on the pads quenching our thirsts. After a couple beers we started horsing around and ended up back in the mud that was getting pretty torn up and soft. Somebody found a long stick and pushed it down into the glop and didn't reach bottom. The stick was a couple of feet over our heads. "Lets see how deep we can get" and we were jumping up and down and drying to get in past our mid chests. We were floating and couldn't get deeper. Well the nylon shorts jumped up on my shoulders and I sank deeper. It felt so good being immersed in the soft warm goo and moving around in it. It felt like a million fingers caressing my body and I got excited again. No doubt the bodily contact had something to do with it and I could feel I was not the only one enjoying this. Soon my Speedos were not up to the task and I popped out over the waistband. Oh my god I'm so excited with the mud pulling and sucking at my entire body, sunk up to my shoulders and writhing around. Next I feel the nylon shorts sliding down my chest as my buddy sinks in too. The other two guys are wrestling and we start grabbing and trying to best each other. Our legs are wrapped together and the mud squishing between us. I am sure that he knows that I am terribly excited, especially when his hand is trying to get a grip to push on me so he can sink. All of a sudden I let out an animal groan and my eyes roll back into my head. "What's up" I grin and say "I was" Well in a little while we crawl out and head over the dirt pile to rinse off.

The wind hasn't come up yet so we have another beer and paddle back to the car. This may not be a good spot for wind surfing, but I will be back for more mud.