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The Biosphere

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 2:17 am
by velocity88
Well, I keep saying I'm gone for good, yet here I am again. Consider this a late Christmas gift, based on a vore story I read a few weeks ago, remade for quicksand (shhh). Forgive me if this one is a bit over the top; it had modest beginnings, then I seemed to have lost my head. Hope you enjoy, and in fact, feel free to give a little vignette over how it might have been for some of the unmentioned characters, if anyone feels so inclined.

The Biosphere

“You’re sure you want to go through with this?”

The young intern smiled in that cute way of hers. “Of course. After all, we need to make science interesting for these students, right?”

The older grad student, Melinda, gave a sigh. Kate, newly arrived, was as passionate about science as could be expected of the neophyte. Perhaps more so. Her slender, creamy-skinned form drew the attention of many men, but she had a love only for science. And, it seemed, for some special attention she gave herself inside the biosphere after hours. Especially in the wetland biome, where she spent most of her time.

“Alright, Kate. We’ll be visiting this section last, so you have plenty of time to get ready.” Melinda’s Cambodian features granted her a visage of soft seriousness.

“Thanks, but I don’t think I’ll need much time. This is more of a minimalist presentation.” She giggled slightly.

Just outside the window, a bus arrived, bearing the school logo in bright letters. “Well speak of the devil. Excuse me, I’ve got some spoiled brats to go look after. See you Kate. Be sure to say your goodbyes before the end of the tour.”

“Bye bye, Melinda. Miss you.”

St. Victoria’s Boarding School for Young Ladies had a stainless reputation as an ideal place for refined families to prepare their girls for a life of proper manners and high society. Over time, it had evolved to accommodate the new trends in female socialization, including such things as social media, while curbing the more impulsive and profane online tendencies. As such, the school stopped short of producing uniform graduates, but tolerated some personal idiosyncrasies. When they graduated at eighteen or nineteen (controversy started when parents pushed for increasingly early enrollment to get their daughters on the debutante market as quickly as possible; but then, money talks), the students were expected to be fully educated in the feminine arts, as well as history, the classics, and science.

As might be expected, it was very difficult to keep the students continuously enraptured with anything having to do with math or chemistry, so the school developed a program with the local Ecolab, a biosphere project dedicated both to reproducing the natural environment in an enclosed space, and to renewable power sources and green technology. Indeed, the very layout of the building was accommodating to the landscape it was built on, including one particular landmark that contributed very highly to their goals.

Mrs. Chandler’s advanced biology class has arrived in the morning, when the student’s minds were fresh from a good night’s sleep and prepared to be awed by the biosphere’s many wonders. Accompanying them was a young man, Jonathan Reinhart, an orphan who had been tasked as the campus caretaker, after his parents, employed by the school, had died in a car accident. Mentored by the faculty, he was fully expected to assume a staff position once he qualified as an adult. This was his first outing on a field trip. He had sat in the front with Mrs. Chandler, avoiding the gazes of the other girls.

“Alright, girls. Single file out the door.” Several girls rolled their eyes at her voice, like a broken record. One by one, a total of twenty-two young women filed out of the bus and looked around. They varied in appearance and attitude, from skinny Carli, looking bored at her smartphone, to athletic Dawn, stretching after an hour on the road, to chubby Jordan, looking wide-eyed at the glass-enclosed world through her spectacles.

“Ah, Ms. Carmichael.” The elder instructor turned to the approaching grad student, who tucked in her clipboard to shake hands.

“Mrs. Chandler, thank you so much for coming.” Melinda turned to the students. “Hello, girls. We’re going to have quite an adventure to day.”

“Yeah, sure,” Marcy Bordeaux muttered under her breath. “Science is for losers,” She finished in a sing-song voice, only to be jabbed in the ribs by Martha, a tall, athletic black girl with a visible six-pack.

Marcy was the spoiled one: always talking about her rich and famous daddy, bragging about the huge house she went to in the summer, and whining that the school uniforms prevented her from flaunting her jewels and high end designer brand handbags (“before they even went on the market!”). Martha was a black girl whose athletic prowess showed in the way she walked. For all of her families attempts to bring her to apply for a “real job”, she seemed destined to enter college on a sports scholarship.

The entire class was filled with such an assortment of diverse females. For all of the school’s attempts to appease parents by making a uniform outcome for each of the girls, they could not stop their own personalities from showing through.

“Just follow me and we’ll se what the biosphere has to offer us. Right this way girls.”
They went through the rainforest biome, where they suffered through keeping their jackets on through the humid air. “You know the school policy, young lady.” Mrs. Chandler gently scolded one girl upon request that they actually remove their custom-fitted blazers and tie them around their waists. Who would think of such a thing?!

After that, the tundra, where they suddenly found themselves buttoning their blazers completely. Then the desert, then the veldt. In each, they were kept in a group, and with a mixture of enticed, passive, and bored expressions, listened to Melinda’s review of all the trappings of nature. The soil fertility, species diversity, life cycles, and humidity factors. Everything that made it work, and how proud they were that it was all reproduced artificially as it would be in nature. She also went over the sustainability experiments taking place in each biome: solar ovens, windmills, waterwheels, and dispersed among each biome, compost piles. The lattermost was the source of many a restrained retch, despite their maintained distance from the decaying matter.

“Now, I know that it might seem counterintuitive, but compost can be a fascinating subject. Especially when you consider how the earth’s lifecycle depends on it. I mean, where else do you think we get our soil? And nothing, especially the crops feeding the whole world, grows without fertile soil.” She tucked her clipboard and waved down the stragglers. “Now come.”

They walked through another airlocked door and found themselves in a new environment. The air smelled distinctly of wet decay, but the girls were slower to hold their noses. “This is the wetland biome, and the first to be built in the biosphere. Let me show you around.” They went on a tour of the swamp, which included carnivorous plants, which some of the girls cooed at in fascination. Exotic orchids dotted the lush plantscape, drawing the girls in with their scents and colors. Jordan, especially, found herself going from flower to flower, smiling as her plump body showed her excitement through her glasses.

They wandered for a while until they reached the very center of the biome, where an empty clearing, surrounded by foliage, spread out over an abruptly ending shore. It was still and dead, save for the occasional *blub* of swamp gasses that send heavy ripples over its viscous surface, to the fascination of the staring girls.

“Here we are, the very center of the biosphere.” Melinda stood and the very edge of the clearing. “Now, I’m sure that you have all heard of quicksand from Hollywood and TV, but today, we’re going to see it in action for real.” Recognizing the word “quicksand”, they were quick to begin inching away from the edge while Melinda went on.

“Quicksand, in reality, operates as a non-Newtonian fluid, which means that while technically a liquid, it can behave as a solid under certain conditions. If you ever made oobleck out of cornstarch and water, you know exactly what I mean: it wobbles like a liquid goop, feels like silly putty if you punch it, then liquefies again almost immediately to envelope your hand. Well, the same thing is true of quicksand when it occurs in the natural world. To demonstrate, Kate?” She called out to the backroom.

In came Kate, dressed in a “modest” two-piece bathing suit which was meant to cover far more than the standard bikini. The girls looked towards her with a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

“This is Kate, and she will be demonstrating firsthand how quicksand works, and you will see exactly what the movies get wrong, and what they get right. Kate?”

“Sure thing, Melinda.” She moved to a tree trunk to check a length of rope tied around it. Satisfied that it was secure, she threw the end towards the center of the pit. Then, daintily, she hopped off the edge of the pit and quickly made her way to the center. She was actually able to make it to the center of the pit, and her lifeline, before her feet were swallowed by a sloppy *glorp*. Kate giggled a bit as the thick surface rolled over her forelegs and climbed upward.

“Now, class, we tend to think of swamps as filthy places where everything decays and stinks. Dead places where nothing lives. Well, the reality is that wetlands of all kinds are essential to our ecosystem. All the decay gives rise to new life, and sustains scavengers which break down living tissue into fertile soil, where the process begins again. This, in turn, creates a massive, natural filter and dam that absorbs excess water and prevents overflow and flooding.” Kate was up to her knees and climbing, even though she was hardy making a move.

“The smell can also be due to methane from deep bogs, where decay can result in flammable gasses being released and potentially igniting. This is probably the origin of will-o-the-wisp stories; in reality, small discharges of volatile gas igniting.” Kate pumped her legs a bit, enjoying the glorping and splotching sounds as the bog rippled around her.

The girls seemed to be adjusting a bit. They stared at the descending woman, but did not seem fearful or shocked or appalled. Rather, they seemed fascinated, but in a passive sort of way. Few of them were holding their noses.

“In fact, the next door laboratory is dedicated specifically to studying the process of decomposition that occurs in the wetlands biome, in hopes of harvesting gas for clean, renewable fuel, and the process of soil manufacture, to better understand how we can create better soil on our own to feed the world.”

When the quicksand reached Kate’s thighs, then it really got interesting. The girl seemed to be resisting any outward expression of arousal, biting her lip, and rubbing her belly, as if trying to keep her hands from going lower. She made humping motions in the mud, straining with the effort to move in the viscous muck, the surface churning around her, lifting her up on its waves. None of their grils held their noses anymore. A few of them, safe on shore, tugged at their skits and squeezed their legs together, many licking their lips and biting their tongues. The mud reached Kate’s belly button, and she gently slid her hand down beneath the surface of the lethal mire. Having found what it was looking for, she pulled and her hand reemerged with her bikini bottom, covered in mud. She tossed it towards the shore without a care in the world.

“Now, for the pit itself, many people get scared when they see quicksand, but it really isn’t something for you to worry about. As you can see here, Kate is only sinking because she can’t seem to stay still. Would she hold completely still, I’m sure that she would be in no danger at all.”

“Is she in danger now?” A petite girl in the back asked Melinda.

“Oh, yes. Incredible danger. In fact, if she doesn’t stop right now, then she will reach a point where it simply isn’t possible to rescue her. She might as well just hold her nose and take a good long dunk in the mud because that’s as much a chance she has at making it. Isn’t that right, Kate?”

The doomed girl just shrugged, no busy to be bothered by such things as the end of all her life plans. Her waist glided gracefully into the morass. She undid her top just in time for the mud to cup her gorgeous breasts and lift them like a lover. The undulating surface seemed to adore them for a while before cosuming the hard, pointy nipples and pressing them into her chest like a corset. Then, climbing the curves of her cleavage, they gave into their captor for the last time, preparing to become so much fertilizer.

“Uh, Ms. Carmichael?” Another girl called out.


“So, Ms. Kate is about to drown and become soil right? So why are we so calm about it. We should be freaking out and trying to help her, or call 911.” Murmurs of approval went through the gaggle of schoolgirls.

“Oh, I can answer that. Do you smell that?” The girls scrunched their noses in the air. “That’s how a swamp smells like. People tend to think that swamps are smelly and icky, but really, they smell like new life, because that’s what a swamp is. Everything decaying there is giving rise to a new part of the lifecycle, and without it, life will cease to exist. So, really, we are closer to nature than we ever have been. We are witnessing a beautiful thing, and now that we are all acclimated to the scent, its making us very curious and aroused, but not at all frightened.”

The muck quickly climbed Kate’s feminine collarbone, going up her neck, but she kept her vision straight ahead. She seemed unaware that she was being observed. “Don’t forget the rope, Kate,” Melinda called out to her. Kate nodded and grabbed it with her free hand, twirling it between her fingers. The muck climbed her chin and left her bubbling her air away. Then went her nose, her eyes crossing, but still blissful. Bubbles popped to the surface, a very bad idea when trying to prolong your existence, as she became just a forehead, then a bunch of hair on the surface. Melinda waited for when the rope would go taut, but that moment never happened. As bubbles popped in front of her vanishing hair, her free hand flung the rope away with a flick of her wrist and waved bye-bye to her captivated audience. It finally gave a “peace” sign as it was abruptly pulled under, a cascade of bubbled signifying the satisfying ending of a young intern.

The girls were spellbound, and Melinda understood why. She tugged her skirt, hoping no one noticed the fountain that had gone off between her legs as her friend became one with the biosphere.

She was suddenly brimming with enthusiasm. Kate had tried to make science interesting for these girls, and did she ever deliver! None of them seemed to be able to take their wide eyes off the calming quicksand. Well, to honor her memory, why not add some audience participation?

“Well, that was quite a treat, wasn’t it girls? Its always important to do what you love, to the very end, right?” Some nodded vigorously, while others giggled, or continued staring dumbly. “Who here would like to understand soil formation firsthand?” Now she was met by a chorus of eager “yeses.” “Alrighty then, in that case I will need some volunteers. Who here is completely willing to let the quicksand take them under completely and permanently?” Not a single hand was down.

“Good, then. First, we need to make sure that we are all nice and biodegradable, so let’s all take off all of our clothes. We wouldn’t want to pollute a beautiful, pristine natural environment, would we?”

And so, the swamp was filled with the sound of fabric rustling as girls hurried to strip completely. Some were more hesitant, gradually peeling away their uniforms, while others raced, chatting happily as their young flesh was revealed. Rachel, the first girl to finish, held a bunched up pile towards Mrs. Chandler. “Put your clothes together, folded neatly, on a pile right there. I’ll see to them after we’re done here.” Soon enough, there was a nice pyramid of folded clothes next to Mrs. Chandler, and a gaggle of happily naked girls standing before the quicksand pit. Many giggled coquettishly, other looked around shyly, moving their arms to vainly cover their nipples and pussies, while other looked poised to rush themselves into the goopy surface.

“Everyone feel like a nice, long, downward swim?” They all gave a cheer of approval. Melinda had to marvel at the myriad, lovely bodies before her; some slender and girlish, others lean and athletic, a few lusciously plump, but all beautiful. It got Melinda feeling a little guilty. These girls were all about to drown in a bottomless quicksand, with no hope of salvation. Sure, they would enjoy it more than anything they could ever imagine, but then that was it. All their schooling and ambitions and dreams would be over. She felt she had to say something.

“Thanks for volunteering for this girls. But I do have to tell you, just to make sure that you understand: this is, quite literally, a one-way trip. I cannot emphasize that enough. On your way down, you will experience the most spectacular chain of full-body orgasms possible. Then when you go under, you will climax until you lose consciousness and you will never wake up again. You. Will. Be. Gone.”

A few girls raised their hand and waited until Melinda call one out. “Ms. Melinda, don’t you get it. This is the very last and most important decision of our lives. We want to be fertilizer!”

She was accompanied by a chorus:

“Oh yeah, this will be awesome.”

“I can’t wait to die in this stuff.”

“Drowning is gonna feel soooo good. I’ll bet I’ll hold out the longest and have the most orgasms.”

“Who wouldn’t want to end their lives as bubbles in a quicksand pit?”

“The best orgasms ever? That’s, like, totally worth drowning in thick, smelly muck.”

“My only regret is that we only get to do this once.”

“Oh, god! We’re all gonna die the best deaths ever!!!”

“Let me get my phone. The girls back home are gonna be so jealous!”

“Hold it.” A shout came from the back. A silent spectator for the entire show, John rushed forward and knelt beside Sandhri, a fit Indian girl with a helping of healthy chub. “Do you really want to do this? I won’t stop you if you do, but are you absolutely sure.” The other girls looked in shock at the adoration in is eyes. It never occurred to them that this young man, forbidden as he was from interacting with the students, would break the rules for the nerdiest girl in the class.

“Yes.” She answered sincerely, without hesitation, but still looking at him with love.

He nodded, but seemed unsurprised. In seconds, his shoes and sock came off, followed by his shirt and pants, revealing a surprisingly fit body and thick musculature, hidden by those baggy clothes. Muscles worked under his skin like a machine practically bursting to come out. After just a moment of hesitation, off came his boxers, revealing a long, heavy erection to the marvel of the girls. He took Sandhri delicately by the hand. Smiling warmly into each other’s eyes, they approached Melinda. “We sink together.”

“If you really want to. But let’s get a queue going. We have to spread the fertilizer all over or the swamp doesn’t get all the nutrition it needs.”

Sandhri turned to John with an playful look in her eye. “Race you?”

“You’re on.”

With that, the young couple took their final steps on dry land and raced past the center, where Kate had met her delightful end. With this strong, masculine legs, John managed to get almost clear to the other shore before falling, Sandhri further behind. “John, help me.” He grabbed both her wrists and pulled her over the churning surface, struggling closer together as they descended. They bodies showed the strain of pulling themselves together as they sank. She managed to climb onto his ridged endowment and made themselves one, riding one another, staring lovingly into each other’s eyes as the mud took their coupling bodies.

Overcome with lust, they humped and rode their way down. As the muck cupped their chins, they gave each other a final glimpse before their eyes were covered. After their foreheads went under, Sandhri’s hair lasting longer than his, the surface boiled with vigorous movement beneath, before settling to its peaceful state, again smooth and featureless.

The girls gave a round of applause for their gorgeous entertainers. “Aww, that was really sweet.” Martha. “They get to break down and become soil together while we all have to drown alone.”

Nancy, a short, girlishly-figured student, spoke up next. “Martha, don’t you get it? None of us have to be alone ever again. We’re all going down together and become one big cloud of swamp gas. I’ll bet we’ll power this entire building for a year.”

“Well, then, what are we waiting for? The longer we stay alive, the longer it takes for the best sex we’ll ever have. Hop on in!”

The next fifteen minutes went by in a blur of breasts, butts, bubbles, and smiling faces. With the help of Melinda and Mrs. Chandler, the girls distributed themselves roughly evenly around the circumference of the pool, and a few more dashing into the center to make it nice and fertile. There were plenty of loners, as well as couples and threesomes, even a foursome or two. They turned it into a social event, chatting about what their plans would have been had they not decided to drown in quicksand, how slow the quicksand was, how their Facebook friends would react to seeing them going down, who would be the most nutritious for the swamp flowers, who would stay afloat the longest, etc. Quite a few of them were making their final minutes count, rubbing pussies and boobs, some reaching down for their backdoors, getting as much quicksand into them before the finale. Many were thoughtful enough to get the girl closest to them off as they slowly disappeared into the mire, never to be heard from again. Mrs. Chandler had fully disrobed and gyrated her hips in pleasure as her fingers deftly played her cunt, watching her precious students become one with the bog. Melinda was also nude, her trim body a treat for the girls as they descended.

One girl stood by the shore, uncertain. “Hey Tina. Come on in. The bottomless quicksand is just fine for a deadly sink.” Jordan and another girl, already thigh-deep, called out to her teasingly. She always had been the shy one.

In truth, Tina was sent to the school from a wealthy, ultra-conservative Korean family who were looking forward to a debutante from a prestigious school to marry into an equally reputable family. She had never once had even a minor sexual experience, as guarded as her upbringing was from her earliest memoires. “I don’t know guys.”

“Come on, it’ll be fun, we promise.” Murmurs of approval went around. How could they leave a sister behind? “Here, we’ll help you.” The two girls streached out their hands, beckoning her.

With a shy look around at her doomed peers, she took their hands and let them gently guide her to her luxurious demise. She gave a sigh as the mud squished between her toes. She breathed faster as they sank from legs to breasts, at which point she was weeping with pleasure. It was better than she thought it could be, and she soon found herself loosing control to the inexorable pull of the mire.

“Feels good, huh?” Jordan said encouragingly from her side. “Just hold still and make it last. After all, you won’t be doing anything else after this, so-“

Tina took a giant breath and with a *splut* shoved her face into the mud, burrowing her head under, struggling until her back emerged like a whale’s hump. Her tight rump emerged as she kicked and fought her way under, the two cheeks going under in a cascade of bubbles. Her two partner’s laughed. “Well, I hardly blame her. Being in here it’s like ‘Kill me now ‘cause I know I’ll never feel anything close to this kind of bliss ever again.’”

“Yeah, how about that?” Jordan gave her a wet, sloppy kiss as they prepared to join Tina.

Two other girls took the same route, gyrating their hips in an impromptu belly dance to get under fastest; winner got to orgasm and drown first. Another girl landed on all fours and was pleasured orally from behind by her secret crush. Plenty of couples went from being friends to smooching their way to oblivion, obviously having quite a bit of fun down below. The mud bubbled around them, splashing them with filth as they went down. Phones were also raised, and selfies and videos were posted online in a hurry before their owners reached the event horizon. Plenty of messages accompanied their photos:

Feels so gooooood!!!!!

Cummin all da way!!!!!

No regrets!

Totally worth it!!!!

Hey boys, want some of this???? Well YOURE NOT GETTING IT!!! Gonna drown in this sexy mud before anyone can cop a feel!!! XOXO

“Quick”sand is slo lol;)

Anyone not heading to a pit of quicksand after watching this is a buzzkill!!!!!!

Marcy found herself sandwiched between two gorgeous girls who adored her breasts as they went down. The two girls kept at it even after the mud went over their heads. The spoiled rich girl pulled an arm out of the mud and waved to her teacher.

“Goodbye Mrs. Chandler. I’m sorry I asked my daddy to talk to you about passing me with a failed grade. I’m sure I’ll do a much better job as recycled peat.”
“Yes, dear. Those breasts of yours will feed the entire swamp for years. Perhaps you will even be there for my next spa treatment.”

And with that, the most bratty girl in the school vanished into the quicksand, her free arm waving goodbye to the world as she became swamp gas with her two final lovers.

Another young girl, whose name she never found out, asked Melinda to place her well-formed foot on her face and push her down. As she went from her shoulders to her ears, the girl was quite obviously enjoying herself, her orgasmic cries muffled under Melinda’s soft sole. After, she let the doomed girl suckle her toes, feeling her soft tongue go over each one adorningly. Finally, wiggling her toes, she took her foot off the schoolgirls face.

The girl giggled stupidly, drunk on climaxes. “He he he he. I squirted.”

“Those are going to be your last words, then? ‘I squirted.’”

She just kept giggling. “Cum, cum, blub, cum, blub!”

“Well, as long as you die doing what you like.” And with that, Melinda put her foot back on the girl’s submerging face and pushed all the way under. She extracted her foot before she could become stuck and watched the bubbles come up.

Scenes like that were repeating all around the pit. One of the last groups, athletic tanned Rebecca, chubby, huge-breasted black girl Shaniqua, and willowy Arabic goddess Petunia, who had little in the way of either breast or hip, chatted happily as they tended to their own pussies.

“Uh, Ms. Carmichael? Do you mind bringing my phone over and shooting a final video of us?” Rebecca pointed to where it was in the pile of neatly discarded clothes.

“And hurry,” Shaniqua emphasized. “We don’t have much time left.”

Melinda started shooting as the mud claimed their hardened nipples. She gave them a thumbs up:

R: Hey everyone. Rebecca here. I’m here with my best friends (All wave happily at camera) and we’re all about to drown in a bottomless quicksand. I just wanted to say goodbye to my two baby sisters, and my mom, who I love very much, and I hope you can forgive me for taking off on you like this. Just know that I’m the happiest gal in the world right now, and I’m going for a good cause. Respect the environment everyone. (Motions to side)
S: Hi, Shaniqua here. I know y’all recognize me from my blog, “The Bachelorette Odysseys”. Sorry fans, but this will be my final posting, as I have found a brand new calling in life as swamp muck belching out methane from dozens of drowning schoolgirls. I hope that someone will continue my blog, and that you all have as good a time watching this video as I have being a part of it. For any of you who are curious, drowning in quicksand is a good as it looks and I hope you try it out someday. Sayonara people.
(Quicksand at their shoulders)
P: Hi, I’m Petunia. I just wanted to say bye-bye to my fiancé, and my older brother, and to all of my Facebook friends. You have made life so wonderful for me. I’m sorry I have to cut it short, but the last five orgasms I’ve had are worth it. Enjoy life, and see you in heaven.
R: Goodbye Mrs. Chandler. Thanks for everything.
C: You’re welcome dearie. Now be good soil and go glub away in the quicksand.
(Quicksand at their chins)
All: Will do.
(Girls lift their free arms)
S: Bye everyone.
P: Don’t worry. It feels great.
R: Deep breaths, girls. Here we go!

With eager faces, the three girls vanished forever in the rippling goop. Shanique held her nose, puffing her cheeks as she bubbled away. Rebecca pulled her arms under and held her face straight, the surface engulfing her hair last. Petunia held still and went down slowly, the slop pouring viscously into her eyes and puckered lips before disappearing with an audible *shlugsplutch glub goop goop*. Two outstreached arms and some hair were all that remained, gradually sucking away until the very last traces of St. Victoria’s advanced biology class became one with the Earth.

After the last bubble, Melinda turned off the cameraphone. She would be sure to post it so that all of their friends could find it online. In fact, that could do great things for the biosphere.

She looked to Ms. Chandler, who was flat on the floor, glistening with sweat and still recovering from her massive orgasms; watching your own schoolgirls vanish in quicksand will do that to you.

“What do intend to do with all those?” Melinda gestured to the pile of clothes.

“Well, we’ll recycle the uniforms, then give the rest to the homeless.”

“Hm. Recycling all around, huh?” She chuckled as she watched the quicksand return to its clam state, utterly undisturbed. “That really got them interested in science, didn’t it? I think we should make this a tradition with the school.”

Mrs. Chandler smiled. “I’d agree, but how do we explain this to the parents expecting their daughters to come home and marry wealthy bachelors?”

“How else? Most of them will be angry mothers threatening to sue. We tell them exactly what happened. In fact, to make sure there are no doubts about it, we’ll bring them right to the scene of the crime to show them…”

Re: The Biosphere

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:27 am
by stevensh12
That's a good story brilliant detailing

Re: The Biosphere

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:28 pm
by PM2K
F'ing outstanding, mon ami! :D Up there with your best. :D