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I'm sinking for you

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:31 pm
by 1TeenShamedLoved
Hi guys !

I will quit the site because the person who I love has left my life... And I don't have reasons to stay here.

But as promised, I will share a fictive story... I dedicate to him and I miss you.

>> It was sunny that day ... Bright sun, blue sky and I didn't know what to do with my day... A walk would be ideal. I put on a blue flared dress with white polka dots, and white sandals, after all, going for a walk, does not exclude being well dressed... And not to be cold, I put on a little denim jacket . I take the keys of my car, I put myself in place and at the wheel of my 207 RC, I put the gas and direction a clearing near a mountain... The road is a bit long but the landscape is beautiful… After forty minutes, I arrived at the foot of the Balberyss mountain… I park on the shoulder and take the dirt road which leads to my corner of paradise... After fifteen minutes, I climb rocks, a little slippery. I arrive in the forest, I love the smell of earth, of freshness, the songs of birds, the sounds of the river that we heard a little lower.
I was walking quietly, when suddenly I slipped and found myself bogged down in a mixture of earth, water and sand. My feet were stuck and I couldn't move anymore ... My legs sank gently and the more I tried to get out, the more I remained trapped. I hadn’t had the intelligence to pick up my phone so I started to scream for help. " Help ! I'm sinking ! I need help ! "
But only the echo answered me. I was struggling with all my might but my gestures were useless because I made my case worse and I found myself stuck in the belly ... I was having trouble breathing and the pressure became more and more intense. At that moment, I thought I was going to die ... I was trying to grab a branch but nothing in sight ... The few movements I made took me into this "false" liquid and I was divided between excitement of a new feeling, fear and distress. I didn’t know what to do and no one knew I was there ..
I couldn't feel my legs anymore, I couldn't move them anymore, my chest was blocked and my heart rate was weakening despite the panic taking over my mind. I was clueless and only wanted one thing, that someone would find me and help me out of these quicksands... I saw my body disappear in this thick greenish liquid and I drowned…
I think I was starting to pass out because I could no longer hear the birds, I felt my breathing go out and I knew it was my last hour... <<

I let you imagine the end, if death took me away or if an angel came to rescue me ...

Enjoy guys !

Bye !! :p

Re: I'm sinking for you

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 7:04 pm
by beachbum
I really like your story. I hope you stay on the site. I would pick an ending where you are saved from the quicksand by a handsome looking angel after a struggle to get out.