Everin’s Bending Abilities (M, peril/pleasure, accidental/willing, no submersion)

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Everin’s Bending Abilities (M, peril/pleasure, accidental/willing, no submersion)

Postby Solrex » Wed Aug 12, 2020 9:08 am

Author’s Note: Hey, this is Solrex, back with another story. One power I think a lot of us would love to have is mudbending. But, that name comes from a particular series, Avatar, the Last Airbender, and Legend of Korra. And I have been watching my family watch the former and tend to sit in the room and watch them watch it. This finally inspired me to write this. I suppose what forum this is on, and the fact that I already mentioned mudbending, you think I might have already spoiled the story. Well, read and find out!

Enjoy, Everin’s bending abilities:

When two benders of different nationalities mate, their child can only control one of the elements, and maybe some subbending traits from the other. However, when an earth and a water bender, born after Aang, but before Korra, gave birth to their child Everin, and the father tried to teach Earthbending, and the mother water bending, Everin struggled to master one or the other.

For Everin, he could feel water, but could barely move it, although it helped when the water was very dirty. These were minor things. As for earthbending, he found he could feel the earth, but not move it. It was too heavy.

Water was too fluid, Earth was too heavy. He had potential to be a bender, but he was stuck at a crossroads. His parents just thought he was trying too hard, and had no bending potential.

They tried introducing him to bending subtypes, such as plantbending or metalbending or bloodbending. However, with plants, there was a little give, but not enough to do anything. Metalbending was out of the question. Bloodbending just grossed Everin out, although it did interest his darker curious mind.

His parents yelled at him constantly for pretending to be a bender when he had no potential. He could feel the earth and the water, but his effects were microscopic, and only he could feel his bending, no one else could see it on such a small level. One time while camping in a swamp after his 18th birthday, Everin got into a huge fight with his parents, and ran off. The sun was setting, the moon was rising, and Everin was sick of his parents telling him he was a faker, not a real bender.

Running, far away, without looking at the ground. His parents decided to just let him run, if he came back, he came back, if he never did, so be it. He was a failure child, after all.

With brown hair, brown eyes, and fair Caucasian skin, Everin was a charming young man. Unfortunately, he was heading for impending doom. This swamp was known for being home to many quicksand pits, and if you veered off the path, it was only a matter of time.

Schooloop! Everin’s right boot sank into some mud, and then his left. He forced his way through, moving with somewhat of an ease. Although when he finally came to the middle of the clearing, the mud was too much for his dormant bending abilities, and he became stuck. Worse, he started sinking. Realizing he was sinking, Everin focused on his leg, trying to pull it out, but to no avail. Up to his knees, and continuing to sink, his pants soaking in the mud.

This was it! In his rage, he had trapped himself. If he was lucky, this bog might have a bottom. If he wasn’t, he was doomed to sink under, or so he believed. Accepting his peril, he pulled back his sleeve, scooped up some mud, and began painting on his wrist. First he made a circle, well, no, the more he looked at it, it was a square. Well, looking at it longer, it was definitely a circle.

“Wait a minute, that’s not my perspective changing it, it’s actually changing!” Everin exclaimed. He then thought about it being a triangle from being a circle. Surely enough, it took the shape of a triangle. Either he had inhaled some trippy shroom vapors, or he might have discovered his bending potenti-

Everin gasped as the quicksand sucked him up to his groin, the cold wet feeling surprising his groin. He now had the means to escape, but the mud… it felt nice. Feeling his body’s natural desires, and his member hardening, he felt natural desires to hump the mud. He thrusted, back and forth, and his natural desires had the mud thrusting back. He pushed harder, both with his body, and the mud, and it felt so good on his skin. He reached down, pulled his leggings open, and let the grimy sludge flow in.

He gasped as the cool mud flowed in and around his dick directly. He thrusted harder and harder, and the mud got tighter and tighter around himself, and he even started swirling it.

Unable to notice how deep he was, he failed to notice that it was odd that he could see through the mud as if it was clear, but not with his eyes, but with his skin, his sense of feeling. Due to just learning this ability, he was unaware of how deep he actually was, but was aware that this bog was many times deeper than his height.. He felt the electric feeling of an orgasm building up, and he passed the orgasmic point of no return, goosebumps flooding his senses, and then felt the sweet release as he released into the muck.

Blinking, he realized he was shoulder deep in the muck, by the height of the land around him, assuming liquids were flat, and realized he was floating. So, if he could bend mud, did he have the natural ability to float in it? He wondered about this.

Deciding to get out, he focused on his submerged arms. Nothing. Focusing on the mud around them though, he popped them out with relative ease. With his arms free, he focused on a mixture of bending skills learned from both his mother and father. While not as stiff as his father’s bending, but not as fluid as his mother’s bending, he directed the bog to lift him up. Looking down, he noticed a bunch of things in the bottom of the bog, but could only see their shape. Assuming some of those were bodies, they appeared to have heavy metal armor on them. The metal dragged the bodies down to the bottom of the bog.

Focusing back on the task at hand, up to his armpits, he raised himself through the mud up higher, and deposited himself onto dry ground. The mud splashed in slow motion, flattening unto the ground. The landing wasn’t exactly soft, as the ground was hard, but the muck did soften the blow. Focusing on the bog, he bended a sphere of mud, and still focusing on it, he planned to show his parents it when he got back to camp, and the sun had just fell under the surface of the horizon.

Everin headed back to camp. But what he found when he arrived surprised him.

To Be Continued*.

*If I feel the inspiration to do so, I still have the Ravnica story to do, and I haven’t felt inspired to do.

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Re: Everin’s Bending Abilities (M, peril/pleasure, accidental/willing, no submersion)

Postby DJlurker » Tue Aug 25, 2020 2:35 am

Hmm, an interesting premise. I wouldn't mind seeing more... 8-)

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