another oldie written on stone slab with hammer and chisel

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another oldie written on stone slab with hammer and chisel

Postby quickbeard » Mon May 17, 2010 2:57 pm

Cassandra's story

From Qckbeard

Cassandra stood at the edge of the jungle clearing, and wondered if it was worth all this trouble
just to get an inheritance. She estimated that she was at least a week ahead of the other heirs,
because of her luck in finding the clues that decoded the map. She had braved all of the dangers of
the jungle alone, and now the map told her that what she sought was in the cave across the
clearing from her. Unfortunately, the cleared area shook and shivered with each step that she took
as she moved around it. Now, she had to figure out a way across it.

She looked carefully around her, gazing thoughtfully at the dark morass before her. I hope this
stuff isn't quicksand, she thought apprehensively. There appeared no way around it, and any vines
or overhanging shrubbery were on the other side of the mud pit. Her only hope of getting across
appeared to be a slim branch from a tree overhanging the bog. Her dark hair cascaded from side
to side as she shook her head and considered her chances. Her backpack and bow were too heavy
to carry, and her boots would make it more difficult to hang from the tree limb.

Sitting next to the side of the bog, she took off her boots and socks, revealing her petite bare feet.
The moisture of the grass squished under her feet as she stood, putting the boots and socks into
her backpack, and securely attaching the bow to it. Then, she loosened one of the straps to the
backpack and swung it around overhead as fast as possible, before releasing it like a sling to sail
over the clearing and land safely in a bush on the other side . "Now," she said emphatically. "I had
better make it across." Cassandra spit in the palms of her hands for luck, and got to work climbing
the tree. The muscles of her ass flexed under her tight jeans as she shimmied up the tree truck.
Once she got to the preferred branch, she resembled a gorgeous sloth as she began moving
carefully across with her hands and legs wrapped around the tree branch. At one point, her
T-shirt snagged on some rough bark. Hanging as she was over the bog, she could not release one
of her hands to free the snag. She looked apprehensively down at the black mud as she rocked
from side to side. Finally, the shirt tore at loose from the snag, ripping diagonally downward and
showing her side, and sometimes her breast as she continued to cross the clearing.

Sweat was glistening off her face and arms as she rested for a moment from her labor. Glancing
down, she was pleased to find that she was almost halfway across when she continued on her
journey. Now, however, she started to have more problems. She could pick carefully where she put
her hands, pushing them through the leaves until she got a good grip on the branch, but her legs
were wrapped around the whole mess of leaves as well as the branch. Now, no matter how tightly
she clasped her legs together around the branch, they began to slip from the moist leaves: and this
slowed her down as she had to reposition them often.

Finally, the grip of her legs slipped, and she swung out over the quicksand with a cry. She barely
managed to keep hold of the branch with her hands, and her bare feet brushed across the surface
of the bog as she swung from side to side. She could not get her legs back up to the branch, so she
continued hand over hand with her legs bent at the knees so that her feet would not drag and slow
her down. She was just breathing a sigh of relief at being almost there when she accidentally
grabbed a handful of leaves. As her hands slipped on the leaves, she closed her eyes and cried out
and reflexively straightened her legs.

After a moment, she opened her eyes and looked down in surprise. She was still standing on the
surface of the bog! The top of it bowed down from her weight, and water was slowly seeping from
the crust and making her bare feet wet. Just a couple more steps, she thought, and if it is all like
this, I have it made. So, she boldly took that first step.....and her right leg sank up to her knee. The
suddenness of it caught her off balance, and she also stepped forward with her left leg: and found
her self mired up to both knees now.

The thickness of the mud caused her jeans to cling tightly to her legs, and she pumped her feet
deep under the muck as she tried to find a bottom. All that she could feel however was the slowly
shifting sand move between her toes and around her ankles. She tried vainly to pull one leg out,
bending over and pulling at the leg with her arms. She was actually making some progress...the
cuff of her jeans were almost in sight. In her concentration to pull the leg out; however, she failed
to notice that her other leg was being claimed as ransom, until it had almost been sucked up to her
ass. She let go and tried to reach an equilibrium again...reclaiming the one leg at the cost of the
freedom of the other.

Now she stood submerged up to mid-thigh and still no firm ground under her feet. Although the
thickness of the mud now supported her, the shifting under her feet made her feel as if she would
loose her balance, so she stood with both muddy arms outstretched to her sides as if balancing on
a tightrope. One of the things that she had heard about quicksand was that you should not
struggle, so she tried holding perfectly still. Unfortunately for her, this bog had not read up on any
of the manuals, and still she sank, ever deeper. When the she felt the wetness soak through her
jeans and into the crack of her ass, she panicked. Screaming for help and thrashing around, she
only encouraged the mud to take her in bigger gulps. It was not until her belt disappeared beneath
the surface that she realized that the only response to her struggles was the sucking sound that the
mud made as it claimed more of her beautiful body.

She could feel it pressing in tightly around her waist, and it made her shiver when she felt it soak
through to her skin. Now she was up to her ribs in the stuff, and it was soaking into her shirt, and
making it heavier. The wetness of it soaked up past the surface of the mud, and soon it was almost
transparent and she could see her breasts just bobbing above the quicksand. Her hands and arms
were submerged now from trying vainly to push the mud away. For a moment it seemed that the
buoyancy of her ample breasts was going to resist the mud's grasp, but slowly the mud had its way.
The mud crept up around each breast and pooled in a puddle between them. Her now hard
nipples surfaced with a gasp one more time before disappearing again beneath the muck.

Soon all that was visible was her slowly vanishing shoulders, and she resigned herself to it. That was
when she noticed that just a few feet ahead of her that the loose strap to her backpack was laying
in the edge of the bog. Slowly and very carefully, the reached forward to grasp the strap, and
pulling slightly to make sure that the pack was secure in the bush. Her shoulders were submerged
as well when she began the slow laborious process of pulling herself out. The quicksand resisted
her efforts by sucking on her and her clothing. The weight of the accumulated mud was enough to
complete the job of tearing her shirt in two, and it was two chocolate colored bare breasts that
soon found themselves in the light of day.

Finally, her feet cleared the surface of the bottomless pit, and she lay thankfully of firm ground
catching her breath. And she dreamed of first thing that she would buy with her inheritance.....a
long hot bath.

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Re: another oldie written on stone slab with hammer and chis

Postby Viridian » Mon May 17, 2010 4:02 pm

I still have that one saved on my hard drive. I enjoyed the simplicity of it back then :)
Viridian @ deviantART:

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Re: another oldie written on stone slab with hammer and chis

Postby PM2K » Tue May 18, 2010 12:11 am

A classic! Thanks for the repost! :D

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Re: another oldie written on stone slab with hammer and chis

Postby quickbeard » Wed May 19, 2010 3:24 pm

Something happened when I was writing this story, the whole "story taking on a life of its own". When I first pictured it, she was going to take off all her clothes so the wouldn't get dirty. Damned if she didn't refuse when I got to that point :o Maybe I'll have to throw in somewhere else one day :twisted:

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Re: another oldie written on stone slab with hammer and chis

Postby water_bug_62208 » Sat May 22, 2010 11:04 pm

Very cool story! I like the melodramatic style of Quicksand Story and do enjoy a good rescue at the end. Thanks for sharing!

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