A Couples Swamp Ape Incounter

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A Couples Swamp Ape Incounter

Postby Bill » Sun Dec 06, 2020 5:04 pm

Written: William Harkness:
Date: December 6/20
M/F Quicksand
Main Characters: William Harkness/description: White Skin, Black Hair: Brown Eye's, Average Body & wares glasses & Anna/description: White SKin, Long Red Hair, Green Eye's, Average Body, & Big Breasts
It was early Monday morning at the Louisiana Motel ware William & his Girl Friend Anna were getting ready to hike through the everglaze trial. Will & Anna have been dating for a Month know & they decided to take their first trip together as a official couple to the Louisiana Swamp Lands. They arrived early Sunday Morning & once they checked into their motel they did some sight seeing & met a man that got them all set up for their big hike today.

"ANNA: Man will I can't wait to actually hike through one of the biggest natural swamp lands this world has ever had". "W: I'm surprised that when I suggested doing this hike that you'd be interested". "I mean, I know that you enjoy adventure trips but hiking through a swamp well". "ANNA: Hay I may look like a girly girl but I'm not afraid the traveling through places that I might get dirty on or to places that may have a stink to them". "& We all know that certain swamps can really stink". "W: Well that's true, well in that case lets go". So they got into a car they rented from the Louisiana air port & made their say to the entrance of the hiking trail.

Once they arrived Anna got out & said: "WOW look Will, we haven't started walking yet but the scenery has already left me breathless". "I hear walking along this trail on days like today are supposed to make people feel great". "W: Ya & since It's a week day & It's early in the morning, we should have this hole aria all to ourselves". "The guy who told me about this aria says that It's rare for one group of people to see other hikers on days like today". "ANNA: Well than what are we waiting for". So the happy couple start hiking along the swamp trail, taking in all the sights, sounds & even smells of the swamp. "ANNA: You know Will I think this could be one of the nicest things we ever done together". "I can't believe were the only once hear". "W: Ya but I think the only reason why their not a lot of people walking along this trail is because their afraid of running into the swamp Ape".

"ANNA: Wait are you actually saying that you think he's real". "W: Yes I really do." "I've seen those documentaries on big foot & the swamp Ape & they seam pretty real". "Why do you". "ANNA: Well actually I have done my own research on the swamp Ape". I even done a course that studies the different mythological creatures in our world". "ANNA: Look Will I must be honest the real reason why I wanted to do this trip with you is so I can venture into the Louisiana everglaze so I can get hard prouth on the Swamp Ape so a can graduate from the University of Science & fiction to earn grant money to start up my own mythological research business". "W: Really why didn't you tell me this before". "ANNA: I'm sorry Will but I thought that you'd think that I was weird & dome for pursuing a career that works to find prouth of the existence of mythical creatures". "W: Look Anna you don't half to apologize I understand, but you should have known after dating for a month that I wouldn't judge you for prosuing your dream job, I actually think that It's cool your doing this". "Their needs to be more female documenters trying to find the truth behind certain myths".

"ANNA: Thanks Will you made my day by saying that". So after giving Will a romantic kiss they continue hiking along the trail. "W: So Anna are you hoping that we can actually find the Swamp Ape". ANN: Yes, Finding the Swamp Ape & getting hard evidence of his existence would be amazing". "But at the same time It would a little scary & stinky considering that animals like bigfoot can get really violent If any other animals or people trespass on his land, & I would raver not smell him considering that he has a vary pungent odor". "But If we do smell him at least we would know that he's around". "W: I suppose". "W: I wonder what he would smell like". "ANNA: Well It's said that he smell's like a wet dog got sprayed by a skunk". "W: Well that would make sense since he's also cauld the Swamp Ape". That caused the 2 to Laf than they continued their hike until they arrived at a clearing with one big rock in the center.

"ANNA WOW this place is amazing". "W: I agree, actually being in this place makes me feel that were in the garden of Eden & your the Eve to my Adam". "ANNA: Funny you should say that because this hike has really made me feel horny. & by looking at the part of your pants ware your pennies is that you feel the same". After a minute of looking into each others eye's Will says. "Well theirs no one around to see us, so shale we". Then they get really close & start kissing each other patiently. Slowly touching each other & taking turns taking off each others clothes, Anna touches/kisses Will's chest & other body parts, while Will touches/kisses Anna's breasts & other parts of her body also. Then Will puts his fingers in Anna's Women hood while she touches Will's hard pennies.

Then Anna puts a condom on Will's pennies then bends over so Will can put his hard cock in her but & humps her, while just touching her bout. Then putting her back close to my chest he move his hands holding her breasts while continuing to hump her & kissing her a bit. Then she takes Will to the center rock, makes me sit down then puts her women hood over my manhood, her face facing away from his, she goes up & down on his cock while h is hand are on the rock. After a few minutes he puts his hands on her shoulders, making her hump on his cock harder. Then she faces Will but still in the same position, while holding each other in their arms, kissing.

Then they suddenly stopped because they heard a rustling sound in the distance. "W: What was that". "Did you hear that". "K: Ya I did, It sounds like some one is watching us in the distance." Then suddenly they smelled this really pungent smell in the same direction from the sound they heard. They immediately plugged their noses saying, :PEE-U". ANNA: Something really stinks around hear, what is that stink". "W: I have no idea". Then he gets up to see ware the smell is coming from. The he sees the Swamp Ape in the trees. "W: Anna don't make a sudden moves. The Anna get up & says: "O-my God is that the". Then the creature starts making his way to words them. "W: Anna run". Then they start running naked through the dense swamp bush, not knowing If the creature is still chasing them. Then without warning they fall in a pit of peat quicksand up the ware their privet parts are.

"ANNA: A man babe, did we just fall into Quicksand". W: I think we did because I feel like I'm sinking". "ANNA: Well that's good to know, than I won't feel creasy when I say that It looks like were sinking". As they survey their situation staying completely still they continue sinking past their privet parts & up to their wastes". "W: You know the people who told me about this place should have really warned me about Quicksand being hear or at least put up signs telling people that their Quicksand around hear". "ANNA: Ya they should". "Well Will you really know how to show a women a good time". "W: Well at least you can say that you actually seen & smelled the Swamp Ape". "ANNA: Speaking of which can you see him". Will looks around & says: no I but I can still smell him". "ANNA: O God me to". They both resume plugging their noses.

"ANNA: Well babe we should should consider find a way out of this Quicksand". "Can you find anything to get us out". Will looks around & finds that their a wroup close to ware he is that's tied to a near by tree. "W: Well this is aud their a wroup hear, I wonder who left It hear". "ANNA: Who know's & who cares we can use that wroup to get us out of this stuff". "W: Actually Anna I think we should let the Quicksand take us under". "ANNA: What why". "W: Because I think the reason why the swamp Ape hasn't continued fallowing us because he know theirs Quicksand around hear & since he's a big guy he doesn't want to go under". "SO If we make him think that we perished in this Quicksand bog than we can can get away from him". "ANNA: But wont we die in this stuff". "W: Not If I hold on to this wroup while you hold on to me". "ANNA: I don't this is a good idea".

Anna comments as the Quicksand reaches Wills chest & her breasts. "W: Listen Anna I promise I wont let anything bad happen to us, just stay close". "All right than", Anna says as they work their way up to their chins. Then holding each other close they go under. Then after a few minutes the come out of the Quicksand, looking around to see that the coast is clear they use the wroup to get out of the Quicksand & back onto solid ground. They both sit on the edge covered in mud. "ANNA: man that was close". "W: Well don't you think that this will be a great story to tell our kids & grand kids about some day". "ANNA: Well we half to get married first". "W: Well who knows I might pop that question someday". "ANNA: Well than". They move in close to give each other a kiss. ANNA: Well It looks like the swamp Ape is gone." "W: True but his smell is still with use". "ANNA: O ya WUW what a smell". We resume holding our noses. Than they get up & find a lake ware they helped clean each other, getting the Quicksand off their bodies while continuing to making love. Then they double back from ware they left their bags & clothes, putting their clothes back on & making their way back to the car. But Anna was also able to get hard evidence of the swamp Apes existence & than making their away out of the swamp.

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