You May Not Kiss The Bride Quicksand Addition P2

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You May Not Kiss The Bride Quicksand Addition P2

Postby Bill » Sun Jan 03, 2021 8:11 pm

The next day Bran arrived at the Bistro that Vadik mentioned but as soon as he went in he as escorted by to armed guards. “V: Thank you Bryan for coming to my family business”. “Know that you are hear I can tell you the real reason why I seaked you out”. “V: You see my family has run the Slavic criminal industry in Russia for decades until our enemies forced us to relocate hear in our beloved country”. “Over the years my family has fell in love with your country, It’s freedom It’s equality & acceptance”. “But do to unfortunate advents your government found out that our daughter Marsha didn’t go through the traditional channels to become a Canadian citizen & are fretining to deport her”. “Unless she marries someone from your country”. “Which is why your hear, we want you to Marry Marsha, & once she becomes a full Canadian citizen you’ll divorce her”.

“B: Well Mr. Vadik I’m honored that you consider me to help you but I don’t think I’m the right man for the job”. “Because I have no interests in marrying anyone because I’m focused on running my family business”. “Besides I can’t just marry someone who I don’t know very well & how would I explain this to my family & friends”. “Surely theirs someone else who is more qualified”. “V: I admire & respect your beliefs & your desire to assure the success of your family business & your correct my wife & I has always intended that my right-hand man Brick hear would Marry Marsha who is not happy that your hear If I may add”. “But the reason why we want you is because of your catering business, since you have done weddings than hosting this wedding that your apart of is the best way to steer away any suspicious people”. “But If you refuse are offer, I assure you that I’ll use all of my resources to heart all that are close to you, the same threat applies If you go to the cops, if you do trust in the fact that I will find out”. So, Bryan was forced to except Vadik’s offer.

Then Brick takes Bryan to a bare that is protected by the Slavic mob ware he’ll meet Marsha. Brick tells Bryan all of Marsha’s likes & dislikes. Gives him a picture of Marsha & threatens to kill him If he hearts Marsha in any way or does things that weren’t in the agreement made between him & Vadik. But Bryan assures him that he has no plans to do anything like that to Marsha & that he just wants to get this hole thing over with. Than he enters the bar ware he immediately spots Marsha.

“B: Marsha hi I’m Bryan your I think your father menchioned me”. “M: Yes nice to meet you, I just want to say sorry that my parents are forcing you to do this, they can be really over protective”. “B: Well I must say I never imagined I would wind up in a situation like this”. “M: Well for what It’s worth I don’t want to marry you iver as I imagine you don’t want to marry me”. “B: Well, that’s good to know I guess”. So, the 2 spend the next few hours getting to know each other and dancing to the bare music. Bryan learns that Marsha has no interests in following in the family business but wants to be a dance teacher from her experience learning from the finesse dance instructors of Russia & how she fell in love with dance when she went to a few dance shows as a kid. Along with her interests & hobbies, & Marsha learned that Bryan has always enjoyed making food for others & how he always wanted to carry on the family business after his parent’s past.

Then Bryan returned to his catering job ware he told his staff that he’s getting married to Marsha that they have been dating for years but he didn’t tell anyone because they didn’t know ware It would lead until he proposed. He than explained that the couple that Chad told to Bryan, who were waiting for him was Marsha’s parents & he told them to come to discuss on how the wedding would go & that they’ll caiter It. He told the same thing to his parents & everyone except Chad bought his story. So, Chad confronted Bryan in his office & demanded to know what was really going on. So, Bryan told Chad about what really happened so Chad insisted that he should contact the police. But Bryan told Chad that Vadik has cops in his pay roll that will tell him If he would go to the cops. Bryan reassured him that everything will be fin If he helps Marsha become a Canadian citizen by marrying than divorcing. Next Bryan, Marsha, her parents & Brick spend the next week preparing for the wedding which his happening on the Sunday a week after Vadik first reached out to Bryan. Bryan tried to convince him that sooner is better.

As such the day finally came when Bryan & Marsha got married following her cultures traditions. Although this wedding was fack Bryan cannot help having feelings that he didn’t think he would feel in this situation. When he saw Marsha in her wedding dress, he felt feelings that he started to develop when he was getting to know her but he had to remember that this was all for show, he even helped Marsha convince her side of the family to not do the Slavic tradition ware to make the vines less sawyer that they should kiss after consuming their cultures alcoholic beverages which Bryan tried to avoid. Once the ceremony was over Vadik told Bryan that he’s sending them to a erotic resort called the Villa located in Guatemala. So the tuck the earliest flight to Guatemala.

Once they arrived, they went to the customer service building ware they would get a ride. “M: Excuse me were the newly wed couple that my father told you about, were here to get a ride to the Villa hotel”. “Employee: Sorry I’m a fried all travel from the airport to our multiple hotels has been suspended do to tropical weather”. “M: Is their anything you can do, It was a long flight & we just want to get settled in our hotel room”. “Employee: Well, theirs this one guy named Ernesto who does helicopter towers around the Island & has known to even do them on days like this”. “But I highly suggest that you wait until the weather comes down”. “M: We’ll take It”. “B: Wait a minute, are you sure, I think we should wait”. But Marsha insisted so Bryan agrees. So, the employee directs them to the other side of the airport ware Ernesto is. When they found him, he was sleeping next to his helicopter, but they were taken of guard by his BO.

“B: excuse me are you Ernesto”. “E: SEE, what can I do for you”. “B: We were told that you are willing to take people to different parts of the Island even during bad weather conditions”. “E: SEE, is their some ware you need to go”. “M: Yes, COFF, can you take use to the Villa hotel”. “E: SEE”. So Ernesto takes them to their hotel in his helicopter, which the 2 immediately regret once he gets the helicopter in the air. Ridding in that helicopter was like driving a car through a blizzard. Unforchunetly Ernesto had to put the helicopter down but he landed It near one of his tour jeeps which he used to take the 2 to their hotel. But the tirain was vary muddy & they ended up getting drenched in mud. By the time they arrived they were covered in spots of mud from head to tough. “E: Well, I hope you enjoyed Ernesto’s jungle tour the cost is around $20 plus tip”. “B: Are you crazy, we could have died back there, & your jeep ride was crazy”. “I’m not paying you that much”. “E: But sure, I use the money support my family”. Ernesto then shows pictures of his family & explains that their suffering due to the poverty plagging their home which convinces Bryan to give him the $20 but not the tip which Ernesto excepts.

After when Bryan turned around, he see’s Marsha cleaning the mud off her cloths at a nearby fountain. That causes Bryans penis to expand & get hard in his pants. Next, they make their way to front hotel guest check ins ware a woman named Tonya. “T: Welcome to the Villa resort, my name is Tonya & I’ll”. She stopped in WOW when he say the to covered in mud. “T: I see you tuck Ernesto jungle tour to get here”. “B: How do you guess that”. “T: Well, you’re not the only once that checked into this resort who thought by taking Ernesto’s jungle tour is the best way to get to this resort”. “B: I see well anyway my name is Bryan this is Marsha we just got married yesterday, who booked a room hear”. “T: A-yes I have you right hear”. “I just want to congratulate you to & I hope your marriage lasts for years to come”. “B: I wouldn’t be to sure about that”. He tries to say with out Tonya listening, but does”. “T: Anyway, hears your room key & a map of the resort so you’ll no ware the most erotic spots are, enjoy your stay”.

So Bryan & Marsha go to their hotel room where they finish cleaning them selves up after that muddy ride. “B: Man, this place is incredible, I always wanted to visit places like this”. “I guess there are some perks to get forced into marrying someone by a mobster”. “Tell me Marsha have you always wanted to go to a place like this”. “M: Actually, my dream honeymoon vacation is traveling to a remote native village dressing in their village clothing & dancing bare foot in the moon light”. “B: I don’t think Brick would be into doing something like that”. “But I half to admit he’s quite thoughtful, he told me that you enjoy drinking this type of wine”. “I’m sure he’ll make a grate husband”. “M: I’m not in love with Brick, I want to marry someone I have truly fallen in love with”. “B: Really because according to your father & Brick, he thinks that you to are destined to marry him”. “M: Well, I’m not”. “I tried telling them many times that I’m not in love with Brick, I guess my father thinks that me marrying Brick will solidify his control in the city”. “Look I’m tried I think I’m just going to take a nap”. “B: Okay I’ll just be taking a look around than”.

As Bryan explowers the Villa he see’s so many couples who actually belong their enjoying them selves which causes him to be dispersed. Then Tonya comes by. “T: I their, is their trouble in paradise”. “B: What makes you think that”. “T: I ask because I see you hear alone without your wife & you don’t seem happy”. “Also I remember you saying to your self that It won’t last long”. “B: you heard that”. “T: Yes I did”. “B: Look It’s complicated”. “Lets say hypothetically that I was forced to marry Marsha by her father to make her a Canadian citizen & once It’s all over I’m supposed to divorce her, but although I never had feelings for her until we got married & we came hear what advice would you give”. “T: Tell me Bryan do you see your self-spending the rest of your life with this Women”. B: Yes I do”. “T: Than I know what you should do”. “Hears a map to a hidden aria on the other side of the resort only a few people know about that place & I know tell serious couples or couples I think are in trouble because I think going their can help them rea-kindle their love”. “You 2 can even swim naked If you like”. “B: Okay thanks for the help but I’ll think about It”. “Just answer me this, why are you so interested in helping me”. “T: Because I believe in love, something I learned through abzerbing my parents & their love life”. “I tuck this job because I wanted to be around people that love each other like my parents do, & help those that might need to fix their marriage”. “B: Well thanks for helping us”. To Be continued

Posts: 23
Joined: Sun Oct 11, 2020 5:34 am

Re: You May Not Kiss The Bride Quicksand Addition P2

Postby MaitoGaiYouth » Sun Jan 03, 2021 10:03 pm

These are still hard to read.

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