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A Lady's Guide To Enjoying Quicksand

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 7:29 am
by 4Bs
1. Wear something that makes you show some skin. A bikini, hot pants, sports bra, it's up to you. (See attached for examples)

2. If you're a beginner, bring some rope to pull yourself out with.

3. Upon finding the pit of your choice, look for some safe ground which you can grab a hold on. If you brought a rope, find a good place to tie it up with.

4. Gently step into the quicksand and work your way in it slowly. Feel free to to do some sensual movements.

5. Sink to your preferred depth (thigh deep, butt deep etc.) and be ready to place your palms on a solid surface (or grab your rope).

6. Push (or pull if you have a rope) your way out. Don't hesitate to twerk and jiggle your booty. And don't be shy to moan or groan.

7. Keep working at it until you extricate yourselves. If you're tired while still being stuck, slow down briefly then resume.

8. Once out of the quicksand, be sure to take a moment to rest before finding a body of water to clean up in.

9. That's all. Happy sinking!

Re: A Lady's Guide To Enjoying Quicksand

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 8:47 am
by Viridian
Nice to see my own content being reposted.