A Tale Of Treachery

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A Tale Of Treachery

Postby GTaggert » Fri Dec 01, 2023 9:51 pm

The basic idea for this story formed the genesis of a script I submitted to ClubMPV, but I never received a response about it. I thus use the names of 4 real quicksand actresses/models in this story (who you'll all probably recognize), but you can visualize any 4 for this story. Enjoy!

A Tale Of Treachery

A mix of busy activity and casual fun swirled around the studio that day. Nyssa was working on some equipment that would used in an upcoming shoot. Summer was making love in her room with a visitor to the studio. Nyssa saw them through the window on her way to the equipment room. Star and Nina had the day off, and decided the weather was perfect for a mud bath. Clad in bikinis, they headed for one of their favorite pits.

Their pit of choice was one of the larger bogs, about 50 yards away from the studio. It had a shallow and deep end just like a pool. The shallow end had an easily found bottom about 4 feet down. The deep end had an estimated depth of 14 feet, though no one actually knew for sure. This didn't keep people from using the deep end, but everyone was advised to make sure they weren't alone, that someone was on the surface around the pit ready to use the safety stick (a six foot long piece of 2x2 wood) if necessary. There was also a rope tied to a tree on one end, strung over a thick branch that overhung the deep end of the pit, and usually rested slack on the top of the bog. Thanks to these safety warnings, the bog had never claimed anyone.

Star and Nina arrive at the pit and head for the shallow end. They climb in quickly but not hastily and begin to enjoy the wallow... and each other. "You think we should try the deep end?" asked Nina. "We'd better not," replied Star, "I noticed that the rope is missing and I have no idea where the safety stick is." And so they resume their play, getting completely covered in goo. After an hour or so, Star and Nina are sitting on the edge with their feet still in the pit, resting, when Summer and Nyssa walk into view near the deep end.

Neither Summer nor Nyssa notice Star and Nina over on the shallow end. Nyssa is carrying a video camera, so the mud bathers see this and decide they must be doing a shoot, and so remain silent. But something is off - Summer, wearing a flowing white dress, is staring straight ahead as if in a trance. Nyssa firmly says "stop!" and Summer stops at the edge of the pit, still staring straight ahead, expressionless. Nyssa then goes around to the other side of the deep end of the pit, and stands at the edge facing Summer. She holds up the camera, pointing it at Summer, and says "walk in". Summer walks into the quicksand, and immediately sinks to just above her knees, though she stays vertical. No one says a word as she continues to slowly sink. Summer says nothing and does not struggle or even display any emotion; she just sinks, staring straight ahead, until she is in to her shoulders, then her neck. She doesn't even tilt her head back as the mire rises to her chin, then her mouth, her nose, and her eyes. As she submerges, the last thing visible is her puffy blonde hair, and even that finally sinks under. Nyssa pointed her camera at the sink for the duration, then lowered it when, presumably, the shoot was over.

The shallow end of the bog erupted in applause and cheering. "That was HOT!" called Star. "Bravo!" yelled Nina. They were both clapping in appreciation of what they believed was an exotic video shoot starring Summer. Nyssa was startled to see that there were witnesses to the sink, but quickly recovered. Nina was climbing out of the pit. "Need any help pulling her out?" she asked. "No," replied Nyssa, flatly, and she turned to walk around the deep end and back to the studio, the way she came. "Wait a minute! HEY!" yelled Nina who began to chase after her. Star got up as well and began frantically searching for the safety stick or the rope, finding neither. "Where's the stick, Nyssa? What did you do with it?" yelled Star. "What did you do?" queries Nina as she catches up to Nyssa. Nina grabs Nyssa by her shoulders and spins her around, which makes Nyssa respond by punching her in the face. "I didn't do anything," replied Nyssa, "If you want to find out what Summer did, ask her ghost."

"You bitch!" yelled Nina and they begin to fight again. The fight carries them back to the bog where Star is still attempting a rescue using a branch she broke off a nearby tree. But it was obviously much too short to accomplish anything. "Help me rescue her! We have to get Summer out or she'll drown!" cries Star. "I have no intention of getting her out," replied Nyssa, "she was banging my boyfriend. She made a great final shoot, though. Pity." As Nyssa turns around to go back to the studio, Nina lunges at her with a banshee scream, intending to push Nyssa in. Instead, Nyssa nimbly steps out of the way and Nina's momentum carries her into the deep end of the pit, practically flying into it.

Nina's sink was FAR less calm than Summer's, and much quicker as a result. Thrashing and struggling and cursing, Nina was up to her breasts within seconds and continued to sink. Star took the branch she was trying to rescue Summer with but it was just too short to reach Nina. "Help me, please!" Nina screamed in terror. "Try to stop struggling. Maybe that can buy us some time," said Star. Nina attempted calming herself, but it was of little use except to slow her sink down. She was still losing ground. Star frantically resumed her search for a bigger branch, the safety stick, or the rope. "I can't stop it! I'm still sinking!" cried Nina as the mire reached her chin. Tilting her head back and managing to get one hand above the surface, she yelled "Quick! Find a rope or a vine! Help me! Helblbbbpt!" The mire had reached her mouth and her yelling was muffled by the mud. In seconds, her nose and eyes were submerged, leaving only the one hand.

Nyssa had obviously left some time earlier.

Star found the rope, but she tried tossing it to Nina, and it landed near her sinking hand but she couldn't grab it. "Grab the rope! Grab the rope!" screamed Star, but Nina was too far under to hear her. Star collapsed on the edge of the bog, sobbing. The bog had never claimed anyone before; now she just witnessed the deaths of two of her closest friends, and all because of a little bit of alleged infidelity on the part of one of them. She thought about confronting Nyssa one more time but thought better of it, and contemplated exactly what she should do, getting up and walking back to the shallow end of the pit to collect her and Nina's towels.

Suddenly, there was motion nearby at the point where the shallow end breaks into the deep end of the pit. A sloshing sound came from the bog, and then a head rose from the surface, covered in muck, slowly climbing the inclined bottom and into the shallow end. She was walking backwards as though pulling something. When her shoulders appeared, the white dress she was wearing revealed her identity. "Summer!" cried Star, and she jumped in to help her get up and out. She took one of Summer's hands and began to pull, and it became obvious that Summer was holding on to something with her other hand. It was the safety stick! And on the other end of the stick was a quicksand-covered Nina! They were both alive! "Oh thank God! Thank God!" said Star when she realized that everyone was ok. When everyone was safely to the edge of the shallow end, they collapsed in each other's arms and cried. After a bit, sitting on the edge of the pit, they began to discuss what happened. "What happened?" "How did you survive?" "Why were you in a trance?" "What was that about, anyway?" The questions came too quickly, so Summer shushed them and explained what happened.

"I came to from Nyssa's hypnosis and right away noticed I was all the way under. I thought for sure I was a goner. My lungs were burning and the pressure was incredible. But then I felt something on my arm. I grabbed it and it turned out to be the safety stick. Well, fat lot of good that would do me when I and the stick are both under the surface, but then the stick touched the bottom. So, I used the stick to push myself away from the bottom and toward what I thought was the shallow end. As I was doing that, I bumped into another person, who turned out to be Nina. I didn't know who it was but I knew what I had to do. Using the safety stick, we walked up the steep incline using the safety stick like a walking stick and we pulled ourselves out. You know the rest."

"But, we don't really know the rest," said Star. "How did Nyssa hypnotize you?"

"Yeah, and why did Nyssa do this?" asked Nina. "She said something about you banging her boyfriend." Summer was surprised at the question, and started laughing. "Nyssa's boyfriend? Ha! I was with her boyfriends BROTHER earlier! Now it all makes sense." "How so?" asked Nina.

"Brian, that's her boyfriend's brother's name, was visiting the set, and I seduced him. Nyssa must have seen us. When we were done, Nyssa caught up with me asking about doing a quick sink. I said 'sure!' and we went to the wardrobe. She picked out this dress for me and we were all excited about doing the video. Then she said 'let's do a death shoot'! and the next thing I know..." but Summer stopped. Star and Nina were both staring straight ahead, in a trance, expressionless and unmoving. Summer immediately figured out the hypnosis words. But she didn't know how to snap them out of it. She knew that if she waited long enough, they would snap out of it, but she had no idea how long that would be. Summer tried snapping her fingers in front of each of them, but this accomplished nothing. Summer then said, simply, "wake up!", and they did immediately.

They were both a bit disoriented but recovered quickly. Nina said "you mean all she had to say to hypnotize you was 'let's do a...'" but Summer clapped a hand on her mouth to stop her. "Don't say it out loud" said Summer. "We know now what happened. I don't remember walking here or getting in the quicksand or sinking. That's how good that hypnosis is. Now we just have to figure out what to do about it."

"I have an idea," said Star.

They began preparations: Star retrieved the rope and then hid in the woods near the bog. Nina helped Summer clean most of the mud off of Summer's dress and face, though not completely. Summer then left the opening to head back to the studio. Nina took the safety stick, climbed back into the shallow end of the pit, submerged, and came back up covered in mud, then sat down near the edge with only her head sticking out. Back at the studio, Summer spotted Nyssa having a cigarette on the steps. There was no one else around at the moment. So, Summer began dancing around the area in front of the main studio building, twirling and leaping around like a wood nymph. "What the hell?" said Nyssa under her breath. Summer danced back into the woods. Nyssa got up, a mix of scared and curious, and followed, but quickly lost track of Summer. A little further into the woods, Summer danced in front of Nyssa again, and then disappeared once more. Nyssa tried again to find what she thought was a ghost, and eventually entered the clearing where the bog was. She looked around but saw no one at first, and then spotted Nina's mud-covered head. Nina acted as though she were dead. Nyssa approached and bent down next to Nina, wiping some of the mud off her hair. "Oh, you poor girl. I never meant for you to get caught in the trap set for Summer. I don't know how you managed to get all the way up here but obviously I hid the safety stick well enough for..." Nina suddenly opens her eyes, pulls the stick out of the mire, and proclaims "you mean this thing?"

"Aaaaaugh!" screams Nyssa, suddenly terrified. She steps back on the solid ground, stammering "h-how did you find that?". Instead of Nina answering, Summer steps into view and calmly replies "she didn't. I did." "Yaaaaugh!!" Nyssa screams, almost hysterical. "You - you're supposed to be dead! I watched you die! I've got it on camera!" Summer replies, "well, obviously you didn't stick around long enough to see me find the stick... and Nina. Your little treachery didn't work!"

"MY treachery? You were fucking Bruce! Bruce is MY boyfriend, you bitch! You deserved what you got! You should be dead!" Nyssa retorted. "Really?" replied Summer, "I was fucking Brian, his brother, not Bruce. Who's the bitch now?" Star then came out of the woods, holding the rope. "I found the rope, too! Your plan was foiled" Nyssa started to stammer a reply but then Summer grabbed her by the shoulders, spun Nyssa around to face her and said "hey! let's do a death shoot!". Star and Nina put their hands over their ears just before she said it. It worked. Nyssa was staring straight ahead, expressionless and motionless, completely entranced. Star then took the rope and tied her hands together. Though she tied them in front of Nyssa, she made the knot so that there was no way it could be untied by Nyssa. Summer and Nina then walked her over to edge where Summer had stepped in earlier and Summer gave the command to "Stop". Summer then went over to the other side of the bog, and Star took the free end of the rope and tossed it over the thick branch overhanging it. Summer caught it and tied it to a tree. Nina then picked up the slack on the rope and pulled until Nyssa's hands were raised in the air. "Walk in", commanded Summer, and Nyssa did. She only sank to her ankles, though, as she was suspended above the pit by the rope held by Nina. Star joined the trio and helped Nina hold the rope. Summer nodded to them to lower Nyssa into the bog a few inches, then turned to the dangling Nyssa and said "wake up!"

Nyssa went into panic mode almost immediately. "No! NO! Let me go, please! I'll do whatever you want, just pull me out of here!" Instead, Star and Nina lowered her a few more inches, now bringing the mire up to her hips. Nyssa thrashed and struggled, but could do very little with her hands stretched above her head. Nyssa kept up the cursing and pleading as Summer walked over by the shallow end to retrieve the safety stick. "You tried to kill me today," said Summer, calmly. "You almost succeeded." Reaching the end exactly opposite the struggling Nyssa, Summer continued "but you didn't. You hid this stick in the mud so that there was no hope of rescue for me -"

"I know, I know, I know, and I'm sorry!" pleaded Nyssa. "Ok, ok, I thought you were banging Bruce but I was wrong. Get me out of here! Please! I'll do whatever you want! Help me, please!"

Summer then said "well, Nyssa, what I REALLY want you to do is die. Or, at least, almost die like I did. You're going to sink, Nyssa, and this time the stick is out here with me. What do you think of that?"

"NO-O-O! No! No! Please! PLEASE don't let me die! I'll do anything you want except that!" Summer then looked at Star and Nina, holding the rope, and nodded. They both let go of the rope, causing Nyssa to start sinking. Nyssa sank fairly quickly due to her thrashing, and it was up to her shoulders within a minute. Her arms were no longer above her head but she still couldn't do anything with them since they were tied together. She continued to plead and beg to be pulled back up, or have someone extend the safety stick. But just as she got up to her chin and was starting to tilt her head back, Summer took the safety stick and chucked it into the woods, making sure that Nyssa could see her do it. "NO-O-O-O!!!" Nyssa screamed as the mire covered her mouth. She tried to blub out a few more screams and curses but went completely under after a few seconds.

Summer then grabbed the rope and pulled until Nyssa's hands reappeared, and then kept on pulling until Nyssa was raised up enough for her whole head to be above the surface. Sputtering and spitting, she looked at Summer, Nina, and Star. "Please. Have mercy on me. Nina, I never meant to hurt you." "You tried to kill Summer!" replied Nina. "What are you going to do about that?" Nyssa replied "I- I don't know. What do you think I should do? I'll do anything! Just name it!"

"Well," said Summer, still holding the rope, "you could promise to turn yourself in to the police after we pull you out." Nyssa's expression changed from pleading terror to furious anger. "NEVER!" she spit back at Summer. Summer turned to her two friends and said "Ladies, please." Star and Nina stepped to the tree in back of Summer where the rope was tied, and undid the knot. Summer looked back at Nyssa and calmly said "wrong answer" and let go of the rope. Nyssa sunk a second, and final, time, with Nyssa pleading and cursing all the way. Summer, Nina, and Star watched from the side as the mire once again covered her mouth (muffling her screams), her nose, her eyes, and finally her hair and her hands went under. All that remained was the rope which was still visibly being pulled under with her. Star took the slack end of the rope, tossed it over the branch, so that the entire rope was either on or in the bog.

Star and Nina help Summer get out of the white dress, revealing that she's wearing only panties underneath. They head over to the shallow end and step in to enjoy the wallow... and each other.

The End.

What do y'all think? I know it's probably a bit too complicated for ClubMPV, but perhaps a scene like this could actually be done? I hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading!

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Duncan Edwards
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Re: A Tale Of Treachery

Postby Duncan Edwards » Sat Dec 02, 2023 3:09 am

You say you submitted it to MPV but it must have been years ago. Since we typically did everything in house it wouldn't be surprising if it was overlooked. Any idea how you submitted it? While it's flattering that you take such interest in the work MPV did, don't feel like you missed out on getting it produced. We were always happy to look at other's ideas but it's got to fit within the framework of what we usually did. This is more like a feature length soap-opera than the 10-15 minute stuff that we usually worked up right before we shot it. Definitely more elaborate than we did or anyone is likely to do in the future.
It's a dirty job but I got to do it for over 20 years. Thank you.

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Re: A Tale Of Treachery

Postby GTaggert » Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:00 am

Duncan Edwards wrote:You say you submitted it to MPV but it must have been years ago.

Actually it was only a little over a year ago. It's ok, and I kind of figured it was a bit more elaborate than anything they would have planned on producing. I've got other stories in mind, and I only just discovered quicksandfans recently, so maybe you'll see some more. And who knows? Maybe one of the models or actresses will read it and say, "hey, this sounds like fun!"

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