Trial and Execution II

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Trial and Execution II

Postby GTorborg77 » Fri Mar 22, 2024 12:56 am

This story is a sequel to Trial and Execution. Enjoy!

A lot had changed in the almost 10 years since Julia and Brittney were executed (“Trial and Execution”). Guns that were legal when Julia’s crime was committed had since been outlawed and confiscated in an effort to curb the murder rate. It worked at first, but then the murder rate bounced back and went on to exceed the old rate. As Megan sat with 3 other convicted murderers, all female, she pondered the fate she’d been expecting for the past several weeks. Her choice was made to take the same method of execution as “Brave Julia” did a decade before.

But it looked as though her choice wouldn’t have mattered. The other methods of execution were simply not there. Only the quicksand pit in which Brave Julia was executed a decade ago was set up and functional. The gallows’ rope was missing, and the pole to which Julia’s co-defendant Brittney was tied to take the arrow wasn’t there either. Executions were always public, and this was no exception, but Megan observed that there were quite a few more chairs set up compared to usual. Perhaps, thought Megan, it’s just because there are 4 of them today. Larger number of executions, larger audience.

Once the law was changed so that co-defendants didn’t have to choose a different method of execution, the already-growing trend, for women at least, to take the quicksand grew even more. Now, virtually all female condemned prisoners chose the quicksand, but it still puzzled Megan that the 4 of them hadn’t even been given the choice. Usually, you were asked about your choice at the time of execution, not beforehand. During her time on Death Row – another change since the “instant execution” of Brave Julia – Megan got to know the other prisoners but got no real indication that they were going to choose the quicksand to meet their dooms like she was.

Brave Julia had become a bit of a legend. She wasn’t the first to be executed by quicksand at this place, but her sink was notable for how she went down: no crying, no struggling, and a defiant orgasm just before her demise. That’s the way I want to go, thought Megan; not like some who pleaded and cried and struggled, attempting without success to escape or delay the inevitable. Today is the day I go out, she thought, enjoying one last orgasm in the mud.

And I’m going to make it a good one!

Megan was still a little nervous about her approaching death, now less than an hour away. She put on her bravest face, though, and noted the fact that the placard around her neck bore the number “4”. Presumably, she thought, that meant being able to watch the other 3, each wearing a number of their own. Knowing that she was going to be the last one to die today wasn’t particularly comforting. All of Megan’s appeals failed – as if there was a chance in Hell that any would succeed anyway. She was clearly guilty, and she knew it. She killed her cheating boyfriend by plunging a knife in his chest and got caught trying to dispose of his body. The prisoners numbered 1 and 3, named Kerri and Maggie, had similar stories. Prisoner #2 had only recently been sentenced and Megan didn’t know her or her name.

One thing that didn’t change was that the judge also acted as the host of the ceremony at the execution. Megan watched as the judge arrived… along with 4 shirtless men. Each of the men were carrying a couple of folding chairs, which they set up a short distance away from the 4 condemned prisoners. The judge assisted as the setup, and when they were almost done, they were joined by 4 women wearing thin, almost see-through, sundresses. Everyone except the judge sat down, pairing up as couples. No one said anything. Megan’s nervousness got a little worse as she speculated about the purpose of these 4 couples.

The judge then motioned at someone behind Megan and the other 3. Two of the guards then came up, bringing a full-size box spring and mattress. These were set up on an area between the prisoners and the couples. The mattress was fitted with sheets and blankets. The bed, the quicksand pit, and everything else was laid out such that the audience had a clear view of the entire spectacle. That, thought Megan, must be why there’s such a large audience today compared to normal: they were going to turn this set of executions into some kind of sex show. Exactly how it was going to play out was still a mystery, but Megan didn’t like what she saw one damn bit.

“Good afternoon, everyone,” the judge announced, gleefully. “Today, we’re scheduled to put to death these 4 murderesses in the quicksand pit before me. Each of them has been convicted by a jury and condemned to die. Each has lost any appeals, and so face execution today.

“However,” he continued, “I have been granted special authority to grant mercy to one or more of them. Today, each of them will not only be given the chance to earn a stay of execution, but have their sentences commuted, and go free today. I have no idea if, today, we’ll be releasing none of them, 1 of them, or 2 or 3 or all 4 of them, but instead of just marching Kerri, Sandy, Maggie, and Megan down to the pit to sink and drown, we’ll have each of them perform an act of public sex.”

And there it is, thought Megan. Instead of just executing us, we’re going to be humiliated in a demeaning, embarrassing sex spectacle. She knew number 2’s name now.

“Each prisoner,” continued the judge, “will select one couple from this group,” indicating the 4 men and women. “The prisoner will perform oral sex on the woman while the man has sex with her from behind, doggystyle. The goal for each prisoner is to bring her female partner to orgasm before the man brings her to one.”

Megan groaned at the thought of having a public threesome. On top of that, she knew from talking with Kerri and Maggie that they had never had sex with a woman before. Megan had, but it was a onetime experiment, a long time ago.

“…if the prisoner can bring their female partner to orgasm before having one herself, she will be released from prison today with her sentence commuted. However, if the prisoner reaches climax before the woman does, she will be taken to the quicksand pit and executed.”

“What if he comes in me before either of us have an orgasm?” asked Megan.

Rather than punishing her for the outburst, the judge chose to answer the question normally. “Then another man chosen at random will take his place and continue having sex with you.”

The judge faced the audience again and continued, “With those rules in place, let’s now see who, if anyone, is getting released today. Guards! Let’s start with #1.”

Kerri was forced to her feet by a guard and led to the mattress by the judge. The judge then helped the guard strip her jumpsuit off. She wore no bra, but she did have panties on; these, too, were removed, leaving her completely naked. The judge then told her “Choose one of the couples.”

“D-do I have to? I’ve never had sex with a woman before.”

“Well,” replied the judge, “you’ll just have to learn very quickly. Yes, you must choose.”

Kerri hesitated for a moment and then nervously pointed to the couple closest to her. They stood up; the man removed his pants, the woman went directly to the mattress and laid on her back, pulling up her sundress to reveal that she was wearing no underwear. Kerri and her sex partners assumed their positions as a threesome. Kerri waited until the man had entered her to dive in between the legs of the woman she needed to satisfy. The woman smiled with pleasure even though Kerri had admitted her inexperience. But less than a minute into their sex, Kerri began moaning loudly. She lifted her head from between the woman’s legs and cried out in a rather obvious orgasm. She didn’t hold back; she knew she was done for because she came first but came and came with the knowledge that she would have been killed today anyway. The judge, standing nearby, pushed a button on a remote, which made a loud buzzer sound, indicating the end of the sex. The man withdrew from her, and Kerri was grabbed by her arms and led to the edge of the quicksand pit. Her hands were tied in front of her instead of being brought to her sides like Brave Julia. Another rope was then clipped to the rope binding her hands, that would be used to pull her body out afterwards. The guard holding that rope then walked over to the other side of the pit, facing Kerri.

The judge stepped next to her and intoned, “Kerri, you have been convicted of murder and condemned to death by a jury of your peers. You will now be pulled into a pit of quicksand from which you will not escape alive. You will sink until you are submerged, and you will drown. Do you have any last words?”

Kerri was silent for a moment. “No,” she said finally. The guard then pulled on the rope and she fell into the quicksand. The plunge left her almost breast-deep in the mud. She was facing the audience as they watched in fascination while she sank. She began to cry as she squirmed and struggled but didn’t say anything as the mud reached her shoulders, then her neck, then her chin. She tilted her head back to gain a few more seconds of life. The mud climbed her face, which became open sobbing as she closed her eyes just before the mud overtook them. Her mouth and nose quickly followed, and she submerged. With just her hair above the surface, the audience watched as this, too, was pulled under; then, all that remained above the surface was the rope clasped to her tied hands. The guards and the judge watched for a few seconds until a couple of large bubbles surfaced near the rope, indicating that she had given up her last breath. They decided to wait one more minute to make sure.

While they waited, the judge walked back to the bed and met with the woman that Kerri was forced to have sex with. “Before we complete Kerri’s execution, I want to know if she was actually any good with her tongue.”

“She was actually really good,” she said into the mic. “If she could have held out for a few more seconds, I would have come, and she would be alive right now.”

The audience applauded as she gave the mic back to the judge, and the judge turned to see two guards pulling on the rope, lifting her slowly out of the quicksand pit and dragging her onto solid ground. A doctor knelt next to her body and took out a stethoscope, listening for a pulse, but there was none. Kerri was dead, her execution complete. Her restraints were removed, and her naked body was placed on a stretcher.

Meanwhile, the judge indicated to the guard next to Sandy that it was her turn. Like with Kerri, the prisoner was stripped naked next to the mattress. Unlike Kerri, Sandy wasn’t wearing any underwear at all. The judge then asked her, “Choose one of the remaining couples.” Sandy made her selection, looking as though she was enthusiastic about getting on with the public sex.

As everyone was getting into their positions, the judge asked her, “Sandy, have you ever had sex with a woman before?”

In response, Sandy suddenly jumped up from her hands and knees position, and shouted, “No! And I’m not going to, either!”, and bolted for the quicksand pit. Someone in the audience shouted, “she’s trying to escape!” but no one tried to stop her. Even the judge held the only guard close enough to stop her back. Sandy didn’t even slow down as she leapt into the quicksand, nearly submerging on the initial plunge.
Sandy buoyed up slightly in the mire, facing the audience like Kerri was, but without her hands being tied or any means of removing her body afterwards. “You bastards are not going to take my dignity before you take my life!” she shouted. Sandy then lifted her hands above the mud just as the quicksand had climbed above her breasts. She motioned to a guard holding a rope to throw it to her, which he did. As best she could, she tied her hands together in front of her. “There,” she said defiantly, “you can pull me out after I die. You’ll have your damn execution.” She began to pant slightly, as the quicksand was giving her obvious pleasure. “And I’ll have my own damn orgasm here in the pit, if you don’t mind.”

The judge walked calmly to the edge of the quicksand and walked around to the audience side to face her. “Sorry,” he said to her first, “I have to say this.” Then, after a pause, he said more loudly, “Sandy, you have been convicted of murder and condemned to death by a jury of your peers. You will now be pushed…” He stopped, since she was already in the pit, sinking, and corrected himself. “… you will be in this pit of quicksand from which you will not escape alive. You will sink until you are submerged, and you will drown. Do you have any last words?”

“Yeah,” she said, smiling, “Go fuck yourself!”

The audience laughed, and the judge said nothing in reply. He walked over to one side of the quicksand pit so as not to block anyone’s view of Sandy’s sinking. It took about the same amount of time for her to sink as Kerri. Instead of crying, Sandy’s descent was filled with panting and moaning as one orgasm after another hit her. Her sex partners were both turned on by Sandy’s pleasure, and masturbated on the mattress as they watched. As the mud reached Sandy’s chin, she threw her head back and shouted “Yes! Yes! Oh God Yes!” Second later, the mud covered her ears and climbed her face. She tried saying something just as her mouth was covered, but all anyone heard was a loud blub-blub. Then she was completely under. Like with Kerri, they waited until bubbles appeared, and then another minute just for good measure. The judge gave no post-sex interview, as there was no sex scene. Sandy went out on her own terms, going down in the mire but not going down on the woman on the bed. After a minute, the guards pulled on the rope, which was sufficiently well tied to hold her, bringing her out of the pit hands-first. She was pronounced dead, and Sandy’s execution was complete.

Two down, two to go. Megan looked at Maggie sitting next to her, wondering if either of them would, in fact, survive the day. “You gonna try the same thing?” asked Megan.

“No,” answered Maggie. “I know that this is execution day, but if there’s any chance at all that I might survive this, I’m gonna try.”

“But you’ve never had sex with a woman, have you?”

“No,” Maggie replied. “But I have an idea that might help me.”

“And what’s that?” asked Megan, but there wasn’t a chance for an answer. Maggie was led to the mattress and stripped, just like Kerri and Sandy. When the judge asked her to make her choices of a couple, she chose the same couple that Sandy chose. The judge pointed out that this was a valid choice, since they didn’t have sex with Sandy, and were therefore eligible. The judge asked Maggie if she had ever performed oral sex on a woman, and she answered “no” just as she told Megan.

Maggie got down to business quickly, pushing her face into her female partner’s womanhood, and vigorously going after her sensitive parts, even before the man had penetrated her. The audience anxiously watched the threesome, and the 3 of them went at it with enthusiasm. Megan watched as all 3 were moaning with pleasure, though none had gone over the top. Megan thought the choice of the same two people as Sandy chose was rather curious, but then it dawned on her what Maggie’s strategy was. Though still “fresh,” both the man and the woman had been masturbating during Sandy’s sink, which means that the woman, at least, was closer to her climax.

The threesome went on for a minute, then two. Suddenly, Maggie’s partner threw her head back and began yelling “Yes! Yes!” She was practically screaming in ecstasy when both Maggie and the man thrusting into her came as well. But there was no doubt in anyone’s mind: the woman came first, and that was enough to set Maggie free.

The audience appreciated this as much as they appreciated the quicksand executions. Their bloodlust turned to ordinary lust as the 3 exhausted lovers collapsed on the bed. Maggie reached her hand up as the judge approached, and he lifted her up to a sitting position. The audience cheered as she got to her feet. “You did it, Maggie!” said the judge. “And by the rules I set out, you are now a free woman. How does that feel?”

Maggie, still winded from the sex, said “I’m so glad! I can’t believe I was able to bring a woman to climax. But I did it!!” The audience applauded.

The judge said “Maggie, you can go with this gentleman and fill out the paperwork for your release, and then you may go. Your crime is still on the record, but your sentence has been commuted.”

Maggie, still naked as the judge was pronouncing her commutation, smiled, and said, “Ok, but can I at least get my clothes back on first?”

That brought a few laughs from the audience, as the man who had sex with Maggie handed her clothes to her. She put on only her panties and shirt, as she was quickly led away to finish the process of going free. Good for her, Megan thought, as Maggie enjoyed an entirely different kind of happy ending to her ordeal today. Like the judge had said, this would have normally been just a day of execution for all 4 of them. And now, it was her turn.

Megan stood and was led to the mattress. This time, the judge said “well, Megan, you get an unexpected opportunity today. If it weren’t for Sandy and Maggie choosing the same partners, you would be left with no choice for yours. Now, you have one. You may now choose one of the two remaining couples.”

Megan looked them over and thought about her selection. There was no obvious strategy for her, like there was for Maggie. “Can I see the men’s penises, first?” she asked. The judge nodded his assent, and the 2 men stood and dropped their pants. To Megan’s disappointment, they appeared to have penises of about the same, medium size. She thought perhaps choosing the one with a smaller dick would make it less likely to satisfy her, giving her more time to satisfy her female partner. She chose the couple closer to her. Megan thought, well, I guess I’ll be dying soon anyway. I really don’t think this is going to make any difference.

It didn’t. Megan got on her hands and knees and started performing oral sex on the woman as the man entered her from behind. The woman moaned with pleasure, and Megan thought she felt some telltale tensing of her thigh muscles, but she didn’t cry out or make any other signs of an orgasm. Then, like Kerri much earlier, Megan’s pleasure got the best of her, and she came loudly. That’s it, thought Megan, it’s about to be time to get it over with.

The buzzer sounded indicating the end of the sex. The man behind her withdrew, and Megan was stood up. One guard led her to the edge of the quicksand. Once there, another guard tied her hands in front of her, and clipped another rope to her restraint, just like Kerri.

At the edge of the pit, the judge stood nearby and began his official speech. “Megan, you have been convicted of murder and condemned to death by a jury of your peers. You will now be pushed into a pit of quicksand from which you will not escape alive. You will sink until you are submerged, and you will drown. Do you have any last words?”

“Yes,” Megan said, icily. “Making us have public sex before our executions, even with your promise of release if we succeed, is demeaning and cruel. Sandy was right to sabotage hers to just take the quicksand. We should have each been given that op-”… but she didn’t get the words out any more, as she was pulled, harshly, into the quicksand to begin her sink. Once in the mud, Megan was silent. She made her decision earlier to go down like Brave Julia did, without even displaying an orgasm until near the end. The mud aroused her plenty, but she dared not give her executioners the pleasure of seeing it. As the mud climbed her body, she faced the audience, letting them take in her slim body. Bolt upright, she made eye contact with multiple members of the audience. She heard the voices of the judge and the woman she had sex with behind her, presumably the same kind of post-sex interview as they did after Kerri sank, but she couldn’t make out exactly what they were saying. Obviously, they weren’t going to wait for her to go under before doing the interview.

Meanwhile, the mud reached her chin, and Megan didn’t tilt her head back. She stared straight ahead as the mud reached her mouth, nose, and eyes and ears. Megan could feel her forehead sink under, so she knew when all that was left on the surface was her hair. She decided not to wait to release the breath she was holding; what was the point? With her breath gone, she could feel the descent continuing as her consciousness began to fade. She was about to make the fatal inhalation, drawing the mud into her mouth, throat, and lungs, when she noticed that the rope attached to her hands was being pulled up. Obviously, they weren’t going to wait the extra minute to make sure she was dead before pulling her out.

The pull was quick and strong, and she felt her hands break the surface before anything else. Now desperate for breath but puzzled as to why she was being pulled out so quickly, her thoughts turned to Kerri and Sandy, who both died in this very spot less than an hour earlier. She had very little time to think about them, though, as her head and shoulders and then the rest of her body emerged from the quicksand. She took a deep breath which caused the mud on her lips to get in her mouth. She spat, and then felt the hands of someone wiping her face off. When her ears were uncovered, she heard the audience applauding, and turned around to see the crowd on their feet. The judge and the woman that she was forced to have sex with were standing nearby as well. Her female sex partner was holding the microphone.

“Megan, honey, you did it! I told the judge that you did bring me to an orgasm very quickly. But I couldn’t get his attention while he was getting you into the quicksand.” She paused for a moment and then concluded, “I’m sorry you had to almost die.”

“I’m sorry too, Megan,” added the judge. “But that means you are now a free woman. You can go with this gentleman and fill out the paperwork for your release, and then you may go. Your crime is still on the record, but your sentence has been commuted.” He looked at Megan’s naked but mud-caked body and added “You’ll probably want to get cleaned up, first.”

Standing naked before them and the audience didn’t faze Megan. She was relieved to have lived, though her future was uncertain. As she started walking towards the prison building to get cleaned up and dressed, she said “I’d like one request before I go.”

“Name it,” said the judge.

“She goes with me,” replied Megan, pointing to the woman she ate, “and she gets to clean me up… in private.”

The woman smiled and walked up to Megan. “You’ve got a deal,” she said as they joined hands. “I’m Kelsey, by the way.” They continued on their way until they entered the building. The judge dismissed the crowd. The vehicle carrying Kerri’s and Sandy’s bodies departed to go to the coroners. The men removed the mattress on the stage and the women, except for Kelsey, went inside to change back into their regular clothes. The execution station was closed for the day to await the next prisoner or group of prisoners.

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Re: Trial and Execution II

Postby Drgb988 » Sat Mar 23, 2024 12:16 am

"If" i were ever convicted of an offense, this is Definitely what i would choose. Even better if it was me and a female con sharing the same sentencing.

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